Beginning the journey...again

on 7/26/11 11:49 am
DS on 06/08/17
I have already resigned myself to having a revision. So now I am starting the process for that.

So far, I have registered for a seminar and filled out a questionnaire, which are steps one and two for the Cleveland Clinic. I have been a patient of theirs for years and have attempted this once before.

I am also on the hunt for a job with health insurance. I have an interview on Monday. Not looking forward to having 2 jobs again, but sacrifices have to be made for this.

So I now find myself in the "hurry up and wait" stages.

I do not know what kind of revision I will have. Ideally, it would be a DS because of already having the sleeve. But, if all I can do is the RNY, then that is what I will do. The surgeon I want is listed as performing the DS, so who knows. I am staying with the Clinic due to all my health issues-and they go beyond weight loss.

If I am coming off as *****y about that, I'm sorry. But I don't want to be flamed/attacked if I choose to go the RNY route. I have had a few less than polite people basically tell me I am foolish for even considering an RNY over the DS.  So, I feel a bit defensive.

I guess I will now be a frequent visitor over here. :)

take care!

VSG TO DS Revision on June 8, 2017.

Surgeon: Dr. Philip Schauer at Cleveland Clinic
Current Weight: 280 lbs

Regained to: 312lbs
Lowest after VSG: 249lbs
Highest Weight ever: 330lbs

Ms Shell
on 7/26/11 11:58 am - Hawthorne, CA
OMG girlfriend how the heck are you doing??? 

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 7/26/11 2:41 pm
I would think that any surgeon who does the DS would have no problems revising you to one from the Sleeve. Unless you need/want to be re-sleeved, I'd think this sort of revision would be easy-peasy!

Who is the surgeon you want? I do understand a host of health issues making you want to stay where you're at.
on 8/2/11 11:08 am - Australia
I had a VSG just 2 days after you did. Hubby had it a few weeks earlier and has just had a revision to a RNY. Our Doc (one of the best in Australia) refuses to do the DS but would have referred him if need be). DH is very happy with his new surgery so far. I'm still in the deciding phase but am still gaining weight (have already gained back half of what I lost) so it's looking like a real possibility. I think everyone needs to have the right surgery for them  and I think having a Doc you trust is one of the most important things.

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