Please help!! Lapband to DS Revision

on 12/20/11 12:20 am, edited 12/20/11 12:21 am
  Happy holidays everyone,   (I also posted this on the DS forum seeking feedback)

I would appreciate as much feedback as I can get.  I am a bit stressed out because  I am trying to get the ball rolling so that I can get my DS revison from lapband surgery approved.  I have been seeing a supervised weight control  nutritionist since 1994 this nutritionist also provides pharmacotherapy (phentermine). Although i have a lapband i was still seeing him because the lapband  makes me regurgitate if i even tried to eat anything substantially healthy with or without a fill which is strange due to it has not slipped (had upper GI done) because of this to keep anything down i had to resort to the bad foods, by going to my nutritionist I was able to limit myself or so I thought.   

My last visit with him was in 2010 when my BMI was at 38.8 but the year before it was 41. To make a long story short he wrote an excellent letter for my insurance company and provided my supervised medical weight loss history from 1994 to current with my lowest weight being 174 pounds in 1999 at 5'4 and my highest being 244 pounds in 2009.  The problem is In 2010 my BMI was 38.8 because I fought to lose a couple of pounds and the medication helped for a short period of time and he included the 38.8 BMI in the letter although my BMI is now back at 41.1 he did not Include that because I did not see him this year, I called him and stated that I faxed my records to him from my PCP stating my current weight at 244 and my BMI at 41.1 and asked why didnt he include it, he stated that I would have to come see him and let him do my pressure and weight for him to include it
in the letter.  I know he is saying this because each visit is a self pay visit of $80.00.  I have limited funds but will bite the bullet and pay him if it will help with the approval process.  I just need a bit of advice, I would like to know if I should take the records to my PCP and have him write an updated letter that includes the fact that I am also on high blood pressure medication and include it with current BMI of 41.1and submit it along with the letter that my nutritionist wrote, or should I pay my nutritionist to basically re write the letter.  I also left a message at Dr. Roslin office because the letter and records were also faxed to them to see what they think I should do.  Any feedback will be appreciated.  Thank you In Advance.
on 12/20/11 12:16 pm - Vancouver, WA
I'm no expert but I would think a letter from your PCP with current info should be sufficient to verify your BMI and blood pressure issue. I wouldn't think you'd have to see the nutritional person again just for that. They will need something stating your BMI is high enough. Good luck to you!
on 1/5/12 9:35 am
Hi don't know if my insight will hel*****t.....  But you sound a lot like i was...was banded 12/6/06 and unbanded 2/14/11... but I wish i would have know this sooner and maybe i would still have my band...
Anywho I was to the point where Everything i ate came back hot tea whatever... Band dr said is was not my band All other dr said it was...  I was scoped by 2 band dr and a reg GI dr.... (over 1 1/2 yrs) Nobody could find why so they blamed it on reflux or me eating wrong.... I was so bad one day i came in the office and made the dr do the fluoroscope because i was puking for 2 hour I wanted this thing out of me and NOW...She Finally saw it... a big bubble in my esophagus ...then a tight spot then another bubble! Finally i thought i wasn't crazy ...Next day they scoped me ,,,,keep in mind you fast when they scope you...the dr the next day say nope nothing is wrong... just go back to liquids for a week and see what happens.... I through a FIT I asked him if the other dr and i both were crazy since she saw it... he said well i don't know what you want me to do i don't see anything.... I said Remove the D@mn thing I'm done... So we scheduled it and it was approved in a week... . now in that time he gave me some pill that were for spasm in my esophagus ....2 day after taking it I SWEAR to you i was fine...  I could of kept the band and maybe never had another issue but i was so scared i had it removed.... I wish i could remember the name of it ... it started with a B..  But you took it 20 min before you ate (not phergin or any thing like that) but i kid you not i felt great the next few days...just something to try before you under go another surgery.... I don't know what i will do now ...hence why I'm reading here.
But Good luck!!
on 1/5/12 9:38 am
I was wrong on the med is was hyosyamine .125mg
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