Might need revision from lap-band

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 12:24 am - Medford, NJ
 Hi all:  I've been absent from the message boards for quite some time.  For the past 6 years  I've had a lap-band which has worked well for me (even considering I had to have it replaced because it leaked).  However, I'm starting to develop some problems (reflux, pain, stomach swelling) and my doctor says I should consider possibly revising to another procedure.  My question:  has anyone been revised from a lap-band?  And, if so, to what?  How has it worked out for you?  Any major complications?  Any minor complications?  

Some info on me:  I'm only 30-40 pounds from goal, so probably not heavy enough for DS.  I"m at serious risk for osteoporosis (strong family hx, several more risk factors), so I'm leery of  the malabsorption of the RNY.  Also, if I became lactose-intolerant, that would be the end of half my food intake.

Any information or personal experiences you can share with me will be greatly appreciated.
on 10/20/11 12:42 am
Have the tried an unfill or anything? When did your issues develop?

I was revised from the band to RNY a month ago. Unfortunately the band made me extremely ill (acid refulux so bad it burned my esophagus and nasal passages, unable to hold any food down filled or unfilled, countless other issues) . So far I really like it and and ALL of my previous symptoms are gone. I had gallstones and they took my gallbladder out when I had the revision and the only issues I'm experiencing are from the gallbladder removal. I'm extremely sensitive to fats (which is probably a good thing).

Good luck
Band - 1/28/2008,  Revision - 9/16/2011, Ht - 5'9 
HW-335/Band SW-310/ Revision SW-285/CW-236
(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 1:10 am - Medford, NJ
 My issues have slowly been developing over the last 3 years.  I had my original band in 2005.  It developed a leak (in the port, they thought), so we replaced the port.  The leaking still occurred whenever I got to optimum restriction (4.9cc's).  I guess the pressure was so high, it just came right back out within 24 hours.  So they replaced it with a larger capacity band.  (in the meantime, with no restriction, I gained about 20 pounds).  I've been doing well with this band, but lately, now that I'm reaching optimum restriction I've been getting heartburn and some reflux.  Not terrible yet, but my doc says it doesn't get better, only worse.  The conundrum is, if he lets some saline out, I don't have enought restriction and I'll gain weight.  If we leave it as it is, the  reflux gets worse (and restriction is only so-so).  He won't add any saline at this point.  He's got me on Nexium now which is helping, but that really is only masking the problem.  I've gained an additional 15 pounds or so, so now I'm almost 40 away from goal and I can see that number only getting larger.  Granted I've made bad food choices, but a lot of that is eating what comfortably sits in my stomach without aggrevating the heartburn.   Another interesting thing that has been happening--my stomach swells each time I have a fill.  If I leave the office comfortable, within 24-48 hours it's possible my stomach will swell shut (2 fills ago I ended up in the ER  late Saturday night).  The swelling goes down and it's only landed me in the ER once, but I didn't previously have this reaction.

All in all I've been fortunate with my band.  I really can't complain as I haven't had a lot of the problems others such as yourself have gone through. Or, maybe I'm just a late bloomer and it just took a little longer for it to catch up with me.  

I'm really concerned about future osteoporosis and lactose intolerance--2 of the reasons why I rejeted an RNY in the beginning.  The Vertical Sleeve wasn't available at the time, and now, if my reflux gets worse, my doc won't do a VS.  I'm really at a loss right now.  Thanks for you input.

on 10/20/11 1:58 am - East Brunswick, NJ
VSG on 11/09/11 with
Well I'm sch for a revision tomorrow. I'm 4 years post op with the band. I have also dev severe severe acid reflux,minor slippage and a small pouch formed. I lost 125lbs from the band and working out but now we both just can not get along. I'm sch for the sleeve and if there is too much damage he will do the RNY. All I can say is that if you feel a revision is needed than go for it! I know a handful of people who had the revision to either sleeve RNY or DS and they all have said it was the best choice they have ever made! I'm very nervous for tomorrow and overwhelmed! I'm hoping for a smooth sailing and also praying I can have the band removed and the revision done in one day! That is my biggest nerve wrecker knowing that when I wake up I may wake up to just the band removal :(. Have you done any individual research on the sleeve? it seems like the most common revision from the band.
"I choose Inner beauty for the first and physical beauty for the Second"-UnKnown
Hw:280 SW:223.4 CW:199.4 GW:150

