
on 5/2/12 7:57 am
Adjustable Gastric Band on 08/20/06
I have been banded since 2006 and lost only about 50 pounds. I was always sick too.

I'm not sure if I want the SLEEVE or the RNY.

I really want to lose all the weight this time.

Any suggestions?
on 5/2/12 9:35 am
I have the EXACT SAME problem...only lost 50 lbs. as well since 2008.  Surgery date in 2 weeks and still undecided.
on 5/2/12 9:39 am
I am in the same spot, I dont want another failed surgery, but really dont want the RNY. It's so hard to know what to do.
on 5/3/12 9:07 am
Adjustable Gastric Band on 08/20/06
Which ever you choose I hope you have success!
on 5/2/12 10:18 am
you need to look at each surgery, advantages, complications. 

With the sleeve it restricts your volume but its different than the band.  some insurances are not yet covering the sleeve. check your insurance. 

you get to keep your intestines intact and you can take NSAIDS. that in itself makes many people choose.  also it can be made into duodenal switch if needed at a later time. 

RNY can help with calorie malabsorption for the first 1 1/2 years and then its all you.  you malabsorb vitamins forever.  a lot of people depend on the dumping and then they don't dump. only 30% of people have problems with sugar and dumping. 

i had major heartburn with the band so I did not even consider the sleeve.  Some people get heart burn with the sleeve. 

Look at each surgery and make the decision based on your research.  don't let someone convince you 1 surgery is better than the other surgery.



on 5/2/12 11:04 am - Vancouver, WA
Both are good and very effective surgeries(unlike the band) it basically boils down to is restriction all you need to cut down on the amount of food you can eat or do you need the restriction plus malabsorbtion of the RNY. Please don't be afraid these 2 surgeries won't work because they have worked for thousands of people! The band however has proven to be a very poor form of weight loss surgery for a huge number of people. You really can't compare the ineffectiveness of the band to the effectiveness of the sleeve or RNY. It's like apples and oranges, just not something you can compare. As long as you follow the rules of the sleeve and RNY you can pretty much count on it working where with the band you can follow every rule to a T and it still doesn't work a good deal of the time!
on 5/5/12 3:54 am
In same boat as u, just talked to surgeon, seems to be more risks involved converting to sleeve, but I like the long term results of the sleeve, just want to live to get there, so very undecided.
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