I tried !! I Really Tried!!

on 7/24/11 10:23 am - New Castle, DE
Hi Everyone,
I have not been on posting for awhile due deaths in the family and my own health problems.  I had the Realize lapband put in Oct 2008 and at first lost weight but then I gradually kept having problems eating and throwing up and then trying to adjust to the different types of food that I could successfully eat w/o throwing up.  This has been going on for almost 3 years. Have had fills put in and then taken out.  Stress has been due to my right knee waiting to have replacement but I was hoping to have more weight off first. Well, in the last year, I have developed more health problems than when I didn't have the lapband in.  I now have prediabetes, I am on my 2nd increase of blood pressure meds to bring it down and under control and my cpap (I had this before) had to be increased in pressure.  Plus I have had severe fatigue and dizzyness and gained back the weight I came in with....I have failed after all the work I went thru to get the band. My family doctor, and my surgeon has recommended taking out the band as I am not losing and am having the same problems with my gastro/swallowing that I had in the first place. They are going to schedule me in a few weeks to have the band taken out and see what if anything is going on in there....they did want to put me in for gastric bypass but my feelings were just do one thing at a time and let me heal. I hope to get my knee replacement done and hopefully that will allow me to get in an exercise program and maybe join weigh****chers to help get my metabolism back on track. My husband agrees and I pray that I make it thru all this and come out with better results.  I just want to let you know as you have all been helpful along the way its just my body. Oh and I did not sit around those years, I moved my mom in with us (when dad passed) and we are moving so I have been doing alot to get ready for that...but I have too many things just not working right and I just don't feel right -- no energy .. and tired all the time.  Sorry to all of you who are doing great and keep up the good work -- I just wanted to share and talk to someone. I know this is the right thing for me and I really did give it the best try. But I hope to have the surgery in a couple of weeks and be on my way to recovery and hopefully get the knee fixed and start walking to a healthier life. God Bless to all and keep up the good work -- I am in the 1% category that this happens to so don't worry you will be fine and I wish you all well.
Slimpt  :( not yet
on 7/24/11 2:58 pm - Athens, GA

Hun keep in mind that the band does not work for most ppl. After all.............if u NEVER reach restriction...........it's just like trying to lose weigh before u got the band. I got 16 fils and 4 partial unfills in about 14 mos. Never reached restriction so figured no reason to keep wasting money on fills.

Most ppl do not fail the band...........IT'S THE BAND THAT FAILS MOST OF THE TIME!!!

Good luck!




on 7/25/11 4:10 am - New Castle, DE
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement -- I have tried and you are right...but I will be glad when it is out of me and i don't have the side effects anymore.  They called today and said that they have schedule Aug 30 for the surgery to remove the band..and of course they said they are concerned that I will gain weight when it is out.  Well I have while it is in and I developed side effects that my family doctor is concerned about -- so we will see and I will do my best to get things going again.  I may join weigh****chers and get my knee replacement so that I can exercise more and finally get on track.  I gave it my best shot and I did not eat anything not allowed and my portion control was on target it was just that I wasn't able to exercise like I should have.  Again, thanks for your support. I will let you all know how it goes..again I wish all of you the best and keep losing with your bands they do work for some people -- just not me at this time.  God Bless,
on 7/25/11 9:25 am - Vancouver, WA
Whatever you do don't let this make you feel like a failure because the band fails far more often than docs woulds like us to believe. You may just be able to lose weight easier once the band is out. I know my band kept tightening for no reason and I'd resort to whatever I could get down, usually high calorie foods. I had my band emptied a couple of months ago and feel so much better and have maintained my weight with out too much work just by watching what I eat and logging it daily. I wish you the very best and a smooth recovery, maybe you can revise to a sleeve. That seems to work sooo much better than the band and doesn't have the malabsorption that the bypass does. Either way good luck to you!!!!
on 7/25/11 10:19 am - New Castle, DE
Thank you for your support -- I am anxious about the surgery.  They called today and said that it is scheduled for August 30 .  I was hoping sooner but it will come quickly.  I am so glad I decided to post last night as I was feeling so down I thought I would not get any favorable responses.,, But it just goes to show you that you are not alone and others have the same problem.  I hope that I will be able to lose the weight and get the band out without any complications i did give it 3 years and even tho they were 3 of the most stressful years in my life I tried so hard to do everything they asked and I attended alot of support meetings -- at one I heard that one lady wanted her band out after 1 year do to too much restricition and other problems.  But did not know it was somewhat common with others.  I have not told anyone in any of my support groups as I am too embarassed.  But I know I will see someone in the hospital and it will come out.  I will just have to tell them the truth -- it didn't work for me.
Good wishes to you and thanks for your kind words.
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