One week til revision..Last Meal or not?

on 6/24/12 12:25 pm
 I had an RNY originally...the pouch expanded and food is not stopping in stomach... so what i am getting is a new RNY with a new pouch...I cant have a DS...the first surgery went to low on the staple line, making that impossible...

Im not afraid of leaks and bowel obstructions...those can be fixed... Im afraid of heart attacks,diabetes or strokes...All things that will happen without warning if i dont address my weight NOW..

You need to think positive, your surgeon will be looking for the issues you worry about and will know how to resolve them...Its what we dont know  that csn hit us at anytime, that i worry about....I would hate to get sick...and know that the real reason i got sick, was because i had too much pizza that caused my weight to zoom
on 6/24/12 12:37 pm
 I agree with you wholeheartedly (still afraid though).  Yeah, it's scary to think about dropping dead from a food addiction.  But, like you said, we're addressing it.

You're welcome to email me anytime at [email protected] for support or general conversation.  Sometimes this site doesn't let me know that I have a message waiting.  I'll be anxious to hear how it went and how you're feeling.

on 8/8/12 3:24 pm
 I see your surgery was scheduled a week out. So I assume you must have had the surgery. Hoping all went well! 
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