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Carmen C.
on 8/25/12 9:21 pm
RNY on 08/08/12
I am a failed sleeve, for me it was just going back to habits- I had major things happen in my life - and I ate to stay awake and work 2 jobs and go to school full time- and eat for comfort.. since them I have been on antidepressants and been going to therpy.. I have then been able to where I went wrong. I had surgery 16 days ago- RNY- I have always been a slow looser and hope to loose more weight with the RNY.. but so far not so good only 8 pounds .. but anyways.. I have also had complications - as they had to repair a hernia also...

I have to had a PICC line put in for hydration and vitiams but I don't regret my decision.. I also have that small still voice that also says - see you are going to fail.. and I have to not listen to that.

This is a new chance for me.. and IT won't fail.. I won't let it.. every day is a choice to eat healthier and take care of my body.. sometimes I do better than others..

Had RNY on 8/8/2012- revision from Gastric sleeve in 12/2008-  


on 8/26/12 6:47 am - Orlando, FL
Revision on 08/15/12
Hi Carmen,

Sending you a ((cyberhug)). I can relate to a lot of what you have shared. My  RNY was 11 days ago so it sounds like we are at the same phase. Are you heartily sick of liquids yet? I know I am! I would pay someone for a scrambled egg but I guess that's a couple of weeks away yet.  My surgery was open and had a few complications with lungs and such. And because of my crappy veins, I know the PICC line thing. You poor thing. That is so awful..not that it hurts really, it' s the laying still while they slooowly thread the freaking thing through your body.  Don't beat yourself over 8 lbs. I think there is a lot of water retention after RNY in the beginning.  You still have the PICC?in

You are right not to listen to that voice.  You mentoned you are going to therapy. Can I be nosy and pick your brain and ask if it is specific therapy for emotional eating or something more general? Is it helping?

My failure with sleeve was due mostly, as I have said to forgetting the basics (get the protein in, don't drink with meals) and coming home from work sooooo exhausted that I would just order take out. The Grub Taxi delivery service was probably able to expand solely due to orders to my house. I looked back on what I spent in delivery and along with all the weight it packed on,  it was very very high. I have considered paying one of those home chef people to come out and do a one time shot of preparing 2 weeks worth of dinners that I could come home and defrost and eat. As you know, frozen dinners you buy at the store do not have anywhere near the nutrition or protein that we need.  Or-since I'm stuck at home for another couple weeks on FMLA, maybe I could dig up some of those cookbooks for WLS and make my own dinners to preemake.  Dinners were my downfall. I need to fix that this time so I don't fail again.

I'm still checking out therapists that have special degrees or education in emotional eating. I know I try to swallow my feelings at night (loneliness, mostly) and during the beginning stages after surgery, while I physically can't over eat, I want  to get things set up for when I am able to eat more so that I only eat the right things.  Any ideas as to what to look for?

Carmen, you've got a great attitude and you are right. You won't fail.  Let's stay in touch and see how we are doing from time to time.

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