What post op (first month) complication did you have or anything you have experienced?

on 12/2/11 1:19 pm - Ceres , CA

I am a band revision to the sleeve on Nov. 23. I was in the hospital for 5 days. I vomited for 4 days straight in the hospital. On the 4th day I was able to sip broth but still vomiting up clear foam and fluid. The 5th day I was discharge and spiting up foam. The foam spiting was there until day 8. I had my first post op visit and I lost 17lbs trust me right now I do not care about the weight, but how awful I feel. I am so emotional and this recovery has been extremely hard on me. When I had the lap band done it was a breeze. The doctor told me this is all to be expected. I was told I could try soup, applesauce, liquid yogurt, cream of wheat. I was looking forward to something more than clear liquids, but to be so disappointed. Thursday night I slowly had 1/3 cup soup...dumped it. Friday I had 1/3 cup applesauce everything was going fine it took me 3 hours to get it down, I took a small walk and dumped it. My esophagus is sore and burning. I am burping consistently which is good to relieve the pressure. My throat feels so tight. Does it get better? Has anyone experience my story?


(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 8:26 pm
have you been checked for a leak?   that's actually what one sounds like - your symptoms.

it's actually not what's expected, while i'm still working on fighting fatigue - i've had no problems with liquids since the morning after surgery (i'm a month out from you).  by day 8 i was on full liquids & while my sleeve couldn't hold much - i had no trouble getting protein drinks/soup down.

you should really have yourself checked out for a leak - sorry for what your going thru.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/11 8:38 am - Bayonne, NJ
It sounds like you had a lot of damage from your band, and yes, you could have a leak. You need to be checked.

I revised from RNY to DS and didn't have the problems you're describing, even though I had to have the entire pouch taken down and then formed into the sleeve. Sipping was slow-going, but I was able to do it. I didn't have any problems like that. My only post-op complication was catching c. diff. Ugh.
A H.
on 12/8/11 8:25 am
Revision on 02/09/12
Hi Camie,
I have been following your posts, I was just wondering how you are doing. Sounded like you might be slowly but surely improving? I hope so, it sounds pretty agonizing.  Wishing you well- please keep us posted. :)

on 12/11/11 7:22 am - Ceres , CA
Thank you. Well when I think I'm improving I throw up. I am seeing my doctor next week and I am going to talk to him about a stricture. I have my food journal to show him that how can this be normal healing process. Like example last night I filled a 12oz container with water and crystal light and ice. I was sipping around 9pm and all the sudden I have to vomit. I am vomiting fluid. So weird.


on 12/11/11 7:25 am - Ceres , CA
We should be friends. I tried but its blocked. I will have you friend me.

A H.
on 12/12/11 1:02 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
Added you, not sure why it was blocked.  That is weird that you are vomiting fluids. I'm sorry it's still going on for you. Hopefully the Dr. can help figure out what is going on, I haven't had sleeve surgery but that seems abnormal for any WLS this far out. GL and keep us posted!
Monique A.
on 12/8/11 9:34 am - NY
I am a RNY to DS revision so I had the best of both worlds to adjust to. I also vomited for a week digested blood had nausea for a month heartburn for a month that wouldnot let me sleep on tpn and oh yes lets not forget the burning diarrhea yeah!
needless to say I had a rough time blah blah blah etc.

Carafate helped tremedously
also decaf tea w lemon juice idk why but that thing felt so good going down and I never threw it up. sips not gulps. would take me close to 30 mins to clear off 6 oz.
throat feeling sore might be from the intubation that probably took close to 2 wks to subside I think stay on clears till u find it easy to get in then advance.

good luck on ur journey it takes time dont compare urself to others ur recovery may take a detour but we all get to the destination
stay positive.
on 12/11/11 7:14 am - Ceres , CA
Thank you for sharing. I'm sitting at home thinking I am the only one and I know that is not true. Like you have suffered too. This is so hard. I am throwing up fluids. I'll get a air bubble and need to vomit. I hope you are feeling better.


on 12/11/11 10:48 pm - OK

I am sorry to hear about your troubles, I also had complications - Gastric Bypass revision on 11-14-11, back in the e/r on 11-27-11, admitted for 8 days!  Right above my pouch had 'sprung a leak' all the fluids I was taking in (80 oz/day) was literally dumping into my abdomen.  My stomach and belly were terrible swollen, extreme pain - called doc office over and over:  "oh, this is common...just keep an eye one it and come see me on Tuesday" (this was Saturday).
Then my incision burst open, and everytime I would stand up - which I could only do with full assistance-it was like a hose was in my stomach turned on full blast.  It was horrible.
So...in the hospital - was not even allowed to have ice chips - absolutely nothing by mouth.  IV's everywhere, Then got a PIPP line to start getting nutrition.  TOTAL NIGHTMARE!!
I came out of the hospital 30 lbs lighter, but was like you are really didn't care about weight at that point.

But....I was released on 12-4-2011, returned to work on 12-6-11, but only because I was out of PTO and already lost 10 days of pay.  The first 3 days were really tough and painful, but today, 12-12-11, I am again at work, able to eat...but have to be careful, still pretty much on soft food, but I can get up and down alone, drink without problems, almost pain free - although I still have my staples and g-tube.

So..I am so sorry you are going thru the things you are, but there in an end in sight.  I cried and cried almost daily in the hospital, full of regret for deciding to have this revision done - but the clouds are clearing, sun isn't out yet, but I see a glimmer of light coming!!



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