Band Removed RNY Done

on 7/14/12 12:49 am
 Hi All:

Had my band removed and RNY done on June 29.  I had one drain that was taken out 3 days after surgery right before I went home.

The surgery was around 3 hours and I did very well.  The drain was kind of painful and I just had to push through it to walk and do some deep breathing (as much as I could).  I told myself that I'm just going to roll with whatever comes along in the healing process and that's what I'm doing.

My incisions are healing VERY well.  I'm having some head hunger, but not physical hunger.  I'm working to get as much protein in and fluids in as I possibly can.  At my 2 week post-op visit I was told that I look "really well hydrated" and that I'm doing fine. this easy?  No, not really.  Is it way too difficult?  No, not really.  I'm down approximately 22 pounds in 3 weeks.  I couldn't do that on my own.  I needed to do this and I'm willing to do whatever my doctors tell me to do.  I can try to sidestep all of this and use my own "judgment," but that didn't work well for me.

So I'm sharing for anyone who is considering this.  I'm glad my band is out.  I'm keenly aware though that I have made a huge, life-altering choice with the RNY.  I'm taking it a day at a time and, so far, I'm glad I did it (even with some queasy moments).

Nobody can tell you exactly what you can/can't or should/shouldn't do.  Your experience will be your own and is to be guided by your own team of specialists.  I'm here to provide support if you need it (we all need it or we wouldn't be on these boards).  I certainly need it.

Tonya M.
on 7/15/12 7:33 am - Fort Dodge, IA

Hey there!  First off, I want to say congrats on your revision and another congrats on your success so far Jennifer!  I really enjoyed reading this post and for one, I am very appreciative of the last paragraph you wrote.  I see a lot of people on here telling others:  "well why do you need a revision?"  "Maybe you aren't using your tool right?"  "Don't get offended, but what are you eating?"  I mean, that doesn't sound like support to me, it sounds like someone is trying to really steer you in another direction all because they presume to know or think they know why you want/need a revision, like they personally know you or something.  I find this very upsetting and saddening as this is suppose to be a "supportive" community.  But sorry about the little tangent! lol  Anyways, again I appreciate you taking the time to write this.  It was encouraging to read and nice to there are people with your mind-frame.  Good luck to you on your second journey as I wish you much success!





on 7/15/12 7:42 am
Thank you Tonya!  Are you having or did you have a revision?  Are you ok?

You're right...this is a SUPPORT board and we're all in it together.

I don't know how to navigate this site.  I have friend requests but can't get to them, messages that are from a month ago that don't open when I click them.  Kind of going nuts with this thing.  Have you found it frustrating on here?  People probably think I just ingnore them!


Tonya M.
on 7/16/12 6:32 am - Fort Dodge, IA

Hey Jennifer,

   I am trying to get a revision and am starting the process to see if it is at all possible.  I met with a surgeon (not my original one) about a month ago and then had an EGD done and found that my stoma and pouch are definitely dilated.  I decided to try and see if a surgeon in my city (bc that other one was 2 hours away) would be willing to take me on as a patient and he will so I have my 1st visit with him next Monday.  Hopefully I will get some good news with him.  As for your having trouble navigating this site, I understand.  *lol*  Hopefully they will improve upon their technical issues in time.  If you don't mind asking, how did the whole process of getting a revision go for you?  Like was your surgeon supportive?  What did you guys discuss?  How did it go with your insurance?  




on 7/15/12 11:07 am - DE
I had the band put in Dec2009 and lost 20 lbs then started gaining. Last year my back started hurting me and have been advised due to the increased weight gain (more then pre-band) I am now a candidate for major back surgery, however if I lost th weight I would no longer have this issue along with low testosterone levels and other issue's.

WHen I started looking into doing a revision I was dead set on Sleeve, because it does not pose the digestive issue's that bypass does. However I was advised that since I failed at banding I would fail at sleeve since they are both restrictive surgeries and that sleeve has no long term data to support it like 10 + years problems or weight regain. I am headed to surgery in less then a month and I am very worried about the bypass digestive issue's which was my main concern for wanting the sleeve to begin with. My surgeon advised that Bypass is the best option. Surgeon also advised the sleeve was originally developed to be a first stage surgery then a second stage would be bypass and recently sleeve has become a single stage option, which is why no long term data exists. I am worried if I put my foot down and get the sleeve that there could be long term affects that are unknown, just like when the Bypass came out most people were Ginny pigs for Dr's to critique this surgery and the mortality rate was high.

Any help and or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Turtle Lynn
on 7/16/12 11:49 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with
I went with the Band in 2006 because I didn't want my "insides re-routed".  Six years later, after a failed band, I ended up getting re-routed anyway and I am sooooooooooo glad I did.  

