Revision from 1999 VBG to RNY

on 5/24/12 12:06 am - Reinbeck, IA
  VBG 1999 revision to a RNY!  I need all the advice and help I can get.  I have been trying to get a revision now for several years but I believe I started before I had gained enough weight or my co-morbidties just were not enough  not sure on that one.  I actually started my search 2 years ago and went through some testing and then the arogent young psychiatrist stopped that procedure.  I had to take these three very long tests that I passed but I guess I wasn't anwering his questions the way he wanted me to and he kept proding me till he got me angry and that didn't help me at all.  So I was denied.  I am now 5'2" and weigh 248 and have along  list of co-morbities.  I went to visit this new doctor last December and have been fighting with my Insurance Company because the hospital was not a provider and they had ok'd people in the past cause it is the closest place to go.  My insurance company finally ok'd the surgery.  I met with the Dr. Glas****'s office in December and must have forgot some of the things they told me.  I have one day of many tests on June 5th and an appointment  next week to see a gastroenterologist to schedule my EGD.  He needs to see my extensive medical records and lists of medications because I am disabled due to 3 failed back surgeries and take morphine daily and he will need to adjust the medication given for this test so I don't remember it - hopefully. 

My concern is about the actual revision being done Laproscopically if possible.  His nurse told me when she called me with the dates and times of the testing that she will be putting me down for an 8 hour surgery and I said WHAT?  I've read everything I can find online and the most I have seen in 4 hours - If they told me about this at my appointment in December I have forgotten it - what a thing to forget - right?  She also said I would have a drainage tube and a feeding tube.  When my testing is done I will have an appointment with the Doctor where I can ask him all these questions but I was just wondering if anyyone of you could calm my fears a little with what you may know.

I already know that no matter what I have to go through - I will do it.  I want to live a better quality of life and being in so much pain and not being on my feet for very long at a time I want to back out into the world.  I want to feel better and be better so any pain, discomfort or tubes will not keep me from going through what may help me get that better quality of life.  I have been overweight since 2nd grade and I'm 56 y/o old right now

I only wish someone could speak to my two kids and make them realize just how important this surgery is and then need to be in my life right now.  That's all a subject on it's own and I will leave it at that.

Any info anyone can give me will sure be appreciated.  
Carmen C.
on 5/24/12 5:25 am
RNY on 08/08/12
I am having a revision in August from sleeve to RNY- Due to lots of complications and regain of weight gain.. this was part of my plan due to my HIGH BMI - but had to post pond it due to loss of insurance.. My doctor has not discussed with me how long.. curious to find out..

on 5/24/12 2:29 pm
On May 24, 2012 at 12:25 PM Pacific Time, Carmen C. wrote:
I am having a revision in August from sleeve to RNY- Due to lots of complications and regain of weight gain.. this was part of my plan due to my HIGH BMI - but had to post pond it due to loss of insurance.. My doctor has not discussed with me how long.. curious to find out..

May I ask why you're revising a Sleeve to an RNY, instead of going with a DS? Revising a Sleeve to a DS would be a much simpler operation, and would allow you to keep a fully-functional stomach---not to mention that the DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats for all patients, but especially for those of us with a BMI greater than 50.
on 5/24/12 5:31 am - Vancouver, WA
Well I haven't hd your surgery but I can guess that she is putting you down for 8 hrs to make sure you have enough operating room time to take care of any extras they may have to do. If they short book the OR then it throws the whole schedule off for everybody else if they have to take more time for you, being a revision, they never know what they will find inside. It also gives them time in case they have to go open instead of lap.
I too have chronic back pain and take narcotic pain meds and am 61. I've had like 13,14 surgeries in the last several years and haven't had any problems with the anesthesia, they know how to work it out as long as they know all the drugs you are on, be sure to tell them any herbal supplements if you take them.
Hopefully your kids will jump on board but either way you do this for you!! Best of luck, you'll do just fine!
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