Band over RNY story- Doing Great!!

on 3/29/12 12:48 pm
Long stroy short.. I had a RNY in 1993 and lost 110lbs. By 1998 I had gained 60% of it back and by 2007 I had gained all of it back.

The doctor did test and showed my stoma had stretched and this was the cuase of my weight gain. He suggested band over RNY and told me if I was luck I would lose maybe half of what I gained. So in 2009 I had the band and within a year lost 100lbs. I went from 265 to 165.

I'm glad to report that I have stayed at 160-165 lbs for 1 1/2 years now and it seems to be working. This is a good weight for me as I'm 5'8 tall...So based on my experience I would reccomend the band as a revisional surgery.

I also want to say that even though the RNY failed, I think it helped me understand the restriction I was suppose to feel and this helped me when getting my band filled. It allowed me to judge it better and know how tight I needed to be.

I'm praying this will last long term. As long as I have no complicatoins I will never have it taken out. I did have the fluid taken out one time about 6 months after surgery to have another procedure done (Unrelated to bypass stuff) and I was able to eat A LOT!! So I know that just because I've lost my weight.. I still need the band as my tool for help.

Good luck in your decisions!! God Bless you!!

on 3/29/12 11:26 pm - New York, NY
 Congrats Jeanie. I had a BOB last June. I had my RNY in 2002 went from 305 to 175 and was almost 250 when I was banded last summer. I am in the low 190s now and so close to my goal.  All my old clothes fit so Im very pleased.  Glad you are doing well!
on 4/2/12 4:51 pm
Good job Heather!!  You will get there!  It is a little slower but will happen!! 
on 4/3/12 4:11 pm
Hello! I am new to this board. I had RNY surgery in 2005 and my weight has started shooting up.
I have spoken with my surgeron who thinks the lapband is a great idea.

Your post gives me hope I have insurance. But wondering how long was your approval process and recovery time?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon...
on 4/7/12 6:53 am
My approval process just took a couple of weeks...

I was back on my feet in 24 hours... Back to work in a week...

I would reccomend to anyone to give yourself at least a week...
on 3/31/12 10:27 am - Baltimore, MD
Revision on 03/29/12
 Hi Jeannie, 
I had the BOB on March 29th and is very anxious to know what to expect.  I had the original RNY in 2005 and gain a lot of the weight back.  My surgeon ended up doing the BOB as a revision because of excess scar tissue. I'm okay with the decision he made I'm just lost as to whats next. I have to see him next week for follow up and will have a lot of questions for him.  He said in three weeks he will fill the band.  

When I started looking into revisions I research all the different types except BOB so I'm not too familiar with the bottom line.  Your post has helped me understand a little more.
on 4/2/12 4:55 pm
Cbartee.... This time next year you will have probably dropped at least 100lbs.  Best advice is just keep going for your band fills as soon as you can!!  Even if they do not schedule them.. As soon as you are allowed.. get the next one done!!

As stated in my previous post.. Just try and remember how tight you were before and let that be your guide as to when your band has had enough.  I did not notice a lot of weight loss till after my 5th fill.  So do not get discourgaged... It may take you 5-7 fills before you really feel like its working.  Good luck!!!!
on 4/4/12 12:10 pm - Buffalo, NY
HI Jeannie,

I'm  wondering did you have a hard time getting approval with the insurance co?  I am considering having lap over bypass done and I just wanted to know should be prepared for a battle.  Congrats on your continued success.

God Bless you and yours.

on 4/7/12 6:50 am
Once I had the scope put down my throat and they saw my stoma was stretched it was not a problem. 

However if your denied once.. I would just fight them on it... I think they always do that because they think people will just walk away.

Good luck@!!
on 4/24/12 1:25 am - Fl
I am so glad I found this forum as I am considering a band over bypass.

In 1997, I was one of the rare RNY bypass patients. I went from 380 to 187. Today, almost 15 years later, I am 200 but I have never reached my goal weight. I also had complication in 2005 and had to have my staple line redone.

I would love to hear from anyone who has had a band over bypass how your did and if you would do it again. Did you have any complications specifically from scar tissue or any other thing that kept you from feeling 100%


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