Ulcer questions

Jamie B.
on 2/15/12 4:25 am - MI

Seems the diagnosis/top post surgery issue we're seeing is ulcers. Can anyone tell me (other than the big NO NO, NSAIDS) what things cause us to get ulcers?

Also, is everyone's ulcer in their pouch? Is a revision the only thing that cures it? When you got a revision, does that just mean your pouch is smaller and the doc removes the "ulcered" part?

What happens if we get an ulcer in the stomach they left behind? 

I've tried googling this and they refer to the pouch as a stomach and it confuses me. The only reference to causes are NSAIDS, but I find it hard to believe that SO many people would use those, so something has to be causing the ulcers! 

Thanks for any insight/personal stories. I'm post op, so its too late to do anything but try to prevent them if I am able.

on 2/15/12 7:56 am - TX
H pylori, a bacteria that can live in the stomach, is usually the culprit in ulcers.  But they can also be helped along by highly acidic foods.  It's one of the reasons most plans want folks off of caffeine and soda.

If you get an ulcer in the pouch, it's usually treated with medication.  Surgery is a last resort.  If you get it in the remnant stomach, I'm not sure what they can do!
on 2/15/12 11:22 pm
I had an ulcer (thought it was my gall bladder at first) they treated it with Omprezole which is basically generic prilosec (I think)......anyway I NEVER took NSAIDS - I do drink decaf sometimes not everyday and I don't eat citrus or drink pop - I do eat tomatoes....
I don't know.....
H.A.L.A B.
on 2/23/12 6:05 am
H-paylori bacteria
Smoking, current and past use of NSAIDS, too much acid , mechanical irritation (i.e. any food taht may sharp edges- nuts?) chemical irritation (very acid foods or very spicy foods that may irritate the pouch - or small intestains), food allergies, any other allergies, medications, even alcohol.  

And so on.  I am on daily omeprozole. almost 4 years. When I tried to stop (slowly) - I end up in pain  (a few times),  so My doc and I agreed that for now i may to need to stay on them.   And I still can get them (ulcers). when taht happens I get the omeprozole 2 time sa day or my doc switches me to stringer PPI, and I follow a very bland food diet for at least one month, with a soft - or even liquid diet first 1-2 weeks. (as long as I am really hurting)

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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