how do I go about asking my dr?

on 7/14/11 6:57 am
I am new here.
I had a RYN about 10 years ago, lost about 85 pounds but still considered obese with BMI of 45. I want to have a revision. I have not gained any of my weight back except for 20# of pregnancy weight that I can't get rid of.  How do I go about asking my dr. for a revision surgery? I think she will shoot me down and think that I should just be able to do it with diet and exercise.  I have been doing weigh****chers for the past few years to try and lose weight without surgery. not too successful. 
Any suggestions?  Thanks.
on 7/14/11 2:36 pm - Adrian, MN
First find out what you want to revise to.
Then, make sure your Dr. supports that surgery.
My lap-band surgeon, only does lap-bands. When I told him I wanted a revision, he DID shoot me down. He said if I failed with the lap-band, I will fail with any other weight loss surgery. Made me feel the size of a mouse.
So, to avoid being shot down, make sure your doctor is educated on all weight loss surgeries and understands that some weight-loss surgery tools work for some patients, but not for others.
If your Dr. doesn't, then start looking for one that does

Lap band 4 years ago. Revised to DS 8-2-11
on 7/14/11 11:09 pm
Amy- I am new to revisions, I didn't even know that was an option, so I have no idea what i want to revise to. But from hearing the stories on her, NOT a lap band. any suggestions would be helpful. I know you did a lot of research.
My primary dr. is familiar with gastric bypass surgeries, but I don't think she knows enough. I need a refereal to see a barriatric surgeon,  My main concern is getting the referral from my primary dr. I don't think she is going to think it is a good idea for me to do a revision.  She has no idea what a constant battle it is to be overweight and thinks that exercise is the key to everything. So I guess I am just wondering how to go about asking her for the referral.
on 7/15/11 11:26 am
Keep in mind that she works for you, and you can fire her any time you choose. If she won't give you the referal you want, find a new PCP who will.
on 7/20/11 5:15 am
in my experience its relatively easy to switch you primary care :) 

I agree she works for you. she is on your payroll.... If you dont feel comfortable enough to discuss ANYTHING with him/her its time to move on to someone you do feel comfortable with.
on 7/20/11 8:55 pm
Hi Nicole,

I agree that you have to know what you want to revise to , but the research can be intimidating.  Here's my suggestion.  Go to your local hospitals' websites.  They're thrilled to advertise their baritric programs because they are so popular, and lets face it, they make them plenty of money.  See if there's a weight loss seminar that you can attend to get a feel for the surgeon and his/her team.  If you like the surgeon, that's where you start.  Ask your primary for a referral to that particular doctor and tell her that you need someone familiar with bariatric options to answer your questions.  Good luck!
on 7/20/11 11:33 pm
Thank you all for the help! it is very intimidating, but this site has been very informitive. I never even knew it was possible to have a revision. I am tired of feeling ashamed and like I did something wrong to cause me not  to lose as much as my mother, and close friends. I know I did and am still doing everything right.
thanks again.
on 7/23/11 1:06 am
Hello! I am new on here too and understand how enlightening all of this info can be! The vets on here are wonderful and an aweome resource. I agree with all the previous posts, but would like to add another idea that may not have been mentioned. Read all the info and forums on here regarding other WLS options. See which one best fits your needs, then start shopping for a doc/hosp that offers that surgery. Ask for a referral based on that criteria. Best wishes and look forward to following your progress!
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