Lap Band 8 Years ago and Frustrated, Need Revision
I had the band for 10 years and did well with it initially. However, over the past few years I had soooooooooooooo many problems - major acid reflux, esophageal dilation, severe anemia, hiatal hernia, and poor quality of life overall - I couldn't eat,sleep, etc due to the acid reflux.
In the latter part of 2011 my life with the band was a living hell. I was in so much pain from the reflux!! I finally had the alien invader removed in January 2012 and did not convert to the sleeve or another procedure at the time.
Now that I've been "bandless" for about 10 months and am feeling depressed and desperate due to weight gain. NONE of my seasonal clothes from last year fit, except for those with elastic waistbands. I feel like a total failure.
Am considering having the VSG procedure but am concerned about altering my anatomy like that - am concerned about the long-term health consequences of altering my stomach that way.
Does anyone nknow of long-term studies for this surgery?