Band slip & may need revision surgery, have question

Tracy L.
on 12/6/11 12:36 pm - Longview, WA
1.Ok so my band slipped & I am going to start by having all the restriction taken out.
2.If it comes down that it has to be removed I would like to consider the sleeve.
3.I am still consdered obese but my BMI is not in a range to have weight loss surgery.

Q: Since I already have had WLS & even though I am now below the min BMI would I still posibly be a canadate for a revision?  Does anybody know of anyone who has been in this situation?
on 12/6/11 12:57 pm - Vancouver, WA
I'm not real sure how that works. You might post this on the sleeve forum too since there are alots of band to sleeve people over there. Good luck to you!
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 2:06 pm - San Jose, CA
It depends, of course.

You need to get a revision surgeon who knows how to write up the request.  S/he has to document the failure of your band, that replacement of the band is not indicated, that removal of the band without a second bariatric surgery will almost certainly result in significant weight regain to morbid obesity and concomitant comorbidities, that the band has a high failure rate under the best of cir****tance, and your getting to the obese range demonstrates compliance and great effort on your part, and that the VSG is indicated in your case.

But I'd go for the gold and ask for a DS instead.
on 12/6/11 3:14 pm
I was revised from a lap band, (I did have a band slip, other issues also).  Your slip may correct once you are deflated for a few weeks, but it will probably come back once you attempt to undergo the filling procedure.  My bmi with the revision was about 31 (or around there, in other words I didn't "qualify" for WLS, but since I had a hardware failure I did qualify.  there are others who have had revisions with low bmi's 19 even, so bmi is not the whole issue... good luck on your journey...
on 12/7/11 12:42 am - TX
RNY on 01/03/12
Yes, you can still qualify for a revision with a low BMI...I just got approved to go from a lapband to RNY and my BMI is  26.6.  I am doing the revision for medical reasons.
Tracy L.
on 12/7/11 12:31 pm - Longview, WA
Thank you all for your good information.  I will most likely have to go to Mexico since that is where I got my band.  I was just wondering if it can be done.

Thank you all, Tracy
on 12/7/11 4:42 pm - Ceres , CA
Read the post on the message board right before yours. The lady is having a revision in Mexico. You might have a lot to talk about.

A H.
on 12/8/11 8:30 am, edited 12/7/11 8:31 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
I am in the same situation. Well I think my BMI is still in the obese category but it's not over 40 and I have no comorbidities.

The letter my surgeon wrote has it all down pretty impressively- I am paraphrasing because it was a loooong letter. But none of it is blamed on me. He said I was compliant the entire time but still need to lose weight and would regain all my weight if I just had the band removed so it is necessary to revise to a sleeve. (and of course listed the problems that the stupid band is causing, mine slipped 5 cm causing reflux etc.)

The catch is my insurance co would cover either removal or revision regardless, they already told me they'd approve it. They don't seem to care as much about your bmi or stuff when you need to revise. However my Dr. said if I just had the band out first, then months down the road decided I wanted a sleeve or DS that most likely I'd have to go through all the bull**** I went through the first time (hoops to jump through even though it was covered then, too).

Hope that helps. :) Good luck.

Just noticed you're in WA. Sweet!
Tracy L.
on 12/8/11 10:43 am - Longview, WA
Well my added issue is that I had my band done in Mexico.  I have different insurance than I did now & dont know if they will cover anything.  If not my Dr in Mexico doesnt doe revisions & I would need to ge another Dr.  Thank you for your info Washington sister.
A H.
on 12/8/11 3:14 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
My current insurance is also different from the insurance I had when I got banded ( have upgraded jobs twice since then). I called them a couple months ago and told them I may need a removal or revision they never asked who did the original surgery or what insurance I had, but as I said my policy covers WLS so they may just not care. 

I don't know if that helps you since your situation is a little different and it sounds like you don't know if WLS is covered, if it was and you needed a revision I dont' think they'd care that it was done in Mexico.

I would definitely find a Dr. who is extremely experienced in revisions as they are much more tricky/risky than a plain old sleeve with no band removal and this really isn't something to mess around with.  Let me know if I can help...I highly recommend my Dr. but I am not sure where Longview is or how far away it might be. My Dr. is in Federal Way. (far for me too but he also practices in Kirkland).  But I also know there are many experienced and excellent bariatric surgeons in the area.
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