Do I need to do my 6 months with a nutritionist over again, had the band for 9 months
Since you had the lapband this year I doubt you will have to do all of that stuff over. How much weight are you trying to lose? Do you have a high BMI? The lapband is crap and as someone just mention in another post, it needs to be "banned". I just revised from the band to the DS. In one month I lost 45pds. Best thing I ever did.
I think you should call the insurance company and ask a couple of questions. They will be able to give you all the requirments you need to revise. I would tell them you did surgery in Jan and you need to know the requirments to do so. Did you speak to your Dr about revision yet? You might want to get on the ball now before Jan 2012. I had a friend who got the lapband and then revised in the same year and the insurance approved her right away. She did not have to do anything over because she was doing surgery in the same year. You might have to prove fault in the band and show that you gave it your all.
Well I called my insurance company, Tricare, and they said that they requirements for revision is medical necessity and a psychological evaluation. So I don't think that I will have to go through a six month process again. However, I am afraid that I may not have medical need good enough to have a revision surgery. Do someone have in advice or experience in what would be considered a medical necessity?