1 year Bandiversary (Bobster), 10year RNY

on 6/22/12 9:49 am - New York, NY

1 year ago tomorrow, I got my Lap Band (BOB ->Band over Bypass) and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to have a BOB as well as my success. And, this August, I will be 10 years out from my RNY.  I couldn't be happier with my appearance, my weight, my health, my exercise routine and also my eating habits.  When I had the RNY in August of 2002, I was 305.  I got down to 183 in a year.  After several Plastic Surgeries (Lower Body Lift & Lipo 5/04, Arm Lift 3/06 and Boob Lift and Reduction 3/06) I was 175 but settled on 183-189 as I think this was "normal". At this weight, I was a size 10/12 (I/m 5’5).  

I am happy to report that today, 1 year after the BOB, I am at 186.  I have lost all the weight I regained and hit my 1st Band goal. I saved all my old clothes (10/12s) bc I knew I’d eventually get back there. I am so glad I did.   

While I have always prided myself on being knowledable about WLS, sometimes even a know it all, I thought this BOB would have been easier. I knew the weight wouldn’t fly off like the RNY but, I thought the weight loss would have been more consistent but now know it really is like “a diet" where I can eat WHATEVER I want in smaller portions.  Like when I had my RNY, I gave up bread, soda and juice. I still drink wine, a lot of of it actually.  But, before, I also drank a lot of ****tails and I am no longer than person.  After blacking out many times after the RNY and being what I considered a borderline “alcoholic", I am no longer. I also credit a lot of these overindulgences (clothes, shopping, alcohol, men) to leaving my husband after RNY and going through a divorce.  

At age 41, I am happy.  What has been especially hard this last year was that I was laid off in October and I still managed to lose weight, maintain an exercise routine and stay focused. Today I am again employed and I am walking home from work daily, 4.2 miles from Astoria Queens to NYC over the 59th Street/Queensboro bridge.  I waked the past 2 days in 95 degree heat so if I can do it now, this summer should be cake.

I see my surgeon on Monday for my 1 year anniversary. I am anxious to see her as I haven’t’ since April. I have 8cc in my 14cc band and I am going to ask for a little fill of maybe .5cc.  Now that I am at goal, my new goal is 175 then 150.  But more importantly, I’d like to remain healthy and complication free.  While I do love the band, I also loved the RNY at a year out. Never did I know it would fail me. I looked back at my profile and and found my 8/2003 post about being 1 year out from RNY.  Here is what I wrote:


LenoxHillHospital in NYC, I underwent my Gastric Bypass, WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN! Well, 365 days later, I am 118lbs thinner (305/187/150) and resting at a comfortable 187lbs. I am a size 14 (without the W) and lost 100's of inches (my only regret from being pre-op was never taking my measurements)! There are so many things I can do know that I hadn't been able to do for MANY years. I can run/jog, walk (miles w/out getting tired), climb stairs w/out getting winded, buy clothes in ANY STORE IN THE UNIVERSE (Opps, that’s not true, I can't shop at LANE (FRICKIN) BRYANT anymore), walk 2.5 miles to work like its a trip around the block, I don't crave sleep anymore other than when I am tired, I crave working out and get a boost from it, I take up only one seat on the bus or subway, my cholesterol has dropped from 190 to 140, my legs don't rub together anymore and I am not forever chaffed....The list goes on and on. First, I want to THANK my Hubby, Mom & Sister for all their Support. My sister took care of me in the hospital last year (she's a nurse so, it was second nature to her) and also to De Leitman who is the MOST GIFTED SURGEON IN THE WORLD! His skill and Humility are unparalleled. I also want to send a SPECIAL THANKS to Berta, Gabby, Wendy, Joyce, Janice, Paula M (My WLS IDOL), Michele, my local WLS support staff....Also, Maureen Ryan, Kim T, Leigh (Ladybug), Lee Ann K, Nancy (my angelette), there are so many, if I have forgotten you, pls FORGIVE me....Thank u all for supporting me and sending me emails. I have tried to KEEP IT REAL all year and I am sorry if some of you were offended by my honesty. This surgery is about becoming the real you and I wasn't going to tone myself down and be someone I'm not for the sake of someone else! Thanks to you all, especially this website for serving up a daily dose of reality and more friends than a gal could ask for! Here to tomorrow and everyday after that. I have 37 more Lbs to go to hit my personal goal, will I make it, time will only tell, but, I am proud of where I am, not ashamed of where I came from and optimistic of where I am going!  
on 6/23/12 5:56 am
Happy Bandiversary!

Your success is motivating, and I hope that I will have a similar success. 215 was my lowest with the RNY, and so I'd be happy just to see THAT again. Anything more would be a bonus!

Congratulations on doing so well and working hard to remain focused!
on 6/23/12 9:00 am
Revision on 12/10/12
I am wondering if you are he exception or is your success (congratulations) is wider spread.
I am 10 yrars out and up 60 pounds. My Dr. want's to "fix" my stoma, make my stomach smaller 
basicaly tune me up. I was looking into DS but your success does give me pause. I hear such 
horrible things about the Band.


Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





on 6/23/12 10:25 am - New York, NY
Whitt, friend me, all my friends are BOBsters and I've been pretty good at posting and blogging! I never considered DS but did consider an RNY revision but was too scary I also have a friend that almost died from the DS revision. Feel free to email me [email protected]
on 6/24/12 1:34 am
Revision on 12/10/12
 Hi Heather,
I Friended you last night. Do you know any successful long tearm BOB's. Can you recomend a "Friend" on your site who's Blog may be benificial to me? You have tones of them... I just do not know what to do.  I have 3 options as I see it. One Dr. wants to fix my stoma tighten up my pouch (which may or may not work) and fix my hernia. Another thinks I am a candidate for revision to DS and now the BOB looks good. 

I just do not know...

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





on 6/24/12 2:10 am - New York, NY
Whit, I think the BOB hasn't been done for that long bc the RNY only starts to fail people after 5-6 yrs.  Ya know?  The longest term BOBster I know is LisaBeezee http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/lisabeezee/ who had hers done in May of 2009.  She used to be very active on the boards but after a personal family tragic took a step back and I don't see much of her anymore.  Plus, these boards aren 't what they used to be with all the negativity and cattiness.  Check out her blog, Im pretty certain its "public" and read her story.  She had hers done in Mexico.  I considered 3 things (RNY to RNY, RNY to DS and RNY to Band).  Thats a lie, I never "REALLY" considered the DS bc 2 surgeons told me it wouldbe very tricky since my RNY was done open. I saw one of the country's best, Dr. Mitchell Roslin NYC.  He wanted to do an RNY to RNY revision but scared me a bit with the complication rate.  Not death rate but complications which he assured me weren't life treatening but he could fix.  Bc I was healthy with no co-morbs and only wanted to lose like 60-75 I decided on the band-over-bypass!  I know a lot of people HATE the band and they've had complications like crazy but I also know that the same holds true with the RNY.  Plus, as an MBA marketer, I know that people who are dissatisifed make the most noise and sometimes drown out the succsses and the positives.  Its a foreign object in ones body, it can potentially NOT work for some people, I get that. I am just glad it has worked so far for me. 

I love the restriction, I AM NEVER HUNRY and I am fit and healthy. 
on 7/14/12 12:33 pm - CA
Hello Ladies, been reading your posts looking for positive reinforcement that I am making right decision to get banded.  Had my RNY over 15 years ago, lost over 100 pounds initially and maintained quite well up to last five years.  Never thought I would be struggling with my weight again, has been so depressing.  Anyway just want to hear from some people who have been through the revision from RNY to band and similarities differences etc.  Please email too anykind of support is very welcome.
on 7/15/12 11:02 am - New York, NY
 Janae: Me neither. I took the weight loss for granted with the RNY bc it was so DAMN easy.  But, when I couldn't exercise in 2008, throwing out my back, it all came back.  I gained 65lbs over the next 4 yrs and when I saw a surgeon to entertain a revision, he said you better do something as you are on the doorstep of 300lbs.  I considered an RNY to RNY revision (too risky, complications too high), RNY to DS (too drastic for 65lbs) and a BOB-Band over Bypass. I spoke to several surgeons, did my research and it made sense. I used Dr. Marina Kurian at NYU, who had doneAl Roker's surgery and who used to be in a 3-way practice with my RNY doctor, Michael Leitman.  I had known her 10+ yrs and she knew me from my monthly support group meetings as an active and compliment WLSer.  

Check out my profile, all those I have friended, with the exception of maybe 1-2 have hand the Band over Bypass.  Lisa BeeZee is the one who took me under her wing when I started the research some 2 yrs ago.  The main difference, (1) restriction, (2) lack of hunger, (3) constant burping and(4)  the throwing up is WAY different as it comes up as foam.  

[email protected]

on 8/8/12 11:53 am - CA
Heather thanks for the encouragement, hope this time I can have and continue to control my food intake--thats all I need!  Got banded in Mexico Dr Ortiz on July 17th the place ws like a spa than a hospital--highly recommend btw.  So Im 3 weeks post op feeling good!  down 12 since surgery, slow but going down and thats good.  First fill is sched for Sept 3 what should I expect?  Feel some restriction now, but have been primarily on liquids drinks and soups, burping stopped after first week and no throw up -- keeping it small and chew chew chew!  There are so many opinions some good some bad on these boards I know its up to me ultimately what my outcome is, band seemed safest best choice and only one Dr would perform for previous RNY so very glad to see your wonderful progress.  I will try to post more often, you keep blogging as well, it helps!  :)

on 8/9/12 5:48 pm - New York, NY
 Janae, the band is very trial and error.  You will have to do many fills, small increments till you find the right amount. What size band do you have? I have a large one 14cc. My band was prepped with 2cc at surgery and I got another 2cc on my first fill, which was about 1 month after surgery. I have 9cc now in my 14cc band.  I have wonderful restriction and have had it from day one.  I'm very pleased. I dont think you will feel much different after the 1st fill, but, it depends on how much they put in.
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