Woot!! The appeal worked!!!
BCBS overturned the denial and approved my lapband removal and revision to RNY!!!!
Don't be afraid to appeal!!!
Now I am trying to get a date, unfortunately we are too darn close to the holidays to take off work - so it looks like I am in for some more waiting.
That is so awesome Sherrie! I am so happy for you! Hopefully we both will have a great start to 2013!!!!! Keep us updated on your date!!!!)
Thank you ;-) I am scheduled for February 6, 2013. I could not take time off from work at the Holidays, which is our busy season and I had a trip to Mexico planned in the middle of January - so we decided best to clear the schedule and go for February. I am anxious to start this journey, but at the same time I know that waiting was the smartest decision.
I would like to have a revision weight loss surgery. I have BCBS of Illinois. I was wondering if you could provide a copy of the letter you sent to the insurance company to appeal the denial. Also, how did you prove that you were compliant with the prescribed diet or nutrition plan. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks a lot and congrats!!!!!