Has anyone had the lapband removed and then had the roux en y done??

on 2/14/12 4:11 am, edited 2/16/12 12:40 am
Has anyone had the lapband removed due to complications and then had the roux en y done?? I had the lap band for 2 years then had to have it removed due to erosion. When I had it removed I got very bad infection where the port was while in the hospital. I am now getting ready to have the Roux en Y in March. I was just wondering if anyone had a similar situation. I'm getting nervous that the band may have caused too much internal damge and I may not be able to get the roux en y completed due to too much scarred tissue or if my stomach was damaged (too thin from repair after band was removed)  much from the erosion.
on 2/14/12 10:38 am - Vancouver, WA
Oh yes there have been many revisions from the band. I think most go for the sleeve but there are some who have gotten RNY and hopefully they will pop in too. It's impossible to tell what if any damage has been done until they get in there. I wish you the best and I'm sure the surgery will be fine!
Melissa G.
on 2/14/12 12:40 pm, edited 2/14/12 12:41 pm - Littleton, CO
RNY on 02/27/12
I hope more people reply to you as well!  I am waiting to hear if I will get my lap band removed after 2 years and have the Roux en Y done in at the same time.  My surgeon isn't worried at all about it, he hasn't done too many of these yet, but says it doesn't increase the risk for us being that we were previous or current lap band people.
I hope your surgery goes well.  Please keep us posted on how it goes!
on 2/15/12 7:27 am
Yes, I just had the revision done on Jan 24. A week and a half later I was re-admitted to the hospital with severe pains. My bowels kinked up which made everything in my body freak out. I was in the hosptial for 5 more days after they had to do an emergency surgery to fix my bowels.

I now have a tube coming out of my body that collects a bunch of green bile/digestive juices for the next month.

It is very painful, I'm thinking the spot where they put the tube in is now getting infected. I'm wondering when this is ever going to be over.

On a postive note, I am losing weight. But I'm very depressed/cold/in pain. You'll have to ask me in a couple months how I feel about this.
on 2/15/12 7:43 am - McKinney, TX
Revision on 03/21/12
I am hoping to get my band removed and revised to the roux en y. I had an EGD this past saturday
and I have developed Gastritis/ Esophagitis along with a dilated esophagus. Let me know how things go for all of yall.


on 2/15/12 9:28 am - West Fargo, ND
I had my realize band removed and RNY done on Nov. 29, 2011. I am 11 weeks out yesterday. I have lost 35 pounds with 20 of it being in the first 2 weeks. I had a very slow recovery. Ended up needing 3 dilatations in the first 6 weeks. Over the last 2 weeks now, I have actually felt human and have been back to the gym slowly increasing my gym time over the last 4 weeks. I have been at a stand still for about 2 weeks again. I am told that since I am a revision that the weight will come off very slow and have patience, but needless to say my patiences is wearing thin since my measurements and the scale hasn't changed in 2 weeks now. Not sure if it is the workouts putting me at a stand still or what, but very frustrating.
Original weight 285. Lowest weight 210. Revision weight 249. Size 24W
Current weight 210 as of February 23, 2012!!!
Current size 16-18 as of February 25, 2012!!!
Barb H.
on 2/17/12 1:57 am - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
I'm so glad you are starting to feel better now. From things I've read, 2 to 3 week stalls seem to be very common, which is frustrating as hell! But hang in there, you are in good company and if you need to just talk, you can PM me.
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at www.journeyofafatwoman.wordpress.com
Barb H.
on 2/17/12 1:54 am - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
Well, I feel very fortunate compared to the other posters here. I was banded in March 2009. I lost about 45 pounds then plateaued. I got a fill and ended up in the ER because I couldn't even keep a sip of water down so my band was emptied. He put a smaller fill in and I did better but never lost any more weight. Then I developed GERD and chronic bronchitis, having 2 severe episodes lasting a week each time within 9 months. My surgeon said both symptoms were caused by my band being too tight. So he emptied it again to relieve the symptoms and both went away. And the pounds came back on with a vengeance. Over the next year, I regained about 50 pounds and although the GERD got way better, I still had lots of issues with my lungs.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. I had surgery on January 25th to remove my band and have RNY done. I have to say that I've done exceptionally well and am so fortunate that I've not had any of the problems others have cited here. In recovery, I had some pain and nausea so they kept giving me meds for it so it seemed to take forever to come out of all those meds, but once I did, I was pretty good. I had a drain in for 5 days with only an overnight stay in the hospital. There was very little scar tissue around my stomach where the band was. I've been able to tolerate everything I've eaten very well. I've lost about 20 pounds whi*****ludes the pre-op time. Im still a little weak which is frustrating since I don't sit still very well, but overall, I'm doing very well.

I have a friend who was revised about a month prior to mine and she too has done very well. It really bums me that others have had such a hard time. But I did want you to know that there are people who have done well with it.
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at www.journeyofafatwoman.wordpress.com
on 2/17/12 2:21 am - West Fargo, ND
I had the band placed in Jan 2009. In the first year I lost about 80 pounds. Had my port replaced in Aug 2009 also. Ended up with a slipped band in Jan 2010. Had emergency surgery to repair it. I had a vomiting episode from being so dehydrated, that I ended up bursting my original surgical sutures and that is what caused the slipped band. So the band was repaired and the entire second year was a headache. Never was able to get restriction. The tiniest fills or unfills made dramatic differences. Even 0.1 or 0.2 ml could cause me to have to much restriction and the same went for unfills. I ended up starting to gain weight. After a full year of this, we started fighting with insurance to have a revision done. In August of 2011, we discovered that I had esophageal dilatation due to the vomiting and band causing pressure even though my band had been empty since January of 2011. By this time I had gained half my weight back. Still couldn't get insurance to cover it, so insurance agreed to pay for the removal of the band only and i negotiated a reduced self pay rate to have the RNY done at the same time. The surgeon said that there was quite a bit of scar tissue he had to get  through, so it was a harder surgery for him than expected.

The 12 days post op had my first dilatation which I ended up having a self contained perforation, so ended up being back in the hospital for 4 days. My second dilatation was on Christmas Day, and my third dilatation was on Jan. 11, 2012. Slowly but surely things have been improving. Basically just a big learning curve as far as eating and chewing. I have almost lost the forty pounds that I had put back on with the band. The surgeons assistant said I'm actually ahead of where they expected me to be due to me being a revision.
Original weight 285. Lowest weight 210. Revision weight 249. Size 24W
Current weight 210 as of February 23, 2012!!!
Current size 16-18 as of February 25, 2012!!!
on 2/21/12 12:19 am
What is a dilatation?
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