I was considered a success with the band because I lost 100 lbs even though I didn't get to my goal weight.  Than the reflux started and omg talk about daily torture and pain. . .for 3+ years I had horrible acid reflux even with the band being empty.  The scar tissue that had developed underneath of it and the Band just sitting in place around my stomach continued to put pressure on my stomach and caused the nonstop reflux.  Because of that I gained back about 50 lbs eating ice cream, milk and milkshakes to put out the fire so to speak.  It was terrible and I have esophageal damage from it.

The RNY cured my reflux and is the main reason my diabetes is heading into remission.  I'm not there  yet, but I'm very close.  I am 7 weeks out and down 39 lbs.  

I don't miss sweets.  I don't crave them at all; I have a HUGE sweet tooth so I was worried I would.  I actually am kinda bored with eating most of the time and other than "having to eat" I wouldn't bother.  I realize this will change as I am in the "honeymoon" stage right now.  I was a big volume eater and sweets eater so this whole not even thinking about food and having head hunger cravings is a big adjustment.  I like it though.  

I like not worrying at breakfast what am I having for dinner?  What's for lunch? I like that I am not living my life around food.  I am living my life now and fitting food in when I need to because I have too.  Making healthy choices really isn't difficult right now.  Talk to me in 2 years and I will let you know if it is still the same lol.  I doubt it will be as things will change. 

The sleeve is the first part of the DS (duodenal switch), which if you are going to CHRIAS, they are not trained to do it.  Dr. Greenbaum up at Virtua in Mt. Holly is the closest surgeon who does the DS.  In a lot of patients, the docs will do the sleeve and then after the patient has lost a good amount of weight, go back and do the second part of the DS which is even more malabsorptive than the bypass.  Some people don't need the second part and manage well with just the sleeve.  

What digestive issues are you specifically concerned with?  You may want to post on the RNY and sleeve boards; I'm sure you would get a lot of feedback. 

The RNY was the best choice for me even though initially I was dead set against it.  I am doing very well and couldn't be happier that I got my Band out and had this revision. 

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


on 7/19/12 9:19 am - Citrus Heights, CA
RNY on 04/04/12
I hope things turn out for you.
I had band and wanted sleeve and my doc said no way since my LONG history of weight regain after dieting , even loosing 160 on liquids only, and I knew deep down that PART of the reason I failed with the band was because after several years I just gave up and would pretty much eat slider foods and still could have all the sugary things I wanted plus alcohol. I knew my doc was right BUT I had been dead set against bypass for years especially after 2 of my daughter's had bypass. I decided to trust my doc that I trust with my whole family and I had RNY 3 months ago , I have already lost what I did with the band the first YEAR.
I must say the vitamins are a challenge , and I am dealing with constipation mostly from pain meds that I take every day for knee and hip pain ( need replacements in all ).
The choice is always yours , even if your doc wants RNY YOU don't have to have it.
I just knew I needed the extra help of malabsobtion . I think the sleeve would be a good option for people who have been successful with the band and they have to have it out for some reason.
What was the reason you did not loose with the band , if I may ask
Sleeve was originally the first part of the DS surgery , it seems to be great for some as a stand alone surgery.
I have had NO problems with band to bypass , entire surgery was 1-1/2 hours , very fast , it took about 4 weeks for me not to be falling asleep at 7 at night. Eating is so much easier with the band gone , NOTHING hurts...amazing. My weight loss seems slow compared to others but my BMI was 37 at surgery .
Best wishes !!

Donna Q. --5'8" -60 years old
Band 2005
hw320 sw276 lw with band 195 gw 160-180? 
Bypass 4/4/2012
pre sw 258 lw RNY 162 cw 203

Delia Montalvo
on 7/20/12 5:17 am - San Antonio, TX
I also had lap band surgery in 2006...did well for a while, but in July 2011, I had a revision to sleeve done. Worked well for a while, now developed Acid Reflux. I wake up choking with that acidity taste at least once a week. I was told that there is scar tissue left where the band once was and it causes an "outy" like your belly button...which causes food to get stuck and so on. Only other option is the bypass. I've tried nexium and other medications but still the problem continues. So I am scheduled for bypass surgery on Monday...kind of nervous, but putting it in God's hands.
Sherrie P.
on 7/15/12 12:56 pm
RNY on 02/06/13
Thanks for sharing! I have my band-to-RNY surgeon consult next Friday.  Will love to watch your progress.

Did you have much trouble having your insurance pay for it?

Revision Lapband to RNY 2-6-2013   HW: 286  Pre-Op Diet: 277  Surgery Day: 265  Goal: 155  CW: 155

Plastic surgery 8/28/2014: Brachioplasty, mastopexy, & abdominoplasty.

Plastic surgery 1/27/2015: Butt Lift


Delia Montalvo
on 7/20/12 5:20 am - San Antonio, TX
I have GEHA insurance, did not have any problems getting approval.
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