Anyone have a really bad experienced with an EGD?

on 6/1/12 1:29 am - Reinbeck, IA
I had one yesterday and I warned them that I have a very high tolerance to drugs as I've been taking Morphine 200 mg twice a day and before that I was on several other types of opiod drugs for chronic back pain from three failed back surgeries since 2001 that caused nerve damage and pain down my left leg and foot. They promised me that they would make me comfortable. I had two of these EGD's back when my previous VBG surgeon checked me after my surgery and I don't remember anything about them. I was awake through the whole thing yesterday. I was gagging and purging to the pint I couldn't breath and it hurt my throat and esophagus. When he was finished I had soaked the pillow with tears. With that thing you bite down on holding your mouth open and that things shoved down your throat you can't talk. I even reached for the scope to pull it out without even thinking. They yelled at me and told me not to touch it. The doctor came in after it was done and told us he took a couple biopsies and that if there were to be a next time they would know what to do. I told him there wouldn't be a next time. Do you think it is because they thought I was looking for all the drugs I could get for a high? I didn't feel anything they gave me only when it first went in and then an hour later when I was eating I felt tired. I came home and watched TV and didn't really sleep so their medicine didn't work for me like it did the other two times I had this scope done before being on all the medication I am on now. I remember my previous Doctor telling me that he used more medication than other doctors do so his patients wouldn't remember things - I thought he was joking - I'm thinking he wasn't kidding. Plus any idiot that looks at my medication list that's 20 items long with Morphine 200 mg every 12 hours and Morphine 30 mg every 6 hours as needed for breakthrough pain would mean that what they use for the normal person would not work for me. I am so angry and hurt and so glad it is over. But I also know that with a revision I could have problems and need another EGD done in the future -what do I do and where do I go. I did find out that one of my stables from my original VBG in 1999 had pulled lose and wasn't there anymore so that explained why I was able to eat so much and had no pain with things going through anymore. I must be lucky I didn't have an infection from that.
on 6/1/12 8:59 am - Vancouver, WA
I certainly wouldn't let that jerk near me again! I too take a load of opiate meds and have always had good results when put out except for one time during a surgery and then I woke up twice!!! I remembered what the doc looked like and looked him up on the hospital website. I recognised his picture and made sure I memorised his name. Now when I have surgery I insist he NOT be my anesthesiologist and all the docs have made sure he wasn't there. It's terrible that they even tried to continue on you without adjusting the meds, shame on them. Next time place a firm foot on his privates till they put you out!
on 6/2/12 11:09 pm - Reinbeck, IA
If they hadn't have put the pillow between my knees while laying on my left side I would have kicked his privates!  With that thing down your throat  you can't talk and with all the gagging and purging I was doing they would have to stop moving it long enough for me to stop to take a breath as I was unable to breath and as soon as I was able to breath they started back in.  I remember laying there wondering how much Longer I had to go through that ****  I wanted to knock him and his nurse out.  I reached for the scope and his nurse yelled at me in a very stern voice to not touch the scope - I was unable to speak or I would have told them to stick that scope where the sun doesn't shine.  I am afraid to trust anyone else to do it so that I won't remember it and with this revision from a VBG to RNY and with one of my staples pulling out and being gone I'm sure they will be ordering this EGD in the future and I do not know what to do about it.  I will NEVER go through that again with out having something to make them stop instead of continuing on.  They had to keep t elling me to breathe as I couldn't breathe with all the gagging and purging and my throat - it's sill very sore todaqy.  There is this site called Angie's List online that you can go to and rate different businesses and I can go and rate him and I will as soon as the billing is over as that is one of the questions.  Wish me luck and I hope anyone reading this will never have the same experience - I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
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