Lap Band 8 Years ago and Frustrated, Need Revision

on 9/20/12 12:57 pm - Far Rockaway, NY
Hello Everyone over 8 years ago I had Lap band surgery by Dr. Marc Bessler in NYC.  I started out at 277 lbs and currently I'm 225.  This band has worked for me for a few years, and I was able to get down to 185 lbs.  As you once your doctor no longer accepts your insurance you have to go else where to do follow up and get adjustment.  That was a task in it self.  So over the last few years my insurance has changed a few times and I had to see at least two different doctors so far.  The problem I'm having with my band is any time i get an adjustment, it causes dilation of the esophagus and I have to have my band emptied out. This has happen  twice already.  I believe my band can hold up to about 10cc but i have been only able to get about 1.5 cc no more then that due to my previous issues.  I have experience acid reflux and pain around the port area.

I gave up on my band and just working out at the gym almost 7 days a week to achieve my weight goal. This is how I've been maintaining my weight, but of course my weight is slowing starting to come back. Every time I go for a refill its always that fear that I'm going to have the dilation of the esophagus again. So I have started my research on revision surgery. The only problem i have been running into is that once you have surgery its so hard trying to find another doctor that will accept your insurance or willing to accept you as their patient. It becoming so frustrating at time, because I have no control over when my job decides to change insurance carriers or worse I lose my coverage altogether.

Now that i have Fedelis, NY (Family Health Plus) I'm going to try my luck with them to see if I can get approved for revision surgery. I approached my former doctor Dr. Ajay Chropa regarding revision surgery almost 3 years ago, and he decided that was not the best thing. I shake my head, because I allowed him to talk me out of it when I should have just did it back then. Here its is 3 years later and I'm still having the same issues, but this time I'm going to do something about it. I was recommended to Dr. Syed Imana Ahmed. I met with him on 09/20/2012 which is today and we had a long discussion regarding my history with the Lap Band.

I walked in his office for the first time and was prepared. I had all my medical records from my previous doctors and after viewing the records he and I both agreed that it's time to remove my band; because its no longer working for me. He will met with his team to discuss what option we should take. I'm thinking of the DS or the sleeve ...Any suggestion? My next appointment is about a month away and I have to get a copy of my last upper GI.

I just want to know what is the process if anyone has Fedelis, NY and what they make you go through when it a revision.

on 9/20/12 4:50 pm - Davison, MI
I have had some of the same issues over a shorter time frame.  I went in 18 months ago to get it out after a year of problems but, they worked with me to try and save it another 18 months.

Come join us at the Failed lap band group.  Lots if info and stories thier.

I'm trying for the sleeve.  I do OK with restriction only.  I rather avoid the re-route.  That said if I have issues down the road the Sleeve can be changed to a DS.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 9/21/12 8:36 am - Far Rockaway, NY
Thanks for your kind words, Currently right now I am fustrated but I'm not giving up.  The doctor that i met with suggested that I remove my band, but I will not have them do that until they have a solid plan implemented regarding another option.  I do will with restriction, but I dont want to have them remove my band and leave me with nothing.  I've come to far to slip back to my original weight.  WELL I really could not allow myself to get that heavy again. 
on 9/21/12 11:45 am - Davison, MI
That was just how I felt.  My insurance refused to even talk about
another WLS until the band was remove.  But, it had to come out
one way or another.  Now they are just throwing up road blocks. 
Keep us updated.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Amy 2bhealthy
on 9/20/12 7:37 pm - STL Metro, IL
VSG on 09/13/12
 I know your frustration so well!! I had my band almost 4 years and 2 years in after a pregnancy, my band started prolapsing. Unfill, fill, unfill, fill, etc.... My original surgeon just said he would take out my band but there wasn't much else he would do. I still needed help. Long story short, 2 years later I found a great, very experienced surgeon who took me in and I am 1 week postop band removal, revision to vsg. I also had a hiatel hernia that I didn't know about and had my gallbladder removed. So far things are going well. I am very hopeful that this was the right decision for me. 

Good luck on your journey. Try to stay positive and you just have to work at finding someone to help you and stay with it. I know how frustrating it can be. Best of luck to you!! 


Revision: Realize band to VSG....loving my sleeve!! 


on 9/21/12 8:39 am - Far Rockaway, NY
It seemed liked the band was a great idea if you were going for a less invasive type of surgery, but in reality somewhere down the line you may have to wind up having it removed or switched to a different surgery is frustrating. I'm glad I made the decision to have weight lost surgery, but sometime wish I just went the other route. 
Amy 2bhealthy
on 9/21/12 8:47 am - STL Metro, IL
VSG on 09/13/12
Yes, I agree. The band is sold as this removable, reversible thing, when in reality it really isn't that simple. Yes, it can be changed, but often leaves behind lots of baggage. I am glad I made the decision for my band 4 years ago too and overall, things have probably worked out for the best that way. I am hoping I learned from it and learned those things I need to focus more on this time around and will make the most out of my sleeve long term.

Continued good luck to you!


Revision: Realize band to VSG....loving my sleeve!! 


on 9/28/12 10:58 am - Springfield, VA
VSG on 01/23/13 with
My sentiments exactly....I  just had my band removed and I am preparing to have the sleeve in a few months.

HW - 287 (12/2007); GW - 165; CW - 164....proudly wearing a size 8!On my journey from LapBand to VSG.....LapBand on 12/19/07, LapBand removal on 8/8/12 and sleeve on1/23/13! Consider joining me at Band2Sleeve!(  Friend me on MyFitnessPal too! I'm gorditabonita74.

on 9/21/12 4:41 pm
I can't give you any advice re your insurance, but I would recmmend checking with Dr. Mitchell Roslin. He's a very exoerienced revision surgeon, and he's located in NY.
Zee Starrlite
on 9/24/12 4:16 am

Ugh, once a dilated esophagus, ALWAYS a dilated esophagus!  Getting another doc would not be a problem  . . .  generally but Fedelis is Medicaid and I am not familiar with any bariatric practice that takes it.

All best

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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