My band is out
My band was removed on Tuesday, it went well and there was nothing damaged. I am sad, I know it sounds crazy but I feel like I am grieving my band. It was my buddy for 3 years and now...its gone. I know that it was for my own good but now I just feel left with no hope for nothing not even a revision. At first my surgeon said I could have the RNY but then he changed his mind and said that because of the amounts of steroids I have to take to stay alive that the RNY is not an option. I have gained back 64lbs since I had to go on steroids which makes me feel like such a failure, I know its not my fault but its to hard to think logically right now. He said that the sleeve is the only one option but I am not sure about that. My insurance dont cover it but he said he would fight hard for it if I wanted it. At this point I am not sure I even want to go through this anymore. I wouldnt even consider it unless my lupus was in complete remission. Oh well, thanks for letting me vent.
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!