So ashamed of weight gain of over 67 pounds after rny in 1999.

on 6/14/12 4:43 am, edited 6/20/12 2:48 am - deltona, FL
 I got to admit it is so hard for me to share this story but I have regained alot of my excess weight that I faught long and hard for over 12 yrs to get off....somehow the old habits, feelings and humiliation has crept back into my life causing me to once again spin out of control and harbor more and more self hatred towards myself for failing at weight loss, being healthier and yes much happier. I am currently adamant about getting a revision gastric bypass within the next 3-4 months. Coming up with the finances is hard in my family so i am going to do the very best I can.  I would love to hear some stories from other members any story you would like to share and maybe hear some success stories from rny to revision and how you are doing now.  I appreciate any and all feedback and I am ready to your stories the bariatric surgeon and specialists extra hard this time and help myself do alot of hard work that is going to be laid out for me.  I am positive I want the revision, just making the steps to get there.....wish me luck I am gonna need it...: )
on 6/14/12 5:32 am
Make sure you research RNY to DS revisions.  You can get lots of good info on  There are only a handful of surgeons in the US that are experienced enough to do this revision, but it is well worth it.  My personal opinion (take it or leave it) is that if the RNY failed you once, it will again.  Why revise to something that you already know does not work.  Just make sure you do lots of research so you get the very best for you

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 6/14/12 8:11 am
I wish you the best getting a revision.  I put ALL of my Lapband weight back on and I'm going in for RNY on 6/29.  The hardest part (other than the crippling fear) is the shame.  We SO need to get past this shame.  We're human.  It happens.  We weren't put here to beat up on ourselves.

Best to you,
on 6/20/12 2:58 am - deltona, FL
 Thank you very kindly for that.  I am quite the talker and researcher so I have already spent a phenominal amount of time investigating the surgeon, staff, insurance, my issues, the revision although I hardly hear of it...I think it is beneficial for me for a number of is I do have a rather large hernia that could be corrected, two...some scar tissues cleaned out and three about 10 yrs of me most likely guranteed success...I usually follow the surgeon and docs like the bible this time I backslide due to alcohol and prescription pills after my mom died of breast and lung cancer since then i have added two very helpfful support systems to my team and well i know I am ready mentally now to get this blood pressure down and sleep apnea under control well we need work along with moving more and eating less...I think it worked for me for 7 yrs and then i backslid so i know if i really stay committed and use it as a tool again I will be successful. I do this for health and well some vanity....people are very hard on me but thank u jesus my hubby loves and adores me regardless of the what that scale says.....thank u for taking the time to wish me luck....good luck to you on 6/29 it did work for me when i worked it...I know u can do it, because I know it can be done, take care and please follow up with friends and family who may want to assist u...I know alot of times we get stubborn and do not want help but this is the time u do need some love, support and good care....i did it alone last time, this time i too will take the help if given. I hope u keep in tocuh with your progress, Anna :)
Ms Janet
on 6/14/12 9:11 am - Star City, NE
Revisions are MUCH tougher than the original surgery.  The surgeon has to deal with a lot of scar tissue.  I agree that if it failed once, do not do it again.

I had a revision and it nearly killed me.  I spent 14.5 months in the hospital and had too many surgeries to count.  Guess what - after all that I'm still 45 pounds over my goal weight.   I never did get down to goal and it would be easy to gain more.  I have to watch everything I put in my mouth. 

Good luck to you. 
on 6/19/12 10:53 pm - deltona, FL
 Thank you....I must get the oprative notes from a few hernias i had corrected to, the last time they went in to correct a hernia the surgeon said there was so much scar tissue in there from the surgery and bypass he could not even correct my hernia, it would cause more pain, suffering, and terrible bleeding, he discontinued the procedure....i have the same little balloon sticking out for two yrs now, so i will make sure he is fully aware of everything...thank u for your info.  Good Luck to u too, : ) Anna Marie 
on 6/19/12 11:01 pm - deltona, FL
 My surgeon is out of Daytona Beach, Fl He has done several revisions. I thought that a revision is basically going in and doing the roux y all over again, that is what they told me although i am at no stage to state their fatcs because i haven't even attended the info session yet but their office had people speak to me who had it done.  I am pretty adamnet about getting it done, die or not, getting sick or not...i am pretty stubborn, i think anything is better then feeling almost depressed to the point where i would rather end my life...and i know that sounds steep but i am a brutally honest person.  I think you look incredible...i hope u feel the same way.  I do have many issues now just not the plumet weight gain...i have extremely high blood pressure, and that is being on 3 diff. types of meds.  i have sleep apnea and my husband says i sound like a bear...i have shortness of breath..and well prescription meds for weight loss and over the counter have failed or actually i failed....common sense thingsl like eating less, moving more, nope failed that one and alli and other things at wal mart haven't helped.  I think that I had a good run at it, I stayed at about 170 from 324 for 7 yrs so if i do this and get another 7 yrs of being near height and weight proportions i will be one happy camper....I am not going for perfection....wasn't born to be but some off, I will be forver grateful...Thank u for your input and u do look sensational...I remember seeing your pic before and i thought wow, u inspired me but thank u for the reality....i do understand where u r coming from and thought this through for over 1 and a half yrs....much thanks, Anna marie 
on 6/19/12 11:02 pm - deltona, FL
on 6/19/12 11:04 pm - deltona, FL
 Thank u.....
on 6/19/12 11:05 pm - deltona, FL
 MY comment is below....i am so sorry but I replied to a damn dummy i did....thanks, Anna marie 
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