RNY ulcer revision on Tuesday!

on 8/7/11 7:52 am
Tuesday morning I will be wheeled into the OR to get rid of these horrid ulcers.  I'm terrified.  The hope is to be able to leave the RNY in tact.  However, there is a chance that I will wake up with a reversal.  Not knowing which I will be waking up with is getting to me.  There is no doubt this has to happen, but I hate not having any control over the outcome.  My surgeon is going to have another surgeon from his practice in the OR with him.  He said either surgery is tricky and two sets of hands/eyes are better than one.  

I'm ready for it to be here already.  These ulcers have left me miserable.   I've lost enough blood that I had to have a transfusion this morning.  They've got me on something called Procrit to get my hemoglobin up between now and surgery.  Last night was by far the worst night yet.  My ulcer started bleeding again and the blood clotted in my stoma.  So, it couldn't drain from my pouch.  The pain was insane. I felt tons of pain and pressure.  Finally I got sick and brought it all up.  I don't care if you're expecting there to be blood in your vomit seeing it still scares the crap out of you. 

 They are going to cut out the area at the stoma where the ulcers are hanging out.  Then they will reattach my intestines to a different area of my pouch.  If he was to attach it to the same spot there is a good chance the ulcers would reoccur.  My surgeon and the GI specialist feel like my ulcers are the result of bad blood flow to the area.  I'm hoping that moving things around will change that.  I'm not sure I can go through this again.

Has anyone had their RNY revised?  If so what should I expect?  I'm wondering if the recovery is gonig to be similar to that after my RNY.  I'm also curious if my weight loss will be altered at all.  I don't think they are changing much about the layout of my intestines.
 HW-240, SW-233, CW-158, GW 135 @ 5'3.5"
RNY April 2011, Reversal August 2011.  
I still have a pouch so I'm a hybrid.

on 8/7/11 11:47 am
I am so sorry to hear about all of the trouble you are having. I am going in for a revision tomorrow, Lap Band to RNY. I hope all goes well with your surgery. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/11/11 8:22 am
Let us know how are you doing...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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