Here I am Again...HELP

on 6/14/12 11:02 am
 Well i am your classic rags to riches to rags again story... Had a Bypass in 2001...great sucess...lost approx i feel like the great failure as i have regained all but forty of those pounds...It seems that my pouch as expanded and that my staples were placed in a sharp angle to food flows thru me and never stops in the stomach, giving me that FULL feeling.... Due to my first surgery, i cant have a revision to a DS, but need a revised Bypass...At one time i felt like a true sucess inspiring others to get the that confidence is gone and it left fast...yet, in the end i blame no one but myself... i had the tools and i mishandled them...Now i am considering a second surgery and i know that there can be no "cheating" or else this will be just a waste of time...I also know i cant do it alone and i am hoping for help....thru this type of support group...and possibly i can give others help so that they do not make the same errors that i did... The other day i heard the best analogy regarding weight loss and control...losing and gaining weight isnt a one time thing...this needs to be treated like an addiction....everydya you have to think about what you are doing and the hard work to get there...and not slip up or fall off the wagon...this is a battle...I know some will say, this isnt an addiction or a drug...but it really and over eating is takes away or relieves stress...and dont ever forget like any other drug...taken in excess it will Kill you...

With that being said, with the revision surgery, what can i expect to lose from an excess weight stand point...and will i have that same feeling of fullness that i had after the first surgery... plus i would love to hear stories of complications and how they were overcome...THANKS ALL
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 12:21 pm - WA
I am on the revision board for the same reasons you are. RNY in 2008 now 2012 gained back all my weight. Should Coulda made better choices. Took my surgery for granted. Had some HEAVY issues come into my life and threw what the NUT told me out the window.  I cannot get a DS revision (no matter how loudly I say that I still get folks who want me to switch to DS). So, I have been researching for months and it appears that for the most part Revison weight loss is slow and alot less of it.  Going from RNY proximal to distal is almost fightin words, but that is what I am looking into. So prepare for less weightloss, slower at it, and lots of urging to go DS instead. You can find the RNY redo people on here, they just alittle more work to look for. I will be watching your threads to learn from your questions.
on 6/14/12 12:29 pm
 Thanks for the insight...its impossible for me to get a DS...the first surgery had a low staple line and reattachment... if as you say its slower to lose the weight... how can that be, if your stomach will be made tiny again and the stoma closed up as well.... Surgeo said its like a complete re-do?...Looking forward for answers
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 12:33 pm, edited 6/14/12 12:33 pm - WA
Are they going to bypass more intestines as well? I have done a search of the Archives
 and PM some others who are doing it now for what is happening to them. I do not
understand myself how it can be that it is not as fast and as much as the original but
that is what the posters say. This page is kinda slow to get answers so you might have
to wait a day or two.
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/12 12:31 am - WA
Good News, I have been doing a search on blogs and have come across 3 so far that talk of up to 75lb weight loss after RNY proximal to Distal Revison. good news for me as well.
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