Revision for really OLD stapling procedure?

on 8/14/11 9:58 pm - Falls Church, VA
I had a gastric stapling procedure almost 30 years ago at 17.  I don't know the exact procedure, but I recall the surgeon drawing a picture just prior to surgery and I believe it was a simple horizontal stapling procedure with no bypass.  
I lost 130 lbs in a year and kept it off for 6 years.  I won't say it was a great experience because I didn't have the resources that are available now to help me understand what I was dealing with. I threw up constantly for the first 2 years.  It was frustrating for me to not be able to eat normal quanitities of food I liked.  After my 2nd child was born, I began to slowly gain weight, although I fought it.  Now, almost 30 years later, I am almost at my pre-op weight.  I am alarmed because it seems that the scale keeps going up even though my diet hasn't changed. The weight hasn't bothered me so much, honestly, but I feel that if I continue to gain, I will get diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc.  
Over the years I developed some very poor eating habits.  Although I can eat large quantities of food, I still cannot eat dense foods like meat and other things that my body needs.  As a result, I have developed iron deficiency, b12 deficiency, moderate GERD, hiatal hernia, very high cholesterol.  Initially, i refused to consider a revision because the first surgery was traumatic (8 days in the hospital, nasogastric tube, catheter, and a 8 inch vertical incision) but I have changed my mind and accompanied my daughter to a WLS seminar.  
Tomorrow we are both scheduled for the follow up doctor visit.  
I have to emphasize how much I dread the idea of another surgery, especially one that will alter my body functions.  I am terrible about taking supplements and I am skeptical about how much they help anyway.  What I am looking for is relief for my gastric problems and perhaps some help with weight loss, although I am not expecting anything miraculous..just some help.
There is a procedure -Stomaphyx which I am really interested in but I am not sure if this only works on post RNY patients?  Anyone have experience with this?
I would love to do Stomaphyx but need to wait for more data and insurance won't cover it.  Wondering tho, is anyone aware of what type of revision may best suit a former staplee with no desire to go thru a major ordeal again?

Also, my daughter is 20 and doing Lap Band.  Does the device stay in all her life? 
on 8/15/11 1:17 am - AZ
Hi, I had a gastric stapling 19 years ago. I lost 150lbs in 6 mos. I had no support medically-no dietician no group. I even got so desperate I ran an ad in the paper and found one woman who was living on mashed potatoes and spagetti! I gained bac****il I reached 250lbs. I have stayed within 3lbs of that weight ever since. I found I could only easily eat carbs. I have not had a steak in 19 years. I can eat ground beef if it is ground 3X. I have trouble with anything raw so fresh fruits and veggies cause me pain. I now have Diabetes type 2 and have it under control I believe the high carb diet was the cause. I go in tomorrow to have a revision to a Roux en Y if possible. They will also take care of a hiatal hernia I didn't know I had. They also will check out my esophagus which was being put under stress from food backing up since the stapling broke down. I had kept my Op Report from the first surgery so they could know what had been done. There was no evidence I had ever had a bypass done except for a very abnormal looking stomach. I hate the thought of going through this again but this time I am working with a great dietician and a surgeon who specializes in bariatric surgery. I firmly believe this revision will solve all of the problems I have had and I am committed to following the diet and instruction by the dietician to eat the way I should have following the first surgery.  Good luck to you.
on 8/15/11 11:04 pm - OKC, OK
I had a RNY in 1989 and did really well for about 6-7 years, then started struggling with the weight and dieting, dieting and dieting. Meanwhile my diabetes and hypertension returned. Over the last several years the quality of my life deteriorated. I was on multiple prescription meds including insulin and had severe reactive hypoglycemia.

Two years ago I started looking into doing "something". Had the workup for a Stomaphyix but was told I was not a candidate. Thank goodness!!!! It doesn't work. Looked into a ROSE.......doesn't work....then into a RNY to RNY revision but insurance would not cover it.

Last December I had a revision to a DS and I have my life back! My diabetes and hypertension are gone. I'm off all prescription meeds, and just take lots of vitamins. Although my weight loss has been slow, normal after a revision, I am within 10 pounds of my lowest RNY weight.

Good luck on your journey.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 8/16/11 11:23 am - Waldorf, MD
Hi Courtney,   Who was your original surgeon and what type of revision are you seeking?  Are you staying with your original surgeon or changing?
on 8/22/11 1:23 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
That was then, this is now. One of my friends had TWO staplings, the 2nd doc told her if she regained wt, she was a pig and no help was available. Nice, huh? She did very well for awhile, staple line disrupted, hence surgery #2. SLD is never the fault of the victim.

We met totally by chance. I took her to a doc who is a very compassionate soul. She wanted me to observe her surgery, not sure why. Not like I could "help" with it! But as it was, I saw that her stomach had flipped OVER the outlet. She had been vomiting for 11 yrs, so like most of those old procedures, "drank" most of her food. With the way her stomach had closed itself off, she would never have stopped vomiting, and continued to gain wt from sliders. It's human nature to eat what you do not vomit, so again, no blame.

Once she had her RNY, she stopped vomiting. End of vomit. She immediately dropped into the 130's and stayed in that neighborhood, which was a good wt for her.

Today, I'd have probably recommended a DS for her, since her top wt was 360. I would not recommend a band to anyone I love, because the outcome is often like your last 30 yrs.

The deficiencies can be fixed before surgery if you'd like and that increases your chances of your surgery being a simple matter, as such things go.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 8/22/11 10:32 pm
 I had a vertical banded gastroplasty 16 years ago.  I lost 110 lbs and last year started putting back on my weight.   I originally wanted the sleeve and then the RNY and then I discovered the DS forum here on OH.  This week I am going for a revision to the DS which I have researched and researched.  I truly believe this is the best procedure out there for long term maintenance but it is not for everyone.  If you are thinking about the DS I suggest you spend lots of time doing research.
Good luck.
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