Revision from Lapband to RNY

on 10/4/11 1:26 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with
Calling all Revisions !!! Needing advice from people who have revised from  Lap band to RNY? I am due to have my lap band (2007) revised to RNY on 10/11/11 ... and the nerves are kicking in , and just wanted to relate to stories , good & bad, complications ,over all success., and things you have learned along the way that can I can look out for ahead .. Thanks
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/11 1:49 am - NJ
Your lucky day...hee hee!

I revised from the band to RNY!  I am feeling lazy, so take a peek at my profile!

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to ask! 

I will say that the difference is night and day, and you will LOVE it!

on 10/4/11 3:56 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with
Thanks Jennifer ! Will go to your profile , and congrats on your revise ...
on 10/4/11 11:56 am
I had my RNY revision October 8th, 2010.  It has been the best thing that I ever did.  My lap band was a pain in the butt!! I had heart burn all the time.  I was in pain all the time.   I could not get to restriction. 

The day they removed my band and did the RNY I was wide awake and felt like a new person.  I was actually very hyper and had lots of energy.  I was walking 2 miles like 4 days after surgery.  I weighed 218 at pre op and weighed 154 yesterday.

I feel so much better.

AS long as you have done the research and understand the vitamin requirements and understand that it is totally different with the bypass. It is a lifelong vitamin requirement.



on 10/4/11 12:32 pm
RNY on 10/11/11 with
Thanks Tamara ... I can say that the one thing I am looking forward to is having my band removed. !!  I have fought back and forth for the past 4yrs with the band , fill, unfill, fill, heartburn, vomiting, bad back and chest pain from food that would be lodged, and not moving .. It has not been a good ride.  I tossed a lot between VSG and RNY , but my surgeon felt that it would be best to do RNY ,since I did not have a great success with the lapband/just restriction  . My pre-op weight with the band was 278, and I only lost 60 pounds , and now going into Pre-op for the RNY I am at 257... I totally understand the vitamin requirement , and have even got a jump start on that , and have my cabinet fully loaded for when I come out of surgery . Congrats on your success thus far , and I wish you continued success.. will keep you posted on my progress.
on 10/4/11 2:41 pm
Hi there.  I'm scheduled for the same revision on the same day.  Got my vitamins all lined up too and I'm excited to get going.  Nervous, but excited.   All the best!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Albert Einstein

Pre-band weight 330 lbs, May 2004
RNY revision 296, October 2011
Current weight 218

on 10/5/11 12:16 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with

Hi ! Yes I am nervous and excited too ... but I think me being excited out weighs my nerves ... I can remember back in 07" when I had my lapband done ... and some of my friends said well aren't you scared to get that done, and my reply was yes, but I am more scared to remain the way I am , and in the state that I am in with my weight ..... I feel the same way about the revision , it took me a loooooooooooong time to finally say ok, lets do this ... but I just got to point that day after day , and me doing everything that I knew and were instructed to do with the band , and it was not working .. I said enough is enough ... I am not knocking the band , because for some they have great success ... and for others ( me ) it just was not successful ...... I am looking to finally putting all of my weight, and waiting for this day behind me as the day closely approaches ... I wish you well , and continued blessings ... !!!and please keep me updated on your progress .. and I will do the same .

on 10/5/11 12:42 am

Hi there!

Just revised from band (1/09) to RNY a week ago Monday. This morning was my first postop appointment. Yippy - I have been on full liquids for 2 1/2 weeks (pre and post op) and was advanced to "soft/moist" foods today! So far I am very happy. No complications, very very little pain and I returned to work in 1 week. The best part so far is NO HEARTBURN!!!!!! I am just newly post-op but would be happy to answer any questions if I can! Good luck to you and keep us posted.


Hope your day is great!

Banded 1/22/2009 Revision to RNY 9/26/11

on 10/5/11 1:56 am
RNY on 10/11/11 with

That is fantastic news !! One the things I was worried about is when I would be able to return to work... I was hoping to be back no later than 2wks .. Cheers !! for you , and your revision & 1st post-op visit .. It gives me a peace of mind that this massive pain that I think I will be in .. may never come.The one thing I know you are happy about , and I cant wait to leave also is the heartburn .. I cant tell you the pepcid , and  milk that I have had to take & drink through the years to get some relief!! I am sure I will have plenty of questions once I get out of the hospital ... How is your energy level so far ?   Good luck , and continued success to you ! and will definitely keep you posted .
Annette O.
on 10/5/11 6:02 am - Hyde Park, NY
RNY on 09/19/11 with

 I had my RNY revision from Lapband on 9/19. ( I can't figure out how to update my profile) Anyway  I ended up being in the hospital for 6 days because of pain. I had some erosion and they had dificulty getting my band out. I was actually in surgery for 4 hours. Anyway the surgeon had eitheir cut or severly irritated the muscle on the left hand side of my belly and I couldn't get out of bed with out help and even then by thetime I got back from the bathroom I'd be in tears. Finallly after 4 days I asked for a muscle relaxer because the morphine wasn't touching my pain. within hours I was able to get up and down. I don't mean to scare you and actually because of all the pain meds it's all a blurr now but that's my story.
  I did want to mention that one of the things I've had to adjust to is being able to eat and drink in the morning. I've not been able to eat of drink anything before 9 am for 5 years! I keep waiting when I take my pills or drink my water at 8 am to have to go throw it up, and it doesn't happen.
 But the fun thing is, yesterday I went to my nutrionist and she weighed me, today I went to my PCP and I lost 5  lbs in ONE day. Now I know all scales are different but 5 lbs on a Dr's scale?
If I go by today's number I've lost 23 lbs in a little over 2 weeks! WOW
  Good luck to you,

Annette O
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