on 11/3/11 2:01 pm
Hi guys
.I'm brand new on here and i need help.I was approved for gastric bypass,and am scheduled for the 9th of this month.But now i am totally freaking out...Now i am wondering if i am doing the right thing.I think i  did'nt reseach it enough.I am so scared.I had a lap-band done 2 yrs ago did okay ..lost 60 lbs.but gained back 30.Now that i qualify for the revision,i am terrified.I know it sounds dumb,but i am having alot of second thoughts.I have heard some things... about you become like a walking medicine cabinet because of all the vitaminns...That your hair falls out and your teeth go am i gonna be a skinny bald toothless woman? I am 53 yrs.old 5 ft 4" and 240 lbs..and i hate the way i look..I know it's a comitement and i thought i was ready to give up my sweets but now i don't know if i do it am i going to reget it ..Plus my mother passed away 3 weeks ago and the day after she passed i was approved i'm like whoa.I have all this going on.should i cancel my surgery or do it???..please help....
on 11/3/11 4:35 pm - TX
I believe everyone gets "cold feet" like you are experiencing. It is normal. I can't tell you whether or not you should cancel your surgery but I can share with you that I had a revision done on Oct. 24 from Lap Band to Gastric Bypass and I firmly believe it is THE BEST decision I've made regarding my long-term health and weight loss. I am already off the five diabetic medications I was taking, I am off my cholesterol medication, and am feeling GREAT. I have had an excellent recovery because I've worked hard at walking, getting my required water, and needed protein every day. I believe in this process.

Right now you have very strong emotions because of the loss of your mom. I am very sorry for your loss. I know this is a tough time. One piece of advice I would offer is that it is appropriate and ok to have a period of high emotion and grieving for your loss. Just be cognitive that those high emotional levels are not spilling over into your surgery decsion making process. Be thoughtful, talk with your doctor, and make the best decision for your long-term health. If that means waiting, then that is what you should do, but just have a heightened sense of awareness that you're in a very emotional state due to your recent loss.

Best wishes.
Virgie Tschirhart
on 11/3/11 9:42 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17
Sorry for your loss.  I know how it is to lose a momma.  I lost mine 21 years ago.  Usually when we start having 2nd thought, that is a warning.  You should have total peace about the surgery you want to get.  It is a very important decision.  You can cancel or post pone your surgery it's not too late.  Do a lost of research and research  some more about the other surgeries.  Go and visit the other forums.  

I too am going back in forth with my decision.  I had a lap band and then a VSG.  I want a RNY because of the severe acid reflux.   I don't want it because of dumping, vomiting, etc.... I would like to get the DS.  Still researching.

Best wishes to you.....


Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 11/4/11 1:17 am
Hey guys thanks to all of you for your input.It's weird,how i was thinking i was ready and now i am unsure.I hope i can figure this out.the dumping scares me,and i was wondering,can you still eat most of the foods you like,just smaller portions,once you are healed or is it a total change from what you are used to.?
(deactivated member)
on 11/4/11 6:49 am - NJ
I am so sorry for your loss.

I had the band and now have RNY.  It is totally different from the band with regard to everything.  My acid reflux went away.  

I eat pretty much everything, the only thing I do differently is that I eat my protein first and make sure I get enough protein throughout the day. 

I dump, but for me it works because I know I can have a couple of bites of whatever it is that  I want (within reason, of course), and then back away, knowing if I don't there will be dire consequences.

It's an adjustment, but my choice is one that I can live with and have successfully for the past 2 1/2 years.  It is so much better than the band.  I don't know why I was scared of the re-routing; it's not like something you can see, you know what I mean?
on 11/4/11 12:51 pm - Sebastian, FL
I can so truley understand how you feel, i had the lapband in 2006 lost 140 lbs in 1 yr but it was not healthy weight loss i had a tight band i vomited alot and really struggled it got to the point i couldnt talk my voice was so hoarse from acid, anyway had it removed. yes gained alot not all but alot back , had a gastric sleeve by a dr that only did lap band and gastric sleeves it worked for the first 6 months 70 lbs and now 18 months later no weight loss , i have a hernia and such bad gerd i cant sleep laying down, my dad passed the stress does not help as you do know , i went to the Cleveland Clinic to as top bsristric surgeon and he is doing a revision to the bypass.
I am truly scared and  having 2nd thoughts but i always didnt want the bypass for the rerouting but i also didnt want all of the above:( i wish i did the bypass from  the beginning. We have to sit back and think we need to do what is right for us! I really want to be healthy im tired of being tired due to being overweight .   Please really think this through can you lose the weight and feelbetter on your own i tried and i know i cant , i wish you rhe best and im sure you will make the right decision for u:)
on 11/30/11 8:45 am - INDIANAPOLIS, IN
sorry for ur loss.even before the surgery .i think u should it would be a good idea to talk to a u can figuar out what is really behind the feelings u r's very important to do my clear alot of things up for u.good luck and don't give up...


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