Band to RNY - stories please!

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/12 3:19 am - Bay City, MI
I was banded August 2004. My band worked at first, then not so much. I lost the most weight when it was slipped for about 10 months - I lost 74lbs due to not being able to eat and extreme acid reflux. May 2007, fixed band, kept weight off until 2012. Now I'm having a revision to RNY. I am a smaller patient I guess you could say. I'm 5'1" and 215lbs. I'm hoping to get to 130lbs.

Is the RNY slower when you have less to lose?

Is the RNY slower when revised from Lap Band?

Thanks friends!
on 4/16/12 9:18 am - Vancouver, WA
I know at least one person who has revised to RNY and done very well, hopefully some others will pop on here and give you better info.
on 4/16/12 9:35 am - Marlborough, MA
Revision on 04/05/12
Hi, I actually had my revision last week.  Right now there are several of us that just had revisions from the band to RNY you should post this on the RNY board for more stories.  Here's mine!!

I actually had a very successful banding experience until last year. I got the band back in April 2004. Lost all my weight in 2 years. My surgeon was very conservative with fills which is why I never needed an unfill in 8 years. I was able to maintain my goal weight for 5 yrs. I was not without additional surgeries though. I had my port flip twice my first year which resulted in 2 additional surgeries.

In April 2011, I woke up with no restriction. I called my NP and due to no pain she said make an appointment to come in anytime. Since I was at goal I thought I would try maintaining without the restriction-huge mistake. I quickly gained weight. I made the appointment and finally went in as they suspected a leak. With dye and under radiation they were trying to identify where the leak was coming from and unfortunately they couldn't.

My only 2 options were a full band replacement or revision to GB. I chose the GB for many reasons. The commitment level of the first year with the band in regards to the fills and appointments is huge and I've done that once and really don't have that investment right now. I was also very lucky to hit my sweet spot without additional complications which I don't know could happen again. I had WLS when I was 29, now almost at 40 and I realize that foreign "parts" will not last forever and I don't want additional surgeries (I already had 4 related to the band).

I also know that I am very successful with losing and maintaining so I just want it permanent. I am very happy with my decision. I'm 10 days post op and down 20lbs. I am losing quickly and loving the way I feel.  I hope this helps! Karianne

HW-244, SW-234, CW-207
4/8/04 Lap-band-Goal weight for 5 yrs, Tummy Tuck 6/23/08
Lap-band Leak 4/2011, Revision to Gastric Bypass 4/5/12

on 4/17/12 9:25 am - WA
Wow .. what an ordeal. I have had my band for 3-1/2 years. I lost I think about 70 pounds initially, and then learned how good it felt to eat simple carbs and not throw up. I have gained that weight back. I'm seeing my surgeon next month to talk about GB. I don't see that as a miracle. I don't know anybody who has had the band but I know several who have had GB. They are all doing well. I have work to do between now and then. I want this to be successful. Do you think that some part of it is "mental?" Meaning, knowing that it is permanent, seeing how fast people have lost weight with it, etc., that gives you a different mindset to make it more successful? I never really had much faith in the band.  I want to have a much better attitude this time around.

Thanks for reading!  - Andie
on 4/25/12 2:37 am
 thanks for the pst.  i was just infromed by a dr that i am not a canidate for the sleeve as the risks are too high since i have been banded and unbanded 3x due to a prolapse.  he did say he thought id do great with a bypass,  im confused and not sure what to feel.  im afraid of the bypass it just seems sooo extreme.  how did you move past the fear part of it?
on 4/17/12 12:05 pm
I started out at revision weight at 218 the day of surgery.  1 1/2 years later i am at 150.  I have lost 75% of weight i needed to lose.  I am pretty happy with it

at 1 month i lost 11 pounds,  at 2 months i lost 7 pounds,  Then i lost about 4 pounds/month.

I do think the exercise was important and started exercising immediately.  I walked 2 miles week 1. overdid it but felt it was important.

Make sure you follow your dietary guidelines and you will do fine.

I do think that revision patients lose slower but I think its because we weigh less.  your first 6 months is extremely important.  after 6 months i lost sporadically.



on 4/18/12 5:45 am
My story . . .

Lap band placed in January of 2009, surgery weight was 255ish and lowest with the band was 155. I was very successful with the band, but endured two slips, one in the first year and then the second in July 2011. Regained to 184 during complete unfills and revised to RNY September 2011. I just passed my 6 month mark and I am down to 165. My ultimate goal would be 145, but to be honest I have not put in a lot of extra effort with exercise. I have basically been eating the same way for the past 3 1/2 years but I can tell you the acid reflex and back pain I lived with during the whole second year I had the lap-band was hell! I have no problems with acid reflux since my revision and I have experienced very few food intolerances. Maybe since I was already accustomed to eating smaller portions and chewing very well? Who knows, but at this point in time I have no regrets. This weight puts me in a size 8, and I can certainly live with that! I wish you the best in your revision journey!!!!

Hope your day is great!

Banded 1/22/2009 Revision to RNY 9/26/11

on 4/25/12 2:40 am
 thats a nice story.  were you afraid to take he step to bypass?  if so, what helped you get through it.  no, issued with sliming ro foaming like the bad right?  when compared to life with the band, do you love the bypass so much more?  do you have dummping issues or anything scary like that.  please fill me in, as im a former bandster and im looking for the pros and cons  thanks
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/12 6:06 am - Bay City, MI
Thank you so much everyone for your stories. Every single one is helping me be stronger for my surgery day and the adventure after.
on 4/25/12 2:34 am
 why did you choses the RYN over the sleeve?
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