Band to RNY Fear

on 6/14/12 4:06 am
Hi Everyone:

On 6/29 I'm doing my Lapband to RNY surgery.  I'm becoming increasingly fearful of a leak because of band scar tissue.  A leak and/or bowel obstruction seem to be the focus of my fears here.

I'd truly appreciate hearing from anyone who did this surgery and either came through with NO problems or had a leak and can tell me it'll be ok.  I'm very nervous about it.

Trying to work through the fear of this surgery and stay in touch with you lovely people who have gotten me through many days.

I hope to return the favor when I'm done with the surgery and through any rough spots.

Thank you all,
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 6:21 am - MI
 Hi, I joined decided to join the site after reading this post.  I'm in the same boat as you and also nervous.  I hope you don't mind that I replied so that I can see what experienced members share.
on 6/14/12 7:44 am
Of course not!  We're all in this together!  I read a wonderful post just a few minutes ago.  I'm going to cut and paste it here.
on 6/14/12 7:46 am
I am feeling great  now , it did take a while to get my strength back , my BP meds had to be changed because BP got to low.
 I went to my surgeon today and he is very happy with my progress , especially since I can't exercise
I was so upset 2 weeks before surgery that I was taking valium every day!! I was making myself sick, finally had to decided if I was having surgery or not, and I knew I was so I decided to just give up and every time I got scared I told myself how healthy I was going to be and everything was going to go smoothly. All went smooth , I am 10 weeks out and for about the last 2 weeks I can stay awake past 8 :)
My doc thought for sure I had lost 60 by looking at me (yea right) my son in law said the same thing. I have lost 44 including the 12 I lost before surgery.
Vitamins are challenging and takes some time to figure out
went out to lunch today for my birthday and had the meat of 1/2 pot roast sandwich with swiss cheese...I am still full 2 hours later
I am happy to have another chance to be healthy !!
Good luck and best wishes !!!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 10:35 pm - MI
Good morning, Jennifer.  Thank you so much for sharing their reply with me!  I know there are quite a few horror stories, but experiences like this give me hope :)

Good luck with your upcoming surgery!  I look forward to hearing about your own personal experience (if you don't mind)!

on 6/15/12 9:54 am
I had lap band to rny revision.  I was very stressed before my surgery.  i did not want to talk about the surgery.  I was so major stressed.  I could not function

my surgeon had told me he might only be able to remove the band. luckily he was able to do both at the same time but i was worried.  the first words out of my mouth when i woke up was did I have the bypass.

I will tell you I felt 100% better with no band. I was wide awake in the recovery room and threatening to duct tape the old lady laying beside me.  I was walking the halls 2 hours later and walked, walked, walked

I did not have any scar tissue which i thank god and the surgeon was able to do the surgery with no problem.

i do feel like if the surgeon sees too much scar tissue he can always stop if he feels it is a danger to you.  I know a lot of band to bypass revisions and about 95% don't have any problems.

It will be okay!!! just a word of warning. I lost slow but steady.  right now i need to lose between 5 an 10 pounds and i will be 2 years out in October. very happy with my loss. the only vitamin i have a hard time doing is the darn calcium



on 6/15/12 3:03 pm
 You guys are SO amazing and I appreciate your shares more than you know (well, you do know...that's why we're on these message boards).  It really helps to hear from people who have had the SAME revision.

I look forward to all good stories and I'm happy for you guys!!
Annie Mayzing
on 6/17/12 1:02 am - Saunderstown, RI
Hi. I had my lap band removed December 7, 2010 and was revised to an RNY gastric bypass. After suffering for 2 years with food getting stuck yet no feelings of restriction it was decided to take the band out and revise to an RNY.  During surgery the surgeon discovered the band was partially stuck to my liver so I had to have an open procedure. My hospital stay was prolonged because of this but I was home 4 days after surgery. With the band I had lost only 30 pounds (which I regained 24 of before my revision). I am happy to say that I lost nearly 100 pounds with the bypass. The only complication I had was an internal hernia this past March 2012 and some shortness of breath after surgery which was due to being deconitioned. I am now 18 months out from surgery and admit to being hungry more frequently. I must therefore make sure I make the proper food choices. The surgery got me to where I am now but I must keep me there. Good luck with your revision. I have never regretted mine.
on 6/17/12 1:49 am
Hi Annie:  Wow!  That's quite a story!  So glad you're ok and even more glad that you don't have any regrets and went on to do well.  It seems to be that the RNY is most definitely the tool that gives the greatest chance for weight loss for a prolonged period of time.  The band didn't do that.  Stuck to your liver???  I hope there's no liver damage and so glad they found that and handled it.

Thank you for writing.  I'm doing my pre-op diet and it's miserable, so it helps to keep reading posts of encouragement.

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/12 6:44 am
Hi Jennifer,

I am planning a revision from the band to DS later this year. Dr. Kemmeter expects to see a lot of scar tissue as that is what has been causing my problems with the band -- excess scar tissue build up--. 

It is scary going into another surgery when we thought the first one was all we would ever need. I've had a gazillion "what if's" come to mind and honestly if I dwelt on them very long I could work myself up really good. But, when it comes down to it we and the surgeon will do everything possible to ensure success and no complications and we just have to go with that.

Best of luck to you!

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