Prolapsed Band

on 2/1/12 11:51 pm, edited 2/1/12 11:52 pm - IL
Hi Everyone,  I haven't been on here in a long time but I was banded about six years ago and needless to say, like many others, I have had no success.  I lost about 34 lbs initially but after a BAD overfill episode about a year ago in which I had most of the fluid removed, I have gained all my weight back and then some.  I recently decided to go back to my original physician who had placed the band for me and start over.  However after running a couple of tests and an EGD on Monday, I found out my band has prolapsed and my stomach is not emptying correctly!  I'm not sure what the part about my stomach not emptying means but I have an appointment on Monday to discuss my options.  I have a feeling I'm looking at surgery to remove the band which I'm actually glad about but I would like to revise to the sleeve.  I know my insurance(health link)doesn't cover to remove the band unless something is wrong which now there is but do you think they will pay for a revision too since my band has caused damage anyway??  Just looking for any advice.  Thanks

A H.
on 2/2/12 9:47 am
Revision on 02/09/12
I'm sorry to hear about your band troubles. I've had mine 4  yrs and it slipped too.  I bid you welcome to an unfortunately large club of us with failed  bands. We have a FB page and a group here with lots of info.

I was approved for revision to sleeve but my insurance covers band removal as well as WLS without exceptions. But given your band failed your doctor should be able to write a letter to the insurance company in a way that shows it's a medical necessity to have it removed and revised. Best of luck to you!! I'm getting revised in a week and can't wait.

Band (09/07) removed, revised to sleeve 2/9/12.

on 2/2/12 10:49 pm - IL
Thank you so much for your response.  I wish you the best of luck on your revision.  Hopefully I will get to that place soon.  Did you have any damage from your band slipping? 
A H.
on 2/7/12 3:57 am
Revision on 02/09/12
I don't have any erosion, I think they won't fully know the damage though until they open me up. Based on the GI study and endoscopy I have some esophageal dilation which hopefully is gone by now. I'll have more info on what damage is there after surgery. Hoping for none. :)

Band (09/07) removed, revised to sleeve 2/9/12.

on 2/3/12 12:09 pm - St Peters, MO
Hi, sorry to hear about your band issues.  I had 2 bands and had slips with both and was revised to the sleeve in Aug 2010 and couldnt be happier.  I see you had Dr de la Torre as your surgepn.  He did my first band and Dr. Scott removed that band , placed  second band and helped on my revision.  I know Dr. de la Torre is in Columbia now.  Did you go to Columbia or did you go to Depaul Hospital?   I had a total of 4 surgeries, the last one being my revision.  Any questsions you might have, feel free to ask. 

on 2/5/12 9:23 pm - IL
Hi Sherry,

Thanks for your response.  I went to De Paul hospital.  Did you have to wait from the time you had the band removed to the time you got the revision or were they able to do the revision at the same time you had the second band removed?  Did you have any trouble with insurance?
on 2/6/12 5:54 am - St Peters, MO
I was able to get my band taken out and revised to the sleeve at the same time, I was glad, because that was my 4th surgery and didnt want another one.  I was told there was a possibility they might not be able to do the band removal and sleeve in same surgery, but they did, even though i  had a lot of scar tissue from the 2 bands i had.  Are you going to Dr. Scott or Dr Morales.?   I have been to both and prefer Dr.Morales  He has a much better personality and is great about answering questtons and explaining things.

I didnt have any trouble with my insurance(United Healthcare) approving my revision.  But I had had so many issues over 4 yrs with the 2 bands that I had, that I dont know how they could have denied me. You said your insurance will pay for removal of bamd, if there is something wrrong.  Sounds to me like you have enough wrong that they should pay for band removal and revvison to sleeve.   I just dont know how the thing with your stomach not emptying correcttly would affect the sleeve.   Did you have one of those gastric emptying studies done?  I had to have one of those done and mine was fine

Good luck and let me know what happens after your next doctor visit.

on 2/6/12 10:37 pm - IL
I haven't had a gastric study done yet.  I went to my appointment yesterday and that was apparently a problem before the band.  Dr. Scott says the band has to come out and I decided I definitely want to revise to the sleeve.   So the process has started.  I have to go in for a half a day to speak with 3 different people(I don't remember who) then some tests, then my case goes to the bariatric board for their approval.  If that all goes well which Dr. Scott for sees it to, then it goes to my insurance for approval.  Seems like a lot of steps but I figure it all helps to get the insurance to approve so I don't mind.  I'm just anxious to get this band out.  I hurt when I eat and last night I had food come up while I was sleeping!  Yuk!  I'll keep you posted
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