Revision from Lapband to RNY

on 10/5/11 6:20 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with

 Thanks for the insight , and this exactly what I am looking for , to be prepared from all angles .. I know what you mean about t he not eating before 9am , and I read your profile our stories are the same .. I only lost 60 pounds with my band , and gained 40  of that back... I can not wait to be free of the band !! The pain , I can expect ,and I know how a muscle tear/cutting can be. I had to have a c-section with my son 7yrs ago ... and I will NEVER forget that pain of trying to get up and out of bed, and to bathroom without crying ... Kudos !! for you and your 23 pounds !!! I wish you continued success, and will keep you posted on progress ... Thanks Again !
on 10/6/11 5:25 am
I had a Revision done on Sept. 12.  VBG done in 2005, caused some erosion and pain.  Starting weight was 295 with the lowest weight being 160. 

On Sept. 12.  weight was 209....2 weeks post op....204.  Band was removed and had gastric bypass done....

Recovery was harder than the first Surgery.....Still having problems with acid reflux and very tired.

I am also new to this, but let me know if I can answer any questions.

Debbie A.

on 10/7/11 3:09 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with
Thanks Debbie ,

Glad to hear all is going well with you , my date is quickly approaching ........ I will definitely be on the boards once I get out ... Please keep me updated on your progress
on 10/7/11 2:32 am
 I just revised from lap band to RNY Oct 3. I came home on the 5th. I feel great. I am sure you will be just fine. I was really scared like you . What a relief it feels to have that band gone and over with. You will do great as long as you follow the rules. I had a lot of scare tissure around the band so my surgery lasted longer but what a difference. Good luck and hope to see you on the board.
on 10/7/11 3:17 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with
Thanks !!

As you , I am really looking forward to the band being removed ... My day is quickly approaching, and as the days continue to go by , my fear is going away a little ... I think I am just getting to the point that I want it to be over, and I am laying in recovery ... I am hoping that my scar tissue is minimal , and I will follow all the rules ... this week has been very hard with following the pre-op diet , but I did not want any complications, and wanted the surgery to be safer with the reduced size of the liver ... Thanks again for the update ... and I will update soon as I get home !
Barb H.
on 10/7/11 3:38 am - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
 As I'm going through the process of getting approved by my insurance to get a revision from the band to RNY, I so appreciate reading all these posts.  Even the scary stuff, because we all know that complications can arise....we wouldn't be posting on this board otherwise!  And it's also nice to know that we have others going through the same things to talk to and share experiences.

So "mahalo" (thank you in Hawaiian) to all of you for sharing!

With aloha,
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at
Caryn W.
on 10/7/11 4:18 am - Las Vegas, NV
Barb...I so want to get to know you!! As my oldest son leaves for Hawaii at the end of this month. His first DUTY station as he just graduated Tech School for the AF.
I hope you get your revision...  I had mine done in San Diego at the Naval Base hospital there, we live in Las Vegas, Nevada. But my husband is retired AF. :)
Barb H.
on 10/7/11 6:59 am - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
 Aloha Caryn!

Absolutely!  He will be on Oahu, though, and I'm on the Big Island.  My surgeon is on Oahu as there aren't any bariatric surgeons on this island.  Living in Las Vegas, you probably know about the strong connection between Vegas and Hawaii.  This is where many people from here go to vacation.  Since I moved here from Alaska, I just go outside!  Ha ha!  I'm also on FB so we can connect there also.

Your son will love it here.  It has it challenges, but for me, it's been so worth it.  

Talk to you soon!
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at
Caryn W.
on 10/7/11 7:10 am - Las Vegas, NV
  We spent 4 years in Alaska. I completely understand you just going outside!!  I am so envious that you are in Hawaii.  We have only been in Las Vegas for a little over a year now. :)    We have never been to Hawaii...I thought Hickham was on Honalulu..i spelt that looks funny! lol

I am also on Facebook...maybe we can meet up there! :)
Caryn W.
on 10/7/11 4:15 am - Las Vegas, NV
I just had my revision surgery done on Sept. 7th 2011. I had the Lap-Band for 7 years...with the last 3 trying to get it removed, due to severe reflux. Come to find out I was diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus in April of this year...and a biospy was done to see if it was cancerous. I was lucky as it was not cancerous...yet. My doctor also informed me of a hiatal hernia that i had, and that he wanted to do the RNY I was only there to get the lap band removed...i did not want different weight loss procedure...but he said it was not a choice at this point due to the damage that my esophagus had sustained because of the chronic reflux. So...i was scheduled for revision in Sept.
I was terrified also...worried about scar tissue, erosion and all those things that come with having the lap band...for so long.  
I went in for pre-op...on tuesday the all that settled. Reported at 9:30 the next morning but was delayed...until around 11am...I was in surgery for 7 hours. They nicked my stomach pouch...where the band was...which was dealt with, then they found some lesions on my small intestine that needed to be biopsied prior to doing the RNY...they came back good, no cancer there either. :)   
I woke up in recovery around 8:30pm...i felt like a truck had ran over me, then backed up and ran over me again. But...i had pain meds...wtih a push button...all was good.   I was up at 6am the next morning WALKING...because i am deathly afraid of DVT' here I was in my hospital gown, with a IV and catheder bag...WALKING in the hall way..everyone was STUNNED!  HAHA.
I was released on Friday morning around 9;30...and came home.  (OH..i was in the hospital in San Diego when the power outage happened, that was FUN!!) 
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