could this b real? sept 15th

gabriela bravo
on 9/5/11 6:00 pm - Fresno, CA
am I dreaming??? having my revision on Sept. 15th, wow I am soooooooo scared but ready, I have 3 small children and the thought of leaving them behind terrifies me.
had my bypass rouny in 04....gained back some weight but now this time its different we have already changed our eating habbits as a family.

pls keep me in prayer, I dont want to die and I am having panic attacks about possible complications

on 9/6/11 5:40 am - Evadale, TX
I had my band to sleeve revision on August 16.  So far it has been a blessing to me.  I have three children also.  I almost called the entire thing off because of worry for my children.  You will done fine.  I was told by someone on here to think of it this way.  If I would continue to gain weight and live unhealthy my kids would be without me forever.  You really dont need to go into this thinking of complications and dying.  Be positive.  I will keep you in my prayers.  You can do this. 

Revision from Lap Band to Gastric Sleeve.  August 16, 2011

on 9/6/11 6:00 am - Vancouver, WA
Look at it this way the doctors are even more concerned that you have a safe and successful surgery! The don't want any law suits! So relax and use that energy to get ready for surgery.
on 9/6/11 7:33 am - Bridgeport, TX
Awh dont be scared I am right in front of you my revision is on Sept 12 and I am aslo terrified and so panicked I had to go get some chill pills lol You will be fine and so will I... But I totally get where you are coming from cuz I am freaking out..
gabriela bravo
on 9/14/11 7:47 am - Fresno, CA
thought of u yesterday- pray it all went well and u recover soon
God bless
my turn tomorrow :)

on 9/15/11 12:11 am - Canada
Hi there.  How are doing?  Did Dr. Kole do your surgery?  I'm planning on getting a revision from him also.  Please let me know how it all goes.  Thanks.

(deactivated member)
on 9/7/11 8:39 pm
gabriela bravo
on 9/8/11 5:11 pm - Fresno, CA
I dont know how I would cope without all this support- it sounds silly but i dont know what my revision will be.   ladies I hope you are all blessed on your journey to a healthier and happier life !
on 9/14/11 12:46 pm
 I'm so glad I read your post & all the replies.  I am revising from SRVG (the old, open stomach stapling) to RNY on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, and I've panicked off & on already, too.  I have two young boys, ages 6 & 8, and the thought of not being here for them has caused me to want to cancel my revision.  I just keep praying and saying, "Get Behind Thee, Satan!"  Have faith and know you will be alright, and you will be a healthier, and more present mom for your children once you are healthier.  I realized tonight that after climbing the stairs to my son's bedroom this afternoon, I couldn't even scold him during his time out, because I was too out of breath!  I want to be a better, more active mom and a healthy role model.  That's one reason why we are doing this, right?
gabriela bravo
on 9/14/11 1:32 pm - Fresno, CA
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