Advice please!! RNY Revision

on 2/16/12 1:19 am, edited 2/16/12 2:13 am - Worcester, MA
hi! i had the rny done july 2009. i did amazing for about 6 months, and have completely stopped other than bouncing around the same 10 lbs, for the last 3 1/2 years.
i am averaging about 500-900 calories a day, and unfortunately the slider foods (protein shakes, mashed potatoes, cheese, stuff like that) are the things i keep down the best. i havent touched sugar since before surgery, but still have a weakness for chips (just being honest here...) most protein like fish, chicken, meat... i still end up throwing up after about 15 minutes of eating. i cant eat rice and pasta without throwing it up or feeling sick. same with things like cereal or oatmeal...
i have been having blood work done every 4 months and i am deficient in iron, d, b12.
i ended up in the hospital with an ulcer last summer, and have been to a neurologist after starting to be very shaky and passing out at random. originally they thought perhaps it was MS, but after doing a load of tests i am malnurished with vitamins (which i take almost double of everything every day) and regular headaches turned to almost daily migraines.
i feel more tired and worn out now then i did at my heaviest.
now... my rny saved my life in so many ways. it reshaped my thoughts on food, and i am still in therapy for food addiction, i went from a BMI of 47 to now 34. for the first time since i was a preteen i am actually under 200lbs, but only by about 6lbs.
i know probably close to 2 dozen people who have had the RNY and only one person who failed it.
i have been thinking of revision, but most commonly is the DS and for starters my state doesnt do it, and secondly the thought of more malnourishment scares me.
i see my surgeon tomorrow because i am at the end, if you took away the fact im fat and just looked at me, i look sick, if i were thin if probably seem anorexic. my hair has become so thin, it wont grow, my face is greyish and always broken out, i am constantly shaking and wanting to sleep.
after seeing so many specialists about reasons i am becoming and staying like this, it has been widdled down to either malnutrition (yet for some reason im still fat, never stopped being fat, sadly) or im dying of some unknown desease.
my husband wants me to have it reversed, he said he would rather have be morbidly obese then being the way i am now.
but he doesnt understand how hard it is being morbidly obese, nor does he understand how crappy i feel about my weight, still, and how the fear of gaining everything back horrifies me.
does anyone have advice??
i really appreciate it!
on 2/16/12 8:08 am
Hi I See Dr.Richard Perugine in Mass also and I'm trying to go for a revision also, but have to go through and see the nutionist again and go from there. I had my surgery in 2002 and gain 45 pounds back and I have been really tired all the time also  and have other problems.
Brenda T.
on 2/16/12 6:33 pm - MA
Hi I am in the same Umass boat.. Very interested in what your guys fine out.. Keep me posted.


on 2/17/12 12:18 am - Worcester, MA
thanks for the encouragement, my dr was Dr Kelly. i have asked him about it before and he said there was no revision option for me. i was doing some research and was thinking perhaps trying to convert to a vsg, but he said that would do absolutely nothing for my wanting to lose weight. so i am not sure what to do... i havent had a gain back problem, other than the 10lbs i bounce between almost weekly i can maintain like a champ... i just cant lose it.
on 2/17/12 8:43 pm
your dr said there was no revision options for you since he doesn;t do the DS, and neither does anyone else in MA. do yourself a favor and explore that option.  being in MA the closest would be NY.  Dr Roslin does RNY to DS revisions, he is picky, you have nothing to lose to research that option and make an appointment with him if you think that is something you would like.  good luck to you
on 2/21/12 2:52 am - Worcester, MA
thanks! the thing about the DS that scares me is i heard the malnutrition is way worse than with RNY, and thats one of my biggest issues right now, i am not absorbing anything. i wonder though if insurance would cover that if it ended up being an option.
so as an update, i had my appointment on friday and they did more blood work, the NP mentioned the VSG but said no one likes to reverse (including reversing and redoing) the RNY because it is really hard and can cause severe complications. she looked at me, while i was telling her my situation, like i was nuts. she was like "if youre not absorbing anything and following the rules like you said i dont understand why your BMI says you're still obese" when i showed her my food diary she took a look and since i was honest on it about how slider foods like mashed potatoes, are some of the only things i can keep down, she said thats my problem, im not supposed to have any white carbs at all. it was actually pretty frustrating. i got the impression that she thought i was lying and that i secretly eat chocolate cake and loads of white carbs only to come in and say i dont. i do eat white carbs sometimes, not in the form of white rice or white pasta (i cant even imagine keeping that down) but i do eat potatoes, and i do have a weakness for chips. i just dont eat them often, maybe a few times a month if that. she said she would review my blood work and scheduled me for an appt to meet with the surgeon in a few months, i asked her if she could do it sooner. she said she would call me today with my results... so im still waiting on that.
i know its probably not common, and its not like i have gained anything back, i have maintained but arent losing any more, and cant get my vit and protein levels up to save my life. i am on double and triple the supplements. she said since i havent regained it means its still working and that rny isnt a cure its a tool to help people get ready for the "weigh****chers" stage.
its just rather frustrating. :(
thanks again and as soon as i hear back i will update again!
on 2/23/12 1:42 am, edited 2/23/12 1:43 am - Lancaster, MA
I live near here. I had my first surgery back in 99. I ALS struggled with protein and couldn't stomach the shakes hated them. Also rice and pasta. I pretty much lived on crackers and cottage cheese and scrambled eggs. If you are able to inlace soy you should. Stop potatoes and rice, pasta, bread. You most likely need to exercise much more. I lost 232 pds kept that off by exercising to extreme for 6 yrs. When I hit major depression my divorce and such went back to comfort foods. I still avoid, pork,beef, chicken but started with diet soda, white stuff and now I'm up 80 pds. Not fun. My best advice,, don't give into white food.... Work out more and this is a long haul life. Your pouch is small, use it wisely it won't always be. Take tripe vitamins if you have too... I suffer bone loss now didn't have great followup like they do now and find emotional support.
on 2/27/12 10:31 am
I just went to see the nutritionist  today and she told me that she has never seen them do a revision since she has been there in 9 years so when I go back to see Dr.Perugini on 3/28 I'm going to ask him. He had told me to go to a few visits then come see him in 6 weeks. I hope he does I live 90 min from his office.
on 2/27/12 10:44 am - Lancaster, MA
I agree, they have never done one. I went there for a second opinion and she hit me with that too. I need a new smaller pouch, I've got a few issuse and I'll most likely end up at the MGH in Boston.
Keep up your efforts to lose for weight by encreasing exercise.
The biggest loser trainer say its not fair but people in our weight history have to do about 2-3 hours 6 days a week for the rest of our lives. SUCK but its true I think.

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