How much weight loss after revision?

Delia Montalvo
on 7/13/12 4:51 am - San Antonio, TX
Has anyone had band to RNY revision or sleeve to RNY revision and lost weight significantly. I originally had band surgery in 2006 with not much success, then in July 2011 I had sleeve done, lost some, but not a significant amount. Now I am having another revision to RNY because of problems with reflux, but wonder how much weight is really expected to come off.
on 7/14/12 4:58 am - Covington, LA
Before I had my revision which was RNY to RNY - my surgeon told me 50-75 lbs.  I've lost 35 since May 10th.  I'm sad because I'm exercising and eating right.  His PA told me 25 is the most that they expect so I'm ahead of the curve.  But I am not giving up this is a walk and not a will come off
on 7/14/12 2:48 pm
My crystal ball is in the shop so I can't tell you.  All I can tell you is my surgeon warned me that I might not lose any weight with my revision.  He warned me at least twice.  I'm not sure if he said that because I had failed so miserably the first time or what but I really didn't care.  I was having the revision to take care of issues I had and to try to regain my health and quality of life.  I was also hoping to stop the rapid weight gain I was experiencing.  Losing weight would have been nice but it wasn't my primary goal.
Obviously I wasn't given any kind of number or goal to look forward to.  One thing I did do was a lot of soul searching and self honesty about why I had failed so badly.  It would have been easy to blame the surgery or the surgeon but the truth was I put every bite into my mouth.  I did nothing to change the way I ate.  I thought the surgery was going to fix my eating issues and I wouldn't have to do anything.  I really thought having the surgery would make it so I wouldn't want to eat the crap I was eating and I wouldn't be able to eat the huge quantities I was eating, that somehow I would suddenly crave healthy foods and be repealed by sugar and bread, my personal binge choices.  I don't know how it works for other people but it sure didn't work that way for me.  The first 2 years were magical.  I could eat whatever I wanted and I still lost weight, with absolutely  no work on my part.  I thought my dreams had come true.  But then I woke up.  I started regaining.  I told myself it was "bounce back" and I would stop gaining and stabilize at a healthy weight.  Even as the pounds piled back on I did nothing to stop it.  My denial was so strong.  I told myself it was normal and soon it would stop and I would maintain.  After a while I felt so out of control that I did make an effort to change how I ate and I found it very difficult, even more difficult then before WLS.  It took me twice as long to lose any weight.  I thought that with my "tool" the weight would just fall off of me now that I wasn't eating junk but I had no restriction and I had to fight to keep from overeating.  After a while I had no more self control then I did before surgery and I found myself eating as destructively as before.  And being self destructive I didn't take care of myself and take the proper supplements and my health began to suffer.  My weight soared and my energy plummeted.  I regretted every having WLS.  I had all of the negatives and none of the benefits.  I went back to my surgeon and begged for a reversal.  I was told that I couldn't be reversed, only revised to keep from malabsorbing as much.  That is when he said he would give me a RNY pouch so I would finally have some restriction.  I became scared because I saw the damage I was able to do with malabsorption.  I couldn't imagine what would happen to my weight without it.  So I decided to change how I ate and I cut out all sugar and refined carbs.  Now I don't eat any sugar or glutten.  I try to plan out how I eat and not just eat whenever I feel like it or snack and graze whenever I want.
Anyway, much to everyone's surprise, including my own, the weight came off very quickly and much more then even the first time.  My surgeon can't figure out how I was able to lose so much.  Neither can I really.  I can't eat a lot at one time so I eat often.  I have at least 100 grams of protein a day and 100 oz of fluid a day.  I eat every 2 or 3 hours, still avoid sugar and gluten but anything else is fair game.  I guess what I am trying to say is don't let anyone else determine your success or goals.  You are in control of what you put in your mouth.  If you have addressed the issues that caused you to need WLS and caused you to need a revision then there is no reason that you can lose all the weight that you need to.  Learn from whatever mistakes you may have made and you will do great.  I view my first surgery as a learning experience.  You can't buy that kind of experience.  I use it well and it has really served me well.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 7/14/12 4:54 pm - Australia
RNY on 10/19/12
 Well said!

Band placed April '08 four years of hell-Band removed may '12~Non VSG July 26 '12. All went to hell~RNY on the 19th october '12~Leak & infection 26th october '12 ~infection 24th November '12, 2 weeks hospital~infection 25th dec '12 4 days ~30/5/13 hernia repair 4 days~hw120/sw/115/gw/58kg


on 7/15/12 8:03 am - New York, NY
 I think its all individidual. I had a revision from a RNY to a Band and I've lost close to 70. I have a friend who chose the RNY to RNY revision, she has lost 100s.  I think it is all quite individual to the person.  Sorry that isn't much help.  Just my honest opinion.
on 11/19/13 2:58 am - Tomball, TX

How long did it take her to loose 100 pounds. Thats wonderful. I had 2 friends one who lose 50 & another one who loss 130 pounds... Both RYN Revisions.

Angela R.
on 7/18/12 2:27 am - Jewett City, CT
Had the same issues with Reflux.  I had my band removed and Gastric Bypass done 1 year and 6 months ago went from 290 to 187.. LOVE my bypass.. no more reflux.. love it..
Revision Surgery from Lapband to Gastric Bypass... 1/3/11
Start 290 / Now 208/oal 180 (Doctor set goal)

nicole u
on 7/21/12 12:17 am - holbrook, NY
Revision on 12/01/08 with
I went from the Band in 2004 to Bypass in 2008 and I am at my goal weight!  I wish I choose the Bypass from day 1!!  I wish you the best of luck!!

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