Revision from Lap-Band DS.
I chose Dr. Wade Barker for my revision and it is scheduled 9/19. Although he has great reviews and comes highly recommended I am hearing alot of negative experiences. I am so close to the date but having second thoughts anyone out their who had a revision with Dr. Barker and has constructive critisicm or reasons I might reconsider?
Thank you I did that.They were all positive however, I found another forum that has vertran DS patients and revisions that I have not been able find here and that is were some of the negative comments were. Most from revision gone wrong. I think I am just really nervous. Dr. Barker is an excellent surgeon I am confident of that. I was able to find out from the hospital and through other research is he is extremely versed in all the other surgeries however the type of revision I am having is where he has his least experience. Usually I am very comfortable and confident when I make big decision but for some reason (no fault of Dr. Barker's) I am not about this one. I think there was a little trust lost with his staff and I am allowing that to cloud my judegement of the surgery itself.