OK, give me the good/bad/ugly on band to sleeve

Dev *.
on 12/12/12 1:30 am - Austin, TX

Over a year ago, I had a small unfill because it was found at a band check-up that my esophagus was mildly dilated. My surgeon wanted to lower the pressure and decrease the ability of food to back up on top opf my band. After that I got pregnant, so it's been a bit over a year now since that unfill and I just had a new upper GI done today. The doctor hasn't called, but I could see on the screen that it still appears to be dilated. The only time I had any restriction in this last year was during the last month or so of my pregnancy, when there was simply NO MORE ROOM in my abdomen for food or anything else. I had an 8lb 6oz baby.


Things went great during my pregnancy, I only gained about 20 lbs and was back at my pre-pregnancy weight in about a week. Not that that was easy, I basically dieted my way through my pregnancy and kept up my habit of taking only the stairs at work (I try to do a minimum of 20 floor UP every day****il about the last week of pregnancy, plus I had the baby helping me burn a few extra calories. However, since then, with no restriction, I have gained back my pregnancy weight WHILE NURSING. So. Unfair.


I don't have any illusions that might let me think that I could have my band out and maintain my weight, so I know I am going to need to look at what my next step might be. I'm not mad, as I always made the assumption from the very beginning that, as no WLS has a guarantee of eternal success, possibly needing additional WLS would be a part of my future. I'm nearing 7 years with my band, which isn't half bad. Anyway, my philosophy is "do the least first", so I'm inclined to look at the sleeve rather than RNY or DS (I'd like to keep one of those in my back pocket, so to speak).


So, band to sleeve revision folks: Did any of you have esophageal dilation and how did it behave after the sleeve? Was it somewhat easy to lose what you regained/failed to lose with your band once you had the sleeve? How easy has it been to control the acid reflux that I have heard can be a real problem after the sleeve?


Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

on 12/12/12 2:52 pm - Vancouver, WA

Well if you don't get any responses here try the sleeve forum they are very nice folks and quite helpful. I hope to one day get the sleeve once I can get on medi care, I don't want malabsorbtion so only interested in the sleeve. From everyone I've read about they say it works like we were told the band would but didn't. Also as far as reflux it seems to be a crap shoot some get it and others have their GERD resolved when they get the sleeve! One usually has it for awhile at first anyway because the stomach is still churning out enough for a whole stomach when there is much less stomach so it ends up being too much. Often though it settles down after awhile. Good luck Dev!

Dev *.
on 12/12/12 11:56 pm - Austin, TX

Thanks! I'll have to check over there. For the most part, my band worked pretty well, I think I've just reached a bit of an impasse with it! Haven't heard from the surgeon yet though - I didn't have my previous upper GI to look at to see if it has improved at all.


Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

on 12/15/12 12:42 pm - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12

Hi Dev,

I lost my band in August of this year. In my case my band had been just great, I loved it and though I had gained a little from careless eating it wasn't a lot. In April everything was getting stuck, they did an unfill, and we waited. I kept getting stuck even though I didn't have any fluid in the thing. I decided on the sleeve because I cannot have a malabsorptive procedure. During surgery my surgeon didn't find any damage or scar tissue from the band so we think it was just my body trying to reject it.

My recovery was not easy due to massive swelling from removing the band. Not everyone has that in fact most *****vise don't. My progress was very slow for quite a while but I am doing well now.

Some differences between the band and the sleeve:

My restriction is much greater than with my band. My sleeve is small and the portion of the stomach they use does not stretch as well as other parts. That is a good thing. I can eat tiny amounts of food where with my band I was able to eat 4 oz. of dense protein and a few veggies.

I don't have much hunger, some but not a lot. Jean M. says she has ferocious hunger all the time yet can't eat enough to keep it at bay. Not every one with the sleeve gets the relief from hunger.

Jean and I both have dumping syndrome. We didn't know it is possible with a sleeve but it is. Mine is when I get too much sugar, as I can tolerate smaller amounts. Jean cannot tolerate any.

The progression of foods is slower than with the band.

I am still supplementing with protein shakes, etc. because there is no way I can get in enough food to get my minimum that way. My surgeon tells me that it isn't abnormal. He also assures me that by 6 months I should be able to handle dense protein like meat. I can eat fish, a bit of very tender chicken, 3 or 4 bites of pork(carefully) but have not been able to do beef yet. Some fruits are still difficult. An orange takes me the better share of the day.

I lost 25 pounds after surgery. I am trying to maintain because I am 10 pounds lower than my band goal. It has been hard to do. If I just eat the right things plus the shakes I can only get in about 800 or so calories, maximum, and that is after all this time. I need to get to 1200 calories soon. I cannot afford to lose anymore at my age. I am skinny but look older and a bit gaunt. At your age you shouldn't have that.

Trixie (I love beagles) had her band removed on Thurs. and revised to DS. She is doing well. I always mention the problems because both Jean and I went in thinking it was a quick in and out (it was for her), a little healing then back to normal. Ummmmm....NO! Some do so well it is as if it was just band surgery. It is honestly a much bigger deal and if you are aware of it you won't be caught by surprise. I just hate anyone going into any surgery without knowing what can, not will, happen. There is no perfect wls and all have pros and cons. If you have to have your band removed just choose the surgery you know you can live with forever 'cause there aren't any do overs.

Good luck,Sue




Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Dev *.
on 12/19/12 1:48 am - Austin, TX

Well, there's a reason it doesn't say MD after my name! Apparently I can't read my own upper GI, the doc says it is normal, not dilated. We're giving it another shot; he let me have a fill and I follow up in 3 months. There is a high change of the dilation recurring, in which case we would likely need to start talking revision, but for now things aren't as bad as I assumed they were!



Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

on 12/19/12 10:48 am - Salem, OR

Hi Dev, I am glad you don't need the revision after-all, but really grateful for your original post.  My band is not doing well and I am just starting to research my options after meeting with my surgeon this afternoon for my 3 year followup.  Take care!

Highest 298; Pre-op: 279; PreOp BMI 41.  CW: 188 & Current BMI: 30!!!!! Thank you Lord for Dr Nair!!!
1st Goal 248;  2nd Goal 230 met!!!! 7/2010;  3rd Goal 215 - met 9/18/10!!!; 4th Goal 200 - 12/20/2010...  Surgeons goal met - I'd like to lose a litte more.  
(deactivated member)
on 12/23/12 11:13 am

Hi --


Congrats on your baby! I remember enjoying your posts on the band board while I was newly banded. I had  the band taken out and a DS revision on Dec 13th. I started having band problems at about 18 months out -- things would improve for a while and then go downhill again. I thought about doing just the sleeve and really had to think it over very long and hard before going with the DS. Even when the band wasn't causing me any problems, my weightloss with the band was less than stellar. I realized that to get to a good healthy weight I needed the malabsorption factor and I really liked the sleeve stomach better than the RNY pouch. So that meant a DS for me.

It was about a 6hr surgery and seriously I was totally floored that I am having a much easier recovery from this surgery than the initial band surgery. Weightloss  is awesome as well and I'm not even 2 weeks out yet. Hard to wrap my mind around it.

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