Band Troubles

Stephanie M.
on 11/14/12 12:53 am

I copied and pasted from my blog:


I realized today that I haven't documented here, the progression of my band troubles.  This is due to the fact that over the last 18 months, we've been dealing with my FIL's health issues, his death and cleaning out, remodeling and renting his house out.  We were very busy to say the least and I didn't come here much at here goes.
May/Jul 2011-started being awakened at night by this intense pain in my upper mid abdomen that radiated to my neck, shoulders, back and jaw.  It happened infrequently and we were away from home, so I ignored it.  It was relieved within a few minutes by cha
 Since I'm in Maui and working on iPad, can't do too much in one post.
December 2011-April 2012. During this entire time I was in San Jose Ca dealing with the estate and remodel.  My symptoms were progressing and I began to have heart palpitations.  My blood pressure rose too.  Again, attributed to the stress of being away from my family, home, etc, even tho I was with other family, friends and in my second home.  Anticipating letting go, supporting my husband and his brother WAS stressful, but willingly done out of love.

September 2011-as these attacks became more frequent, happening during the day and lasting longer, I became a bit alarmed.i scheduled an appointment with my PA for October 4.  In the meantime, in late September, I started having upper right quadrant pain, lasting for several hours and increasing intensity.  When I saw the PA, she immediately called the surgeon in and he scheduled an abdominal ultrasound for later in the week, + an Esophogram to rule out band trouble.  The Esophogram was good, though the radiologist did note slowed esophogeal emptying.  The ultrasound was positive for gallstones, I was scheduled for surgery on Oct 18, 2011, which was uneventful, easy compared to banding/HH repair.  I thought this was the end of my problems, until early December when the pain, PBs and food difficulties returned.  Since my FIL had just passed, I attributed this to stress.

As the months went on my symptoms continued.  I started having the nighttime pain during the day, palpitations, severe heartburn.  I was surviving on "slider" foods just to get by.  We had a huge project to complete and I just wanted to get it done, go home and live my life, so I did whatever I needed to do to survive for 6 months, all the while concerned that something was very wrong.

We got home late in late April...I immediately saw my PCP since I was having palpitations constantly.  He referred me to the cardiologist who ran me through a slew of tests and determined that my elevated hbp was causing the irregular heartbeats, changed my meds and sent me of to my bariatric surgeon to figure out what was going on.

I had an esophogram, which showed almost no fluid passing through my stoma, despite having only 3.5 cc of saline in my 11 cc Realize C band.  My PA told me that we need to remove all fluid from the band and she did so immediately.  This was followed by another barium swallow, during which she had me swallow a pill (about 10mm) which she said should pass through a band that is at optimal fill (about 3/8 inch stoma size).  It just sat there above my band...

I was sent home on liquids for 2 days with a progression to solids over the next several days.  For about 3 weeks I continued to have the same symptoms, but then they gradually subsided.  I went back for another esophogram 5 weeks post unfill and barium flowed through slowly.  Also, striations were noted above and below the band indicating my stomach was gathered up inside my band.  Slow emptying of the esophagus was indicated, and I told my PA that this was similar to the findings prior to my gallbladder surgery 8 months earlier.  She said it wasn't "terrible" but it was a good thing we emptied the band.  She said I could try a small fill, but she didn't recommend it.  I passed.

November 14 2012

Since then, it feels like I have more fill than it felt after my second fill...I'm tight.  I want to keep my band, but realize that it may not be possible.  I still measure my food, follow all band rules and have lost about 12-15 lb since my unfill in June.  Strangely, when we went to Maui for 2 weeks last month, my symptoms were completely resolved.  When we got home they gradually came back. 




  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 11/14/12 11:27 am - Davison, MI

WOW Steph!  Thanks for sharing the whole story with us.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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