RNY Revision Scheduled

on 7/10/12 11:41 am - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
let me start by saying that my revison was done because I could not stop the wt loss eating was so painful I had to take 2 vicodin before eating I had a ring around my stoma that had eroded and the part of the stomach that my first Dr left in had an infection also had a bowel obstrution and my first dr did not fix my hiataial sp hernia Dr Higa went in and took off the its called a sylistic ring look like an O ring LOL  and fixed everything up ...I stayed in the hospital for 7 days part because I was so anemic and had almost no potaissum so had to undergo Iron infusiions and potasisium IV's ...my job is a flight attendant and I had to take off a full 6 weeks since my job has so much heavy lifting and bending...I did well but on June 24 I went in and he found adhesiions aka scare tissue we all have that some just more than others..he went in and cleaned it all up again due to my labs dr kept me in hooked up to IV's but again do to my type of Job I amI off for 2 more weeks...my surg was done lap really not that painful was on pain med for 2 days at home since I have no Ulcer Dr has my taking 500 mg of Ibuphron if I need it had to take it once Tylenol is not worth anything for me LOL and I am sick of big time pain meds...my wt loss was severe our goal was to get me from 102 to 135...so far so good ..I would do it again I adore my new Dr he is the best
on 7/10/12 5:47 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
WoW!  You really have gone through a lot. Thank you so much for talking to me  I too had the ring w/ the bypass otherwise known as Fobi Pouch GB.-- and had to have it taken out 7 years ago for the same reason as you.  I have had, since my original surg. 15 years ago, many problems....anemia (iron transfusion), vit. D difiency (a port put in  for 8 weeks of infusions) lost all but 5 teeth from so much vomiting that I finally got dentures 6 weeks ago, the stricture in my intestine and stoma with my stomach, bleeding ulcers, hernia, reflux, and I literally could only still get down to 188lbs. I am still trying to convince my dr. go lap (I don't care if he has to do 8 incisions) I just really don't want to be cracked open on that same scar for a third time....way harder to recooperate.  Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.  Good luck putting the weight back on, I will be praying for you.  I am a teacher and will only be three weeks out from surg. before school starts and was hoping to be able to start school -it is not looking promising-- but heck who knows--I might be the one who is different.  Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing 
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