Rny -> Lap Band. Feeling like a hot air balloon at night.

Spacely StarKiller
on 11/22/12 2:46 pm - Montreal, Canada

Hey... I have an odd question. I've been having some pain in my lower back, more so at night. And feeling... like an inflated balloon. Like I could swear my whole torso is filled with air. ...but really, just at night.

I don't know if its common, or if I'm just the star of my own little freak show. heh.

I'm 3 1.2 weeks out.


Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

on 11/23/12 7:54 am - Vancouver, WA

It may just be air, I never realized how much air I swallowed until I got my band! Now when I feel like that I use a Gas-x to relieve the pressure. You probably do it all day so by nite time it's starting to hurt worse. Try slowing down when you eat and be more concious of swallowing air.

Spacely StarKiller
on 11/23/12 1:13 pm - Montreal, Canada

Hey there!

Today, for the first time in my life I pound gas-x lol. It actually helped, which I'm relieved about - because when you feel like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory... it's a little scary when you don't know what to do. So I think that you're right, and I might be inhaling a lot of air. It's weird the little things like that, that we don't realize before the band. It's like we took it for granted.

I kind of feel like I'm learning how to feed a new born baby or something. How they get all grumpy when they get gassy after eating? Have to eat slow and all that. I guess next time I see an upset gassy baby I will be really sympathetic.

Thanks for the response and advice!


Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

on 12/9/12 5:59 am - Huntsville, AL
Revision on 04/29/13

Hi again, HisLady!!! 

Began journey in 2007 at 312, had Lap band 2008, lost 40 pre-op then 24 post op, regained to 319.  Lost 39# on my own, then revised to VSG 4/29/13 @ 280.


on 11/24/12 5:02 am - New York, NY

Hey, I have a BOB too and my first surgery, the RNY, was Open so the whole "air" and "gas" was new to me. I'd say if it continues you should speak to your doctor bc I recall feeling that way for the 1st week, but, not much after that?  I also had a hernia repair too and my gassy/air discomfort only lasted a week.  Why not email your doctor and ask his/her advice.  


Good Luck, use BOBsters need to stick together.

Spacely StarKiller
on 11/24/12 12:55 pm - Montreal, Canada

I'm seeing my doctor relatively soon. I don't have his email, and its complicated trying to speak to the secretaries at the office... language barrier. Here in Québec, it's a little difficult. I spoke to the nurse/nutritionist since.... but right now there is a big movement to speak only French in the medical field. (lol... it's complicated)

My doctor is completely billingual - and I'm going to be asking him if I can be referred to a different hospital/nutrition that cater to the Anglo community. Because when I tried to discuss this with the nurse when she called to check up.... at first we spoke in French and I was confused, loss of words. When she didn't understand the word "pain" because I forgot the French word... I figured it was pointless to continue a conversation. My French, I'm improving, but when its a subject that you don't know the words for- such as medical terms and the fact that this is a revision... it's hard to explain...

A frustrating situation, but its much better now that I'm being more careful about swallowing air and have taken some gas x when its bad. I'm glad that I'm not the only one to experience these weird gassy feelings ! I feel like an alien in my body at the moment!

You sound like you're doing so well! An inspiration :D Thanks for your response :)


Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

on 11/25/12 2:41 am

you are very early out PO, let your dr know, you should feel better in a couple weeks...

Spacely StarKiller
on 11/25/12 5:14 am - Montreal, Canada

I'm starting to. It's just a weird sensation to get reacquainted with your own body. Merci!

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

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