Problems with reflux

on 12/26/11 3:27 am - Parma, OH
Haven't been on OBH for many years.  Had RNY in 2004 and lost 100  lbs.  Kept up with consistent exercise and vitamins for 5 years, and kept most of the weight from coming back for 3 years, then struggled going up and down 15 pounds for a couple years.  Then 2009 had a bad accident that put me into physical therapy for about 6 months (faceplant on concrete).  Knocked me off my game and I ate my way through the pain.

I am ready to get back into my exercise routine and get myself back on track, but here are problems that have developed in the mean time.  I noticed since about 2008 that the reflux that disappeared when I first had surgery was coming back.  I was able to eat more, and I began drinking with my meals again, which probably didn't help any.  I have now regained a little less than half of my original weight loss and don't want this to get worse.  But the big problem for me is the reflux.  I sleep on a wedge pillow. Prilosec and other similar medications do not affect the reflux and the coughing is keeping me up nights.  It's as if whatever I have eaten or drank flows back up the esophagus whenever I lay down. 

The GI Doc I went to seems to think the sphincter muscle at the top of the pouch is not working well enough and perhaps things have stretched out a bit.  I think I agree with that.  The doctor said that there are surgeries they can do on people with normal stomachs to correct the refulx problem, but there may be fewer options for me since I have had the RNY and the scar tissue impacts blood to that area.  I am scheduled for an endoscopy tomorrow along with a colonoscopy since at my age I need to do that as well.  We are supposed to discuss what he feels my options are after this surgery, but I am concerned that I need to find out what other recommendations there are for my specific situation and not get locked into what could be a limited opinion.

Have any of you had this reflux problem after your weight loss surgery?  Is this part of what happens if your pouch stretches out? Could a revisionbe  the answer, and if so what kind?
on 12/26/11 8:44 am
Funny you should ask. Im having surgery. On Jan. 13 mainly because of the reflux issues. Unlike you my original surgery made my reflux terribly worse. Because the new small stomach caused the reflux to work it's way up and excape through my nose & throat. Soon it caused one stricture after another and I had to have several EGD produces.

Fast forward 3 1/2 years later I haven't. Lost a pound 2 years & the opening to my pouch is about 3 times larger than it should be the reflux is so bad I sleep in a recliner. My Suregon stated he has never had to dilate any patient as many times as me. The plan he choose for me was to place a lapband over the stretched area to repair the issue. I'm no expert on the subject but I really think that because the band is adjustable it may be the solution to my nightmare. I Suggest you see you bariatric Suregon before you make a final decision

Best wishes
on 12/28/11 12:41 am
I'm going to tell both posters, getting the band put on to "fix" reflux will not fix it...It will make it worse (from personal experience).  I ended up with severe gerd and esophagus erosion due to my band (placed in 2008).  Anyone that has ever had reflux problems should never be banded.  Period.

I know you said Prilosec doesn't help.  Have you tried Nexium?  Coffee, sodas, anything with acid (i.e. orange juice, pineapple juice), fruits, even onions and ketchup will complicate the reflux. Drinking with your meals also makes it worse as well...Best of luck to you...
Barb H.
on 12/29/11 3:12 pm - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
I,have to agree with FLJeepgirl. I am revising from the band to RNY in January because of GERD. It has also causes me to aspirate so I now have bronchitis regularly plus I've developed asthma. I've just recently read of this procedure being offered and because of my problems and those of many people I know, I'm really surprised and a little disturbed about it. Please do your research before committing to anything so you will be well informed.m

I wish you the very best!
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at
on 12/29/11 5:44 pm - Parma, OH
WOW.  I had no idea the lap band was causing so many problems. I had thought maybe the lap band over the RNY would solve both the refulx and my weight regain, but I GUESS NOT! 

I had originally wanted to get a lap band instead of my RNY surgery in 2004, but the surgeon available to me at the time was not experienced in the lap band but was great at RNY.  Now I see all these folks who had lap bands being converted to RNY....  Had no idea it could make GERD worse.  Now I'm glad I had RNY.  Thanks so much for your replies and advice.

The upper endoscopy I had on Tuesday showed my pouch is nice and short, but the surgeon said that doesn't mean it wasn't stretched out laterally.  His investigation did find a Schatzky's ring in my esophogas.  This can be caused by acid reflux and can cause some people to get food stuck there.  I have no symptoms with mine.  Will find out more when I go to my post op appointment later on in January, but for now, I need to do a lot  more research-- and try to pay more attention to my eating habits.

Thanks so much for all your help.
on 12/30/11 11:42 pm
Could you have a hiatal hernia? They're notorious for causing reflux.

My SIL had one and had it fixed when she had her RNY about 10 years ago. Now it's back with a vengence, and the docs aren't certain if they can fix it again without revising her pouch as well.

on 4/19/12 11:42 pm
I just wanted to share my experiences.
I have had the band for 8 years now?  Lost 80kg and kept it off easy.

However I have suffered badly from reflux.  Especially at night.

A cheap and fairly much non toxic way to deal with it is to take some magnesium.  It is more effective than some of the strongest antiacids I have had taken.

At the end of the day if you take too much magnesium it will give you the runs!  But the reflux should pretty much disapear.  I also recommend that you ensure pouch is empty when you go to bed,. ie do not drink or eat before bed.  I take the magnesium tablets withou****er at all if i am havinga bad time.

Worth trying.

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