Rny to Lap Band; Do u Lose Weight as fast?

Charmaine C.
on 6/29/11 11:35 pm - Columbus, OH

Do you loss weight as fast or as much as the first time from RNY? I'm courteous because I know people that I work with that had Lap Band done and losing weight very slow.

Is it based on how small the band is adjusted or how much u want to loss?

on 6/30/11 12:10 am - New York, NY
Hi.  I dont think it is as fast.  You can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and lose wieght with the RNY.  I mean, I lost 100lbs in the 1st 6 mos.  I just was Banded last week, the 23rd, and fromt he pre-op diet till now, I am down close to 18lbs.  yes, its slower, think "diet" but I think it is a better tool at least for me who once had an RNY and took it for granted.
on 6/30/11 12:31 am - jamestown, NC
I am new to this forum,  I did have rny bypass June of 2004.  I had never gotten to my goal weight.  I did start at 285 and got to 198 then we moved and I ended up gaining every year since.  I am now 237 and have an appointment to see a new doctor since my doctor that did the surgery is in my former state.  I now reside in NC.  I have tried the 5 day pouch diet, I have tried weigh****chers, south beach, atkins.......I am SO disappointed in myself - I just want to feel the fullness I felt when I was a "newbie",  I can eat whatever and not feel that fullness anymore.....I am hoping this forum will help me get back on track and guide me as far as what I should do next.  I am thinking my pouch has gotten larger and my diabetes was under control but now I am feeling the effects once again.
on 6/30/11 12:58 am - New York, NY
I had my RNY in 8/2002, I went from 305 to 175, had Plastics twice and went from a 26/28 to a 10.  I was fine untiul 2008, I hurt by back running, bulging discs and the weight came back on. I had an endoscopy and ct scan in feb, my pouch was huge, stretched back out so nothing I could do was gonna work....I tried the pouch test and almost died.  I considered an RNY revision, no way.  Too much risk plus, all I needed to lose was 65lbs. So, I opted for the Band over Bypass. I was 246.6 and am now 229.2, I had surgery last Thursday the 23rd, I also had a hernia repair. 

I am not hungry right now but that is due to the stomach being swollen.  I am looking forward to restriction for the first time in years.  BOBs are great options for RNY's bc we will get that restriction back and yes it is slow, but, slow is fine, I took the weight loss for granted when it just fell off with the RNY.

Charmaine C.
on 6/30/11 5:06 am - Columbus, OH
Thank you for the information. 17 ibs in a week is great!! I had RNY July 2005 and went from 382 to 160 in 18 months. I went up to 175 and stay there 182 from weight training. I maintain the weight until I got pregnant with my son in 2008 and had him April22, 2009 I was 202 ibs. and only had 27 ibs to loss. I was stress from my sister passing of cancer and taking care of her 3 teenage daughter. It put a lot on me with having children of my own.

Now, I weigh 246 and feel like a cow. I had blood work done and found out that i had no and I mean no Vitamin D in my body and that is a big issue with the weight gain. I had again my last 16 ibs in 1 1/2 month. I had a endoscopy and my stomach measure at 9 oz. How in the hell i gain weight and i hardly cant eat much. Well, i could answer my own question. No healthy food, soft foods high in calories and carbs. I didn't eat carbs for 3 1/2 hrs and only did 15% of fats per day.

I see the surgeon July 13th and hope he is welling to Lap band me.
on 6/30/11 5:25 am - New York, NY
Charmaine, our stories are a lot alike.  Let me know how it goes and feel free to email me with anything.

Just an FYI, I've only lost 5lbs since surgery last Thursday the 23rd. I lost 12lbs in the 2 weeks prior with the pre-op all liquids diet. I had to do 2 wks of liquids before the surgery and now I am on 10 days of liquids after. I switch to pureed food on the 4th and then all regular food on the 14th.

Regardless, 17.6 lbs in 3 wks is awesome by all counts and I am thrilled. My goal is to be back at 175 which would mean I need to lose another 54lbs and they say 1-2lbs a week with the lap band so my goal is to do that my New Years Eve!

Good Luck, keep us updated.
Charmaine C.
on 6/30/11 5:45 am - Columbus, OH

One more question? Do they have you go on a liquid diet part of the Lap Band? And I will keep you posted. Thanks for all the information. I'm glad u respond to me. I really needed your advice.


on 6/30/11 10:35 am - New York, NY
It depends on your doctor. The liquid diet Pre-op shrinks your liver and de-fats the organ. Plus since the lap band is done lap, it makes it easier. Remember we have excess scar tissue from the RNY.

I had to do 2 wks of liquids, I was also allowed soup and veggies, non-starchy ones. It was a rough 2 wks. After surgery, I'm on 10 days of liquids then 10 days of pureed (which start the 4th thank god) and then regular food. My first fill is the 20th.

I'm hear for you. Hit me up after the dtr appt.
on 7/4/11 9:12 am
Hi Heather,

Today is one week for me, am down 17 and feel like myself finally. How are you doing? I'm nervous after the fluids, it will be super hard to loose. I didn't realize it would be such a different feeling than the RNY, but I'm so glad I got the BOB.

on 7/4/11 9:26 am - New York, NY
Hey Sammy.  How are you?  Im a little over a week too, I guess 10 days now.  Im down a little over 20lbs and feeling good.  Today my stomach hurts a lot and I am not sure if its bc Im hungry or its actual pain.  All I've eaten today is 1 shake, 1 greek yogurt and some chicken I pureed.  Today was the 1st time I think I felt the restriction when i ate the chicken.  After a maybe a 1/2 cup, I felt full and tight.  I am not really sure why bc I have like nothing in my band. 

Saturday I hurt a lot but I overdid it on the exercise, I walked like 3-4mi and was very sore.  Today, it just hurts in my stomach, like a cramp.  I took some tylenol with codeine and it doesnt seem to help which makes me think its food pains ???

I saw my dtr last Friday the 1st, actually my dr is on vaka, so, I saw the nurse.  He checked the incisions, took off the bandages, weighed me and moved me to pureed which was great bc I was supposed to do a full 10 days of liquids. I missed chewing.  Im on pureed for 10 days, so, I guess thats till the 11th then I go to regular food.  Which is good bc I have a business trip to Boston on the 14th.  I did try my 1st glass of wine on Sat night I so miss wine. 

I dont think it will be super hard to lose once we are on real foods, I think it maybe easier, well, once they find the right amount of fill. I say that bc right now, I am not eating/drinking enough. Only like 800 cal and I know from the RNY that the more you eat, the more protein you get in, that you lose.  I think if I have a consistent 1000-1200 cal per day and 60g of protein, i will lose.  And right now, Im not gettign that much and as much as I dont get it, you need to eat to lose.  Plus the exercise will help. I've been walking the dogs a lot, a few miles a day and today I went back to the gym.  Treadmill only but I think it is key. Even if its only 30 min a day this week, next week 45min and then advance to an hr.

Keep in touch. 
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