Revision due to ulcer?????

on 12/17/11 5:03 am - Mount Clemens, MI
 I just had my 3rd dilation and surgeon said marginal ulcer woresened and I needed a weight is 113 lbs as of now and because I could barely keep foods down....damn ulcer!  He tells me I may lose more weight, but this is the best option for me to rid me of the ulcer and to get my health on a better path. So what am I in for? I'm worried about another surgery, has anyone been revised because of marginal ulcers? Thanks for the info if you have any.
on 12/19/11 1:18 am - PA
How far out are you? What, besides vomiting were your symptoms? Just curious, I have regained and went for a bariu study, they said food I had eaten the night before was still in my pouch, 12 hours later! I read online that marginal ulcers may cause partial obstruction. I have noticed the last severa months waking up in the morning and burping up what I ate the night before, so I wonder if I am on my way to a full blown obstruction. I also have developed reflux this past year, I am 10 years out. I'm sorry, I know I haven't answered your questions, but instead asked one! Best of luck too you, maybe they can treat you with hard core acide reducers? Have you seen a GI doc, or just your surgeon?
on 12/19/11 6:51 am - Mount Clemens, MI
 i'm 2 yrs out and you're right about ulcers causing obstruction!! I have been 40 mgs Nexium twice a day, carafate 4 times a day. I started with vomting and contant belching, a feeling of constant nausea. I had my EGD in Aug of this yr and he found the ulcer and the narrowing....I've had 3 since and this last time, I was told the ulcer wasn't healing, but getting worst and my narrowing was due to the ulcer. So as of now he said he I needed a revision to basically side step the ulcer...sorta speak. If you are vomiting more than usual and feeling like I stated, I would seek help and get an EGD....I waited too long and sufferd before I realized that it wasn't just the dumping syndrome.
Take care and i hope that was somwhat of help to you.
A H.
on 12/19/11 7:39 am
Revision on 02/09/12
Out of curiosity what surgery did you both have? And does the ulcer cause motility problems, or obstruction? Or what? Just trying to understand the physiology behind why food would stay in your stomach.  How strange. I am sorry you both are dealing with this. I hope you get some relief soon!
on 12/19/11 8:22 am - Mount Clemens, MI
 I had the roux and food doesn't stay down....that is why I'm 113 lbs!!!!! The fact is marginal ulcers obstruct my pouch, as the ulcer expands it creates a narrowing. Just try to pass a pea through the size of ball point pen!!!! That's what i have been dealing with over a yr. There are so many articles on marginal ulcers and the hell they play.
on 12/19/11 12:00 pm - PA
I had the RNY 10 yrs ago. I actually have had no complications at all. I think I have vomited a total of 3-4 times post-op. I have however been able to eat alot more lately, gained 85 lbs, and have reflux. I went ot see a surgeon who sent me for GI barium study, which when I went today they saw that I still had food in my pouch, and i hdan't eaten in nearly 12 hours. So, I'm wondering if I possibly have a marginal ulcer, they originally went in looking or a fistula.  I don't know what is going on yet, as I have to wait to hear back from  my surgeon, but the radiologist assistant did tell me i hasd food in there still.  Going by my recent symptoms which have been reflux since beginning of year, nausea that comes and goes (not related to eating), and the weight gain, I ind of think maybe marginal ulcer.  When I got home today I researched why you would have delayed gastric emptying and one of the reasons was marginal ulcer developing and partially blocking your outlet.  I do take alot of NSAIDs due to headahces and body aches, and they are a huge cause of marginal ulcers, which I was unaware of.  
A H.
on 12/19/11 1:01 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
Thanks for the info. I'm so sorry for you both! It sounds terrible. I hope they are able to patch it up for you without too much effort. (((hugs)))
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