Fistula Revision

on 4/7/12 8:46 pm - Canoga Park, CA
Well its been awhile since I had been in this forum. I almost forgotten about it. I remember how eccited I was to get the original weight loss surgery. I would talk with everyone I knew who had already had it prior about what to expect and what not. I had my surgery back in 2005. I had started at almost 400lbs. I had to lose 30 lbs on my own prior to the surgery and I was successful. I had a tough time with the 3 days clear liquid diet prior to the surgery. Mainly because I felt already deprived to lose the 30lbs. I was dreaming of tacos and hamburgers even after the surgery.  It has been a long story but I got down to 250 lbs. Over the last 3 years I originally had ulcers but now I have a Fistula and have gained almost all my weight back. I now have insurance and a date scheduled for the revision but my Dr. hasent even really discussed much with me but after the Endoscopy I did I asked him if the revision would be easier then the original surgery and he said "no it will be worse". He was honest with me but I am even more scared. I felt like I was close to death the first surgery and now I have to do it all over again. My surgery is scheduled for May 4th. I will have to be on liquids for 5 days prior to surgery. I dont know for sure if it is clear liquids or just liquids. I will do regular liquids for 2 days and clear liquids for 3 like I did before surgery. I might even start eating more soups and broths and protien shakes in preperation. I would like to hear from people who have had revisions be it Fistula repair or whatever and give me hope and strength for my ordeal next month,
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/12 1:14 am - WA
what are you revising to?
on 4/25/12 9:54 am - Canoga Park, CA
I hate to say this but I do not know exactly. I only know that after 2 Endoscopes and Upper Gi's that I have a Fistula. My doctor says he can repair it. I trust him but all that I know is that he is going to re-create a pouch and completely cut away the unused portion of the stomach to avoid any future Fistulas. However I do worry that if the stomach is removed and I do have a leak which is more common after revisions that it will leak into my body causing some sort of septic issue. My doctor did tell me that the pain ordeal and healing time will be worse then it was in the beginning and that scares me. I am 2 weeks away and I sure would love to hear some positive stories on successful revisions and that the pain wont be as bad. I am getting very nervous and just want it to be over with. I am glad of one thing and that the revision can be done laproscopically instead of being cut open like a fish. I also hope that if once he is in there and if things seem to complicated from scar tissue or whatever that he backs out instead of doing it anyways and upping my risk of complications. If all is successful I will no longer have the night pains or acid burns I had been getting. Because of the Fistula I apparently produce excess acids that travel up the esophagus and cook me from within. It feels like I swallowed a hot coal and then when I try to relieve it with an antacid it becomes a gas that lodges in my ribcage and feels like I have been stabbed. Both pains are debilitating and I can't do anything except curl up in a ball until it goes away eventually. Its like heart burn x 100.
on 4/30/12 5:11 am
Revision on 04/25/12
Hi. This sounds almost identical to my post. I had the Fobi pouch in 2007. I went from 335 to my lowest of 165. In only 4 years the weight crept back on and i am now at 220. I was told i had a fistula. I found another dr due to insurance issues that was able to do a revision. I had my revision 5 days ago 4/25. Like you said, he repaired the fistula, removed part of my stomach and also removed scar tissue lesions. He did tell me this was going to be as bad or worse as the original bypass. As of today i am doing GREAT and pain is minimal. it is just how i remembered and the post-op liquid diet is what seems to be the most horrible part of all this. i sure could go for a cheeseburger or slice of pizza right about now. but so far so good! no complications and things look good. i hope this helps a little as just like you i went into this revision not knowing much about it or what exactly was going to happen. i hope your revision goes as smoothly as mine did! good luck, and if you have any questions feel free to ask. :)
on 4/30/12 7:03 am - Canoga Park, CA
Wow, I am glad you are doing good!  Thank you for getting back with me. I am somewhat starting my liquid diet today as I have my surgery on Friday. I have all of my drinks preparred for when I am through with the revision. Liquid Vitamins, Liquid Protien drinks, Chewable Adult Vitamin Gummy Bears, Plus I still have Protoien mixes from my previous surgery so I am set on that. I fear the first day after surgery the most, the waking up part and realizing you are in the hospital and in pain. I remember the first time and felt like an infant learning how to breath for the first time as well as feeling like I had been kicked by a horse. Once I was on the Morphien I was ok, just sleepy. The first time I went through it I remember wanting the surgery so bad and to lose weight was so important to me but after a while I resented it because of the restriction and change it made on my palate. But I went through it and lost the weight. My social life was great, and then the bleeding ulcers scared me big time. They were never painful, but I almost died twice because of them and they came with little to no warnings. Later on I started getting pain and attributed it to the ulcers for a long time until I finally got a Scope to go in and it was able to venture all the way down, a clear indication of Open Gastric. Then almost all of my weight came back. The more weight the less movement I could do, Back started going out on me all the time, legs swell up to twice thier size. So I really have no choice although I really do not want to do this all over again I know that I have to. I guess I will be more excited as I start seeing the weight come off again. I will buy a scale soon instead of closing my eyes when I step on one as I have been doing. I have avoided alot of the social hangouts that I used to go to because of my weight gain shame. There is certainly hope for me. Soon enough you can have that slice of pizza and or cheeseburger. As well as you will be saving alot of money on groceries, as I will as well. I am glad to read that in 5 days you are up and moving and not bed ridden.  How long were you in the hospital? Were you nausious or sick after the surgery or just in pain? Did you have gas pains after?  How long after the surgery were you allowed to drink water? I remember being soooo thirsty when I woke up and I was not allowed any fluids until I was xrayed for leaks. The first fluid I got to drink was barium.... eeeeewwww!! But after water never tasted so sweet.
on 5/5/12 3:17 am
Revision on 04/25/12
i am so sorry i did not respond sooner! Wow that sure sounds like a mirrored version of my life. although luckily i didnt have the complications from the leakage like you did. i know your surgery was yesterday and i hope all went well and you are feeling ok! please let me know how you are doing when you are feeling up to it :)
on 5/7/12 6:54 pm
 I can't help with surgery advice but I did want to hop in and tell you to calm
Down sweetie. I know you are nervous but you seem to be making yourself worse with worry. It is what it is and it will all be over soon.  Just take a deep breath and remember those first few weeks won't last forever... just a few weeks!  :). I just had a repair for a perforated ulcer in my pouch. I have an incision from my breast bone to my belly button and yes the recovery has been tougher this time but it's manageable. And do t morn food. Food is what got us into this position in the first place. Food is not your friend. Would you miss a friend that punched you in the face every day?  No. So don't cry for that pizza. Say see ya sucka and move on!  Good luck and don't stress!!
RNY April 2009
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
They only fixed your stomach, not your head!
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