Revision to Prior RNY
A true DS, reworking both the stomach and intestines for more malabsorption may help much more than a RNY to RNY.
Can I be nosy and ask what happened with your first surgery?
Hi E,
Everything is well. I had my surgery on Thursday and things went well. Dr. anticpated four hour surgery (with scar tissue) and only ended up taking 2.5 hours. Pain is present, but I think it was worse last time. Only bummer is that I'm still in the hospital. Thought I was going home today, but Dr. didn't give the okay yet so I'm here. I guess he just wants to make sure everything is going down okay. Didn't get to have anything until two days after surgery. Yesterday had my first "meal" of veggie broth, jello, water, apple juice. Didn't get much of it down, but doing the best I can to sip sip sip. So basically, I am fine just itching to go home. Thank you for your prayers. I can inbox you with more details if you'd like. Send me a PM when you can.