Help! Was told lapband to vsg will not lose as well or fast ?! Help

(deactivated member)
on 5/20/12 11:20 am
 Greetings, seeking help regarding a sleeve after lap band I was told that people who've had lap band lose slower than virgin bellies. Moreover, that it is possible that we may not lose the total amount of me wait desired as well.... for the life of me I cannot figure out why this would be true... 

I received this information from my surgeon.... he was optimistic yet wanted to keep me realistic as to what I should look to accomplish

. As for my lap band I was very successful when it worked  LOL like many others who have them and they simply don't function.... plus it wasn't endless struggle and a constant diet I so very badly would like to have this opportunity But fearful of only losing a small percentage of my weight. 

It would be both mentally and physically highly discouraging. I am reasonably compliant and remain physically active would love to hear from others who had lap band surgery and how they continued to lose weight after receiving a sleeve.

I can't say enough how everyone here is so absolutely beautiful on the inside and out in a true inspiration I truly hope that I'm able to join you all thank you for any comments.
Jessica K
on 5/21/12 2:15 pm - NY
Hey there,

I had a sleeve after the lapband and lost waaaay more weight with the sleeve.  I would highly recommend the sleeve.

Jessica K

on 5/21/12 11:06 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Unfortunately, I am a lap-band to sleeve revision and haven't lost any weight. Some say it's because our metabolism has already been ratcheted down by the lap-band, so another restrictive procedure may not have as much effect. I'm planning to revise to the DS this summer.

Best of luck to you,

DS: 2011 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 240
VSG: 2012 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 256
Lap-band: 2006 (SW: 226) , 2011 (SW: 236) (Dr. Christopher Cobourn)

(deactivated member)
on 5/22/12 3:35 am
 Thank youfor such a  warm and honest response my heart  Goes out to you  ...
life certainly is a great post lapband. Can't say it was much better when I had it either. I suppose the great news is your DS will render absolute success! I'm very excited for you. I can't really say where is my heads at  I received very positive answers on the sleeve board however when I went back to my doctors office and shared the responses he told me to stay levelheaded and everyone's an individual and that its is possible that I may not lose as much or as fast. I have met others we have not lost anything after their sleeve surgery. But this was due to sleeve size did your surgeon make a good sleeve size? One that you're happy with? Are you able to more than half a cup of food anytime? That metabolic issues after bariatric surgery can be daunting! You mentioned that was most likely the case I was wondering how much food it takes before you begin gaining. As I'm still trying to collect any and all information that I can. Once again thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on your choice to get a DS you are on your way soon! Keep in touch;) 
on 5/23/12 1:03 am - Ottawa, Canada
I have a 40 fr bougie, which I think is standard for DS patients (since that is the operation I went in for). Due to lots of adhesions and difficulty inflating my abdominal cavity, Dr. Gagner was only able to perform the sleeve portion of the DS surgery.

I can definitely eat more than 1/2 a cup of food at a time - closer to 1 1/2 cups. Honestly, I don't eat that much, but I don't get nearly enough exercise, and my body seems to require very few calories to function.
DS: 2011 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 240
VSG: 2012 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 256
Lap-band: 2006 (SW: 226) , 2011 (SW: 236) (Dr. Christopher Cobourn)

(deactivated member)
on 5/22/12 3:36 am
 Whoops I meant life certainly is not great after lapband lol
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/12 3:38 am
 By the way I just noticed who your surgeon is he is amazing wanted to grandfathers I believe the first to ever do sleeves so I'm sure you've got the best that anyone could possibly have. Well this is scary to think of the metabolic issues that occur after surgery. Sorry I keep adding things on as I am in the airport and not thinking too clearly LOL
Jessica K
on 5/22/12 5:23 am - NY

I dropped down to 114lb from 210lbs after the band to sleeve. I dropped 94lbs in a year because i worked my butt off at the gym.  I started gaining when I got sober.  I just dropped 10lns but was up to 155lbs. Eventually you start stretching your stomach if you dont continue to go by the rules.  You can gain weight on any surgery.  Im about to have a bypass to correct my the complications i had from the band.  I had so much scar tissue from the band that my body was still acting like the band was there even when it was removed.  I would highly suggest the sleeve if you can follow the rules.  I stopped following the rules and started gaining.

Jessica K

on 5/22/12 12:23 pm
Regardless of surgery type, there's no guarantee that an individual will lose 100% of his or her excess weight. Sorry---them's just the facts, ma'am.

Most people do find the Sleeve to be much more effective than the Band, but if you still have a lot of weight to lose, or if you've had issues with regain, you might want to consider having the full DS rather than just the Sleeve. The DS makes a dramatic, permanent change in how our bodies metabolise food, and has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats of any form of WLS.
(deactivated member)
on 5/25/12 9:12 am
 , I think I would go insane if I started gaining weight on a cup and a half of food. I already see where I am highly resistant to calories as it is. As for the response stating if I just follow the rules you're absolutely right. But the devil lives in the details and I have to be honest with myself I'm not sure if I really could. Cup in half the food is enough to get you to gaining weight that require more willpower than I could ever dream up. I don't know how thrilled I would be to convert to a bypass for DS. Only time can tell. Thank you all so very much for your open and candid responses it truly makes a significant difference.
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