Had rny 9 years ago ~ need a revision

on 5/4/12 7:51 am - Malden, MA
Revision on 02/25/13
I will let you know as soon as I see my dr. I just hope he doesn't turn me away.
shana lewis
on 5/4/12 7:35 am - TX
I had RNY in 2007- lost 120 lbs and then slowly crept back up 60 lbs-Had a baby, stress and other things led to it
Found Dr Alexander here in Dallas, did my RNY to RNY revision- I lost 80 pounds in 6 months and I am maintaining!
I actually am going in for my tummy tuck May 11th- research your optiions- I looked at DS but it seemed to risky
my "tool" is working great and Im hppy and healthy!
If you want a friend, show yourself friendly!!
on 5/4/12 7:41 am - Malden, MA
Revision on 02/25/13
Wow Shana thats great!!!! Good luck with the tummy tuck! I am hoping my dr will do the same. What type of testing did you have done before the revision?
shana lewis
on 5/4/12 7:45 am - TX
I had an upper GI done- turned out the pouch had increased in size and there was something up with the stoma...
I was alseep for the whole thing- took about 20 mins- he took those pictures, sent them to insurance and I was approved in a day
Who I have, Alexander, he is doing my TT as well!!!
Thank you! Im so excited to do this- let me know if you have any other questions about revision!
If you want a friend, show yourself friendly!!
on 5/4/12 7:49 am - Malden, MA
Revision on 02/25/13
I am crossing my fingers that it will be that easy. How much did you gain back before the revision? I have gained a lot back. I am so scared... I would love to see some pics of the before and after.
shana lewis
on 5/4/12 8:21 am - TX
If you want a friend, show yourself friendly!!
shana lewis
on 5/4/12 8:22 am - TX
Dont know if you can see them- I think they are on my profile though..
I beagn at 315- down to 170- back up to 250 now Im holding between 160-170 and I know Ill lose a lot more after the TT!!!
If you want a friend, show yourself friendly!!
on 5/5/12 5:46 am - New York, NY
 Lisa, you look familiar, were you on here back in the day?  I had a BOB (Band over bypass) last june after regainning 65lbs of my 130lbs lost from RNY.  I love my band.  Yes, there are a lot of negative band people, but, most Bobsters I know are happy.  Check out my profile, email me direct if you have questions. I had RNY in 2002, went from 305 to 175.  I has Band June 23, 2011 and I am at 189.
on 5/6/12 1:28 pm - Malden, MA
Revision on 02/25/13
Yes, It has been a long time since I posted on here. I recognize your picture too. I think I am leaning towards the band because honestly I am chicken to have part of my stomach removed from the DS. RNY was very hard to recover from, so I can just imagine what the DS would do to me. What has been the most difficult for you since you were banded? I have been watching videos of the banding process and it doesn't look to bad. Why are there so many negative opinions on it? That part scares me, but with any surgery there are risks. I had lots of trouble with the RNY, but I would never regret having it. I wish my appointment was sooner than later, but nothing I can do. Any info you want to share would be great.. thx
on 5/6/12 11:31 pm - New York, NY
 Hey Lisa.  There are a lot of negative posts about the band bc its failed a lot of people.  But, it has also helped a lot of people. I think, in my non-medical opinion, that some people's body's just reject a foreign substance. Erosion of the band, band slippage, dilation, etc.   I don't know.  For as many negatives, I also read positives and while I am only 11 mos out, I'm very happy with my Band over Bypass.  I'm with you, I am not too keen onlosing entire stomach and I would never have a DS, plus, I didn't have as much to lose and couldn't see doing something that drastic.  Also, I was scared of the complications with the RNY to RNY revision.  I am lucky to have the best surgeons in the world in NYC and ones that specialiwze revisions, so, I could have chose the latter.  

For me, the biggest challenge has beeneating slower and havinfg real restriction.  When I eat too fast I throw up.  Certain days, I am very tight and cannot get much down, other days I can eat a little more.  But, out of 7 days and 21 meals a week, I am only hungry like 3 times. I never had that with the RNY.  Also, the weight loss is very slow.  Nothing like RNY.  But, you know what, you don't have to tell everyone bc it looks like you are dieting and you lose very very slowy and its more natural. Oh, also no eating and drinking the same time.  While it was a no-no with RNY,  its impossible to do with the Band.
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