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 2:24 am - Medford, NJ
 Good luck with your surgery tomorrow.  I'm sure all will go well for you.  I have done research in the past for all the procedures.  My husband started with a Vertical Sleeve, then had the Duodenal Switch completion last December.  I would prefer to have a sleeve, but my doc is hedging saying if the reflux is too bad, then it would have to be an RNY.  At my most, I lost 91 pounds (as my out of date signature shows), but over 2 bands and these new problems, I've gained back 30.  I'm just starting my research now so I'm prepared for what may come, though to hear my doc talk, it's only going to get worse from here.  Thanks for your input and best wishes for your surgery,
(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 2:27 am - NJ
I had my band for about 8 months and they were the worst 8 months of my life! 

My surgeon did the revision in two surgeries (I wanted it done in one of course, but he said that when the band has done damage, it's best to let the stomach heal a bit before carving into it to do the revision, mine is the RNY).

When I woke up from having the band out, despite being in pain and somewhat dopey from the anesthetic, I felt SO MUCH BETTER!!  The reflux that had my throat and chest on fire for months was gone.

I was able to eat without foaming and/or vomiting, it was amazing!  And on top of all the trouble the band caused I only lost about 15 - 20 pounds in that time!!

I did become lactose intolerant after the RNY, but it's only with milk; I can eat cheese, so maybe it's more of a sugar thing.  Although many proteins make me sick too, so maybe it might be the whey and sugar from milk that kill me, I don't know.  I do know that if I drink even a 1/2 cup of milk, I am sickly for the rest of the day, even the lactaid milk doesn't agree with me.

Not sure how the revision qualification works if you are no longer morbidly obese.  I eeked by when I was revised.  But since the band is causing you issues and is considered a mechanical failure then, there may be different criteria involved.

But revising really gave me my life back!  I can eat, just in very tiny amounts, I am maintaining my 100+ pound weight loss, now for over a year and a half, within 5 pounds, and have never felt better.

Good luck!!

on 10/20/11 2:44 am - East Brunswick, NJ
VSG on 11/09/11 with
What damage did the band cause? I'm just curious as to the different damages the band does. I do know about 4 people who had the revision done at one time and are doing just fine.* I would like to be one of the lucky ones to get it done at the same time. *
"I choose Inner beauty for the first and physical beauty for the Second"-UnKnown
Hw:280 SW:223.4 CW:199.4 GW:150

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 3:16 am - NJ
Maybe "damage" was too strong, but my stomach, where the band was, was so very inflamed and irritated (from the 6 months of non stop reflux, and then the last 3 months I had it, I vomited every time I ate, even unfilled) and my surgeon wanted to let that area "rest and heal" before doing the RNY.

He was doing the revision at the same time, but he said that he noticed that those patients did have more issues after the revision, so he started doing two surgeries and has had much better results.  The band removal wasn't a big deal, I was home in less than 4 hours from start to finish, so surgery-wise, it wasn't a big deal to have it removed then go back for the RNY.

It also gave the area where the port was attached time to heal too; that was such a painful area after the surgery.

So that's my story.  I do trust my surgeon, as he has installed my band, removed it, did my RNY, removed adhesions and lastly, my gallbladder (5 surgeries total).  

I actually just commented on this on the RNY board.  I have seen so many suffer with so many issues after WLS, and surgeons and PCPs that basically don't do anything.  I am so very blessed to have both an RNY knowledgeable PCP (who knows my WLS surgeon) and a surgeon who knows his **** and takes care of things pretty quickly.

Nic M
on 10/20/11 3:02 am
Hi Chris,

I hate to say it, but most people need revision or band removal at some point. I know I did... and I should have had it removed much, much sooner than I did.

I had too much damage to revise, personally.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I'd research the VSG and consider whether you think that might be a good option.

Best of luck to you.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 10/20/11 6:23 am
If you did well with restriction then the sleeve would be the way to go.  If your reflux is due to the band then it may not be an issue with the sleeve.  Did you have reflux before you had the band?
Even if you do have some reflux a good PPI would take care of it.  However, if you have always had problems with reflux then a RNY might be the way to go.  My reflux has been cured since I had my pouch.  I had it really bad, even with Prilosec I would get it.  I would wake up at night and throw up acid.
Your insurance should pay for your revision due to mechanical failure of the band.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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