New here and have questions

on 12/11/11 9:29 am - TX
Hello everyone.  I am new on the board so be nice. : )  I had the Lap-Band 6 years ago and initially lost 130 lbs.  Six years later I have gained it all back and then some.  I finally have gotten to the point to where I am ready to stop gaining weight and have a revision to the gastric sleeve. I guess I am just wondering how some of you have handled the feeling of failure and self hatred of having a weight loss surgery that didn't work?  I have read plenty of information about the sleeve, but I am curious to hear from people that have had this surgery.   As you can see from reading my post I am kind of confused and don't really know what I want to say so forgive me.   Any info/advice any of you could give me would be greatly appreciated???

on 12/11/11 2:35 pm
 Please don't beat yourself up. I had the band also and my doctor told me 40% of the people that get the band it fails one way or the other. I too felt like a faliure just like I did when dieting. I revised to RNY only because my insurance won't cover the sleeve. I would look at this as a new begining and a great second chance, If it helps I feel so much better since my revision about everything. I don't feel like a faliure and have none of the eating issues like I did with the band by eating through it with bad food. Also had a lot of throwing up with the band and could never get it to the right fill. 
Pammy S.
on 12/11/11 5:12 pm - New River, AZ
I totally understand what you are going through. I had the Lap Band in -03 & lost that same amount of weight you did. My band moved putting a whole in my stomach so it was removed in 07. I didn't have any other surgery done when it was removed. I keep my weight off for the first 2 yrs. Then it keep coming back on. I've gained 100 pds back. I did beat myself up for a while. Then I released it was me it was my band the failed me. I'm now have RNY on Dec 30 its going to be a new beginning. So I hope you can work passed those feeling for new beginning also. Best of Luck to you!
on 12/11/11 10:37 pm - OK
Good Morning,
I just got done having my revision (11-14-11) original Gastric Bypass was in 2002, Lost 110 pounds - gained back 60.  I felt the exact same way you do.  I couldn't believe I allowed myself to go back to my old habits.
But...there is a reason they offer the revision - not to mention, they have come so far with research and technology - I learned so much from going to the seminars and meeting with my surgeons staff.
Which, I must admit, I thought was going to be a total waste of time...I thought - I don't need to go to all these classes - been there, done that!  But...what an eye opener!! 
So, Don't feel bad anymore and be excited that we have the opportunity for another chance - but this time with more/better information.

Good Luck, I am really excited for you - you will do great!!

Oh...already down 30 lbs!!
on 12/12/11 7:25 am - TX
Thank you for your encouraging words. I appreciate them.  I guess all I can do is move forward and not look back.  Thanks for taking the time to reply. 
on 12/16/11 2:30 am - PA
I had roux-en y in 2002, I lost 150 and have gained back 85. I went to see a surgeon in January and he told me I waould always have to deal with being overweight, and eat protein and protein shakes and see him in 3 mths. I was extremely discouraged as I new my pouch had stretched and I could eat much more food. I was angry that he offered no help, most of us are food addicts and telling us to just eat smaller portions and to do it on our own is like telling an alcoholic to just have one drink. At least for me, if the capacity is there, I WILL overeat. Needless to say when I went to see a new surgeon yesterday I was terrified what she would say, I thought she would blame me. Suprisingly, she did not even ask what I was eating, or what I was doing WRONG! She said to get tests done to see if there is a mechanical failure. It was such a relief.  I will gladly stick with her and await the results of my testing. If it is not a mechanical failure then I will persue other means to getting rid of the weight, but I am thankful for not giving up and finding a surgeon who is willing to help and has some compassion.
on 12/16/11 6:55 am - TX
Thank you for sharing your story.  My story is still in progress.  I am just waiting to see if my insurance will cover the removal of my band and then move on from there.  I hope all goes well for you.
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