Revised to RNY

Tammy *.
on 12/1/11 10:44 pm
Hi All,

I'm usually quite the lurker but since I have gotten so much from this board, I want to give a little back.  I revised from lap band to RNY the day before Thanksgiving. I was terrified to do it, because I lost 110 lbs with my lap band. Then it just stopped working for me. I never could get adequate restriction.  If I did, within a day, I was getting things stuck and going for an emergency unfill.  Keep in mind that I had my lap band since 2007.

So, I revised and here is what has happened FOR ME. (Of course, this may not be your experience.)

1. I can guzzle water. It's the best feeling to be able to drink more than a sip of water at a time!
2. I can eat before noon every day.  There was something about the band that made it tighter in the morning and I felt like nothing would go down.  
3.  NO MORE REFLUX.  There were literally nights when I would wake up choking on acid feeling like I was drowning. It was so bad I occasionally aspirated it and spent 48 hours or so feeling like I had the flu.
4.  When I get full, it's a completely different feeling than before. With a band, it's like you get full from the bottom up.  This way, it's different.  It's telling but not uncomfortable. I don't even know how to explain it.  But definitely a different feeling.

The bad:

I had my first dump on some sugar free pudding last night. I had no idea it would be so God-awful.  But I'll probably never have sugar free pudding again in my life.  It only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was like a hot flash times 5.

So, there's my story.  I hope it helps someone trying to make this decision.

Oh, BTW, I only lost one pound the week following surgery. When I complained to my doctor, he hit me upside the head with my chart folder and told me Iacked patience. Go figure.

Best regards,

on 12/2/11 9:32 am - Vancouver, WA
Thanks for sharing! The band is the biggest joke out there these days. I too had problems with the band just tightening for no reason, I got it emptied and pray that will keep me from having serious issues in the future. I don't have bariatric coverage with my new insurance so I'm kinda stuck with it for now.
Adrienne G.
on 12/5/11 10:28 pm - Flemington, NJ

I agree, the band is the biggest joke and I discourage anyone who is considering it to think again.   If they are going to go thru surgery - either do the sleeve (which is really just a surgical band) or RNY.    I had problems with my band from day one.    After 9 months of fighting with it I had it emptied......and since then have gained, gained, gained......     Good luck and work towards getting it removed.

Adrienne G. NJ 


Lap-Band Surgery:  3/7/08

Start Weight:     264

Current Weight:    251

Goal Weight:   150

Adrienne G.
on 12/5/11 10:24 pm - Flemington, NJ


I'm scheduled for a Lapband to RNY on December 29th.   A few questions I hope you can help since it's so fresh in your mind.

 1.   What was your post-op like?    With my surgery scheduled over the holidays I worry I will be such a bummer before and then after the surgery

2.   Did you have alot of abdominal pain from where the port was secured?

3.   When did you return to normal activities - eg, work, driving, etc.

4.   Did you have alot of vomitting post-op?  

5.   Did you have lot of diarrhea post-op?



Adrienne G.

Lap-Band 2006 (40 lbs lost......never was able to get the band to "work" -- gained 70 lbs!) 


Lap-Band Surgery:  3/7/08

Start Weight:     264

Current Weight:    251

Goal Weight:   150

Tammy *.
on 12/6/11 2:17 am

 1.   What was your post-op like?   

I was NAUSEUS for about 2 days following surgery, while still in the hospital. I felt like every time I moved, I needed to throw up. BUT, I have talked to a lot of post ops and many confirm my thought - that it's the morphine pump that was making me so sick. They controlled it with IV Zophran, finally. But it was a challenge.  Once they switched me to liquid lortab and took the morphine pump, the nausea went away.

2.   Did you have alot of abdominal pain from where the port was secured?

NONE.  I was really surprised by the lack of pain there.  It's the biggest incision about the whole procedure, but it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

3.   When did you return to normal activities - eg, work, driving, etc. 

I had my surgery on Wed, went home on Friday, and was driving by the next Monday. 

4.   Did you have alot of vomitting post-op?  

Immediately after waking -- YES!  It was a little scary to throw up blood so soon after surgery, but it was over soon.

5.   Did you have lot of diarrhea post-op?

No more so than I had the week before surgery.  There's something about protein shakes that'll do that to you!  LOL

All in all, I'm very happy with the decision!

Let me know if you have more questions. I'm happy to help!

on 12/6/11 3:11 am - West Fargo, ND
1. What was your post-op like? With my surgery scheduled over the holidays I worry I will be such a bummer before and then after the surgery 
My postop was a piece of cake. The worst was I got a headache the day after surgery, not sure if it was from tension, medications, anesthesia, lack of sleep, etc.  but it went away by the next morning. Had surgery on nov. 29 and came home on Dec. 2.

2. Did you have alot of abdominal pain from where the port was secured?
I had more pain preop than postop. My headache hurt worse than the abdomen. My abdominal pain in general was never more than a 1-2 on a 0-10scale.

3. When did you return to normal activities - eg, work, driving, etc.
I was driving the day after I got home.  I am required by my surgeon that I take 6 weeks off. I have been walking for an hour per day, going out for coffee, getting ready for christmas. The only thing is that i'm on a 10 pound lifting restriction.

4. Did you have alot of vomitting post-op?  NONE

5. Did you have lot of diarrhea post-op?  I had trouble with my abdomen waking up. After some meds, it finally woke up and I had a couple of watery stools for about 3 days. Since then no trouble at all.

Good luck with your revision.

on 12/12/11 11:24 pm - Blountsville, AL
Hi everyone,

I also had a band to RNY, mine was Nov. the 28th. I too, had way more pain and frustration with the band than I would wish on anyone. I was able to lose 70 lbs.(banded in 09), and gain only 20 lbs back, but the port pain, and geting stuck and being hungry, but dreading eating was horrible. I am now 2 weeks out, but felt better immediately after. I also had my gallbladder taken out at the same time. Eating is so much better now, and easier, but at the same time, if you eat slowly and how you were told, you get satisfied, and the fear of getting stuck is gone forever. If something does get stuck, it is more that you are too full and it won't go down, it does not hurt like the band. I have gotten nauseated, and dumping symptoms, over some grape juice, and one spoonfull of white flour gravy, that I tasted while making for the family, not fun! My recovery has been great, the gallbladder part was my biggest pain, and now it is the port sight that is still a bit tender. As mentioned the nausea in the hosp. quit as soon as I was put on liquid loritab. I have been averageing about 3-5 lbs a week, sometimes 1-2 lbs in one day. Diarrhea, is no worse than it was during pre-op diet. I feel so "free" not having that critter inside me! Congrats to everyone, and to the ones having it, you will do great!
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