on 12/1/12 3:47 pm
Revision on 01/23/13

Hi Everyone,

I had my upper GI/Barium Swallow, it showed my bandhas slipped. No erosion yet-Thank God. But my large hiatal hernia is back with a vengeance the report says moderate to marked spontaneous gastro esophageal reflux that was poorly cleared from the masses or strictures either. The radiologist told me "you need to get this out before erosion starts not only in your stomach but your esophagus.


 So I knew something was not right with my band, for months now. I had an upper GI in April which showed nothing but I felt the gnawing pain and tenderness. I've had on and off flank pain, reflux, a tender port but no fever. just painful to palpation. No one will access my port to remove fluid.

  So I then went to my surgical consult in Chicago. I was told that he did not recommend removing any fluid prior to surgery, just leave it alone because at this point with my scar tissue it could cause mu stomach to buckle and cave in/ erosion etc. He told me to eat carefully, never to full and be cautious and have it out before it becomes an emergency. Sheesh. I want a revision but now it all has to happen soon than I was thinking. I could not afford his surgical fees in any realm whatsoever. I was shocked at how much. No way can I do it there, which is unfortunate as I have great confidence in him. So I will call a few local surgeons I know of here in MI and start from square one but at least I have a copy of my report and a cd of the barium swallow and upper gi.

 Would like to do it before the end of the year as my insurance starts a big fat co-insurance 1/1/13. Fingers and toes crossed for me please and in you have any recommendations in MI, please let me know.

 Thanks for listening/reading. I'm little shell shocked this has to go down so soon.